Chapter 9 Mission Failure

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    The sudden appearance of Shen Mingyun was like a timely rain for the Luo family. 


    At this time, Luo Shuyu was aggressive and could force them to show their true shape at any time. With Shen Mingyun's disturbance, they could relax and thought about a relatively favorable countermeasure. From the day when Shen Mingyun moved into Luo’s house, he often suddenly appeared in the place where various incidents and disputes occurred. He helped Luo Renshou solved the court problem, helped Liu Shi solved the family’s balance of payments, and helped the housekeeper how to make the shop made revenue. They habitually turned one eye and closed one eye. The habit became natural, and they didn't care much about the details of Shen Mingyun's sudden appearance. Instead, they felt that it was normal for Shen Mingyun to appear at any time. 


    Shen Mingyun shook a fan, pretending to be chic, and walked into the hall swayingly, looking crookedly like willow branches moved by the wind. 


    Several young children in the Luo family liked to learn from his every move. They only thought that this was more topical than other young boys and girls. In Shen Mingyun's words, they were the front-end of fashion trends. He didn’t know, Shen Mingyun would do this purely because he was originally a man. There were only men and women in his world. There were no gers. In fact he was dangling without a proper shape, and it was not good when he walked. How could he be an example?, He didn't like Luo Shuyu, it was better to say that Luo Shuyu didn't take him seriously from the bottom of his heart. 


    Luo Shuyao was jealous of Luo Shuyu's appearance and "advanced temperament", so he had always been in the first place when it came to attack Luo Shuyu with outsiders. 


    Before Liu Shi was promoted became the first wife, no matter how much Liu Shi was favored, he was the ger of a concubine, and Luo Shuyao was born in the name of the concubine. At that time, Luo Shuyao hated Luo Shuyu extremely. After Luo Shuyu became a ger, he still hated him, as if Luo Shuyu was born against him. 


    At this time, Luo Shuyao was naturally closer to Shen Mingyun: "Cousin, you came just right, you have always been fair, and give us a comment." 


    Shen Mingyun's smile at this time was bright, coupled with his glamorous eyes, Luo Shuyu only thought about the smell of wind and dust.


    In the book, Shen Mingyun often talked about words such as "Everyone is born equal", "Everyone is independent",  "Everyone has rights and obligations", etc., to endorse the nobleness, but in fact were not like this. Almost all the alternative words in his mind were "indigenous", "ancient", "brain-handicapped", "stupid", "mentally retarded" and other indecent words. Better, let him had a higher status and a more comfortