Chapter 10 Hidden Side Tasks

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    He still remembered that when Luo Shuyu married to the Third Prince, Liu Shi still helped him took care of the dowry at that time. The dowry was at the level of an ordinary ger's marriage, plus the bride price from the Third Prince's Mansion was barely enough. To deal with the past, Luo Shuyu at the time didn't have any opinion on this. Besides, he was actually not very good at making demands from others. What's more, he deeply felt that Luo Renshou was an official of courtesy, and his family was not as wealthy as others. These things didn't matter. 


    After opening his mother's dowry storeroom, he felt how stupid he was back then, and how long Luo Renshou fooled him. 


    His mother was a real Shili Hongzhuang (an example female with splendid clothing) back then. These boxes were still here. Even if it was embezzled by Liu Shi, the big objects were still there. She didn't dare to take it out blatantly. They were all first-class.


    It was really embarrassing. If he didn't suddenly mad at Luo Renshou, would this dowry still be misappropriated by them? He as a son was really sorry for his deceased mother, and blamed him for believing in those ill-intentioned and vipers hearted person. 


    Fortunately, it was not too late. 


    How did he get his mother's dowry list, thanks to the official lady in the previous life who mentioned to him the mink robe worn by Luo Shuyao. 


    After returning from the rebirth, Luo Shuyu immediately asked Qingwang to send someone to find his maternal grandfather’s family. Although the Chen family was gone, the camel was bigger than the horse and used to be a big family. Even if the family moved out of the capital, They still had a place in the capital. Through several shops, Luo Shuyu found his mother's nanny. A few days ago, she was invited to Luo Mansion to meet Luo Shuyu quietly. The other party handed him a box in tears, saying that she had been waiting for the young lady’s child to come to her, and inside it was a list of Chen’s dowry and a signed letter. 


    The letter was written by his grandfather to his mother, but unfortunately his mother couldn't afford it after they left Beijing. This difference was the eternal separation of heaven and a man. He had never seen this letter. If he was not born again, he would miss it again. The content of the letter was not long, mainly he hoped that she could take good care of herself without worrying about her parents, her brother and others. Even if they were sent back to their ancestral home, they would have a good life.


    The Chen family was also the best in the capital back then. It was the emperor's favorite person, but the emperor's grace would always be outdated, and it would be easy to be remembered when it became famous. Then something happened and Luo Shuyu's grandfather was removed from Beijing. 


    The nanny said that she went to Luo Mansion to find his mother, but the people from Luo Mansion drove her out twice, always looking for reasons not to let them see each other. They said that they were afraid that the Chen family would hurt the Luo family. In fact, something was hidden from the Chen family. 


    Luo Shuyu calculated the time. The nanny went to Luo Mansion to find his mother after the Chen’s incident had settled. After carefully calculating the time, his mother was already sick at that time, and the condition was extremely bad. It didn’t take long and she passed away. When the nanny came back, she only learned the news of her death. Because of this, the letter entrusted by his grandfather was never sent out until Luo Shuyu sent someone to find her. 


    Now, ten years after his mother's death, the Chen family had also left Beijing for many years. 


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    If Luo Shuyu had not been reborn and had not read the book, perhaps he would never know that his grandfather left a letter to his mother and this dowry list. 


    Luo Shuyu personally checked the warehouse. When Luo Renshou handed him the warehouse key, Luo Shuyu also emphasized that all things that Liu Shi took away must be moved back, otherwise he would use silver to make up for the lost part. His mother never opened the warehouse. After her death, the good things were ruined by these people. The dowry not only raised these people, they also used the dowry to bully her son. If his mother was alive in the sky, she would be so angry that she wanted to jump out of the coffin. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't know when Liu Shi started to manage this warehouse, so there would only be few things in it. 


    He re-listed the dowry in the warehouse and compared it with the original dowry list one by one, and wrote down everything that was not here. With the people brought by Grandmother Feng, the inventory speed was accelerated. It took two days to sort out everything, and the missing part was written and handed to Luo Renshou.


    Luo Renshou pretended to lock up Liu Shi that day because he was afraid that Luo Shuyu would cause an incident. There would be two major consequences of the incident. One was that he had no face, and the other was that if outsiders knew that the present official of the Ministry of Etiquette was greedy for his wife’s dowry. He was used to subsidize his family, and he was known by the censor that he hadn't participated in any problem. The image of an upright official he had built over the years was afraid that it would not exist. It was estimated that his official career would end here, and he could not make any further progress. 


    With the checklist, Luo Shuyu appeared in Luo Renshou's study. He came to be held accountable and demanded compensation. 


    Luo Renshou saw Luo Shuyu and felt toothache. He didn't want to meet him at all, and he felt that he (LSY) was like a soul who haunting him and only wanted his life.


    From the day when he received the imperial decree of marriage, he hadn't been comfortable for a day, and he was one of the first two big people around the dowry of his deceased wife. 


    "Father, this is a list of the dowry's items that the warehouse lacks. I won't say much about anything else. The key is in your hands. You know that the person who embezzled is Liu Shi, better than me. I don't know whether or not you have embezzled the things and use a little bit on me. I came here today just hoping to get back the dowry She took out, otherwise I can only come to the door to get things back. My face may be thicker than yours, and I don’t think you want to see it either.” 


    Luo Renshou was blocked by his preemptive move. 


    He only started to look straight at this son, who had been quiet and uncompromising since childhood. In retrospect, he mostly took a perfunctory attitude towards this son, and rarely cared about him. But on the day when the decree came down, he became another person. 


    It turned out that, it was not he didn't like to fight or grab, but the marriage to the third prince gave him this opportunity. 


    Besides, when he wanted to return to Chen's dowry, he couldn't make any mistakes from the etiquette point of view. This was what made Luo Renshou felt aggrieved. He was angry and unwilling to attack him. Luo Shuyu was morally speaking with him. He had nothing wrong when it came to this matter. 


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    Luo Renshou thought about it, and once again pushed all his faults to Liu Shi's head: "Liu's family is born in a small family and has no insight. Seeing money, it will inevitably be a little greedy. I will make up for these when I look back."


    "You have a hard time, father." Luo Shuyu thought, talking about money hurt the feelings, but once there was no feelings, he could only talk about money, "Father will be fair and not biased." 


    Luo Renshou was suddenly given a high hat by him . It couldn't make him upset, but very upset, so he sent someone to call the steward. 


    In fact, when Luo Shuyu went to find Luo Renshou, he sent someone to call the steward in advance. Luo Renshou's words for a kind father came before he had time to export the steward. It was impossible to play the emotional card. Luo Shuyu did not smile at him now. 


    Although the steward was a servant, he had worked in Luo's family longer than Luo Shuyu's age. Luo Renshou usually followed Luo Shuyu's attitude to him. He had never cared much about Luo Shuyu. In turn, the butler also didn't respectfully respected Luo Shuyu, daring to make trouble. 


    Luo Renshou asked him: "How did you do the things I asked you to do the last two days?"


When the steward saw Luo Shuyu, he knew which one Luo Renshou was referring to. All the people in the family should know about the dowry of the young master's birth mother. Everyone said that the sudden change in his temperament was because the madam (LSY's mother) gave him a dream, otherwise, it was too strange that one would no longer tolerate it. The steward had been in the Luo family for many years, and his heart trembled slightly after seeing more private matters. He came along and wondered if he had done anything to be sorry for him, and now facing Luo Shuyu, he didn't dare to speak with his head held up as usual. 


    the steward: "Going back to the master, I packed all the items that I can retrieve in the boxes. The eldest , the second, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth, I have all looked for it. Now they are locked in the warehouse, and I didn't dare to move."


Luo Renshou "The next one will send all people to move it to Shu Yu's yard."


 The steward: "Yes, this is the list. Please let the master and the third young master go through it."


 He wrote two copies, one for Luo Renshou and one for Luo Shuyu.


    Luo Shuyu quickly glanced at the retrieved dowry list and evoked a shallow sneer. It seemed that Liu Shi was not very cooperative. When he checked the warehouse, it was less than 30%. What was recovered was only a little bit of the 30% of the fur, which was completely couldn't afford to splash.


    Luo Renshou frowned, "Just this?"


 What does Liu Shi mean? He is losing face at Luo Shuyu every day, and she still doesn't know how to share his worries for him! Still hiding at this time! 

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    The steward said, "Madam said that's all." 


    Luo Renshou patted the list on the table: "She's so bold!" 


    Luo Shuyu thought that Luo Renshou would still be here to show him the show, which was really boring. 


    The Steward: "Master, this..." 


    Luo Renshou looked at Luo Shuyu: "Shu Yu, I will let Liu Shi give you an account tomorrow, and whatever is it will be returned to you." 


    Luo Shuyu did not give Luo Renshou room for bargaining, pointing to each the price behind the item: "Father, you don’t have to force it if you can’t find it. I won’t say anything about my mother’s dowry. I just hope that my mother will be at ease below and don’t have to worry about me. There are corresponding values ​​at the back of the missing list I gave you. They are all converted, and if you can’t find them. You can make up for them at the price above. Aunt Liu’s younger brother bought a lot of properties outside with your reputation, presumably our family’s money has been fed out. As for my dowry, you can take care of it. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have it, I think the third prince won't be too difficult for our family." 


    Luo Renshou was surprised when he heard him mention Liu Shi's younger brother. How did Luo Shuyu know? He didn't even know that Liu Shi still had something to hide from him! Later, when he saw the silver converted from the used dowry, the cold sweat almost shed from his forehead, but he could only pretend to be calm, and it seemed reasonable for Luo Shuyu not to talk to him.


    He pretended to be very helpless and sighed: "Okay, I'm sorry for this matter, and I'm sorry for your mother and you. I will convert it into money and shop for you. I will deal with this matter the day after tomorrow at the latest. You, over the years, it was also my negligence."


He would also settle the account of Liu Shi's subsidy to his brother. 


    Luo Shuyu refused to pick him up. He just listened blankly. Luo Renshou felt at a loss. His emotional cards hit the south wall. He was a bit embarrassed. If he had been in the past, he could still rebuke Luo Shuyu, but now, it was different now. 


    At this time, the outside servant gave report about the eldest young master and Shen young master came over together. 


    Luo Shuyu raised his eyelids, and the relationship between eldest brother and Shen Mingyun was as good as ever. 


    Liu Shi had two sons, the eldest brother Luo Shumo, and the second brother Luo Shuhan. 

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    Luo Renshou said immediately: "Let them in." 


    If Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan came to Luo Renshou's yard together, Luo Shuyu will temporarily avoid it, but Shen Mingyun was also there. He had a reason to stay and didn't seem to need to deliberately avoid it. He wanted to know what Shen Mingyun started doing again. 


    Shen Mingyun's system released a task  very quickly. 


    As soon as the two came in, they saw Luo Shuyu leisurely drinking tea. 


    Luo Renshou wanted to send Luo Shuyu back, but he was embarrassed by what happened just now, and he really couldn't say it. 


    Luo Shumo called Luo Shuyu: "Shu Yu." 


    Luo Shuyu didn't have a deep impression of this elder brother. He only knew that he had been close to the eldest prince and the second brother got in touch with the crown prince. 


    Luo Renshou was able to reach the position of Shangshu in the officialdom. His mind was not bad. The eldest son was close to the prince, and the second son was close to the crown prince. No one was guilty. If everyone asked only that they were doing things for the emperor.


    The current adult princes were the eldest prince, the crown prince, the third prince, and the fourth prince. The most likely to get the throne was the crown prince, but the emperor was not very fond of the crown prince , because the eldest prince’s biological mother, Lin Guifei is the most favored by the emperor. Everything was possible. 


    So, Luo Shumo and Shen Mingyun, who were close to the eldest prince, came to find Luo Renshou for anything important? 


    Luo Shuyu smiled slightly at Luo Shumo. With sharp eyes, he seemed to ask unintentionally: "Big brother, where are you guys, there is mud on the corners of your clothes."


 When he asked, Shen Mingyun gave a slight look because of him. The familiar system task prompt sounded in his mind at this moment. 


    [The host triggers a special hidden side mission: Please stop the wedding of the third prince Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu on August 10 as soon as possible. Task reward: 200 mall coins. ] 

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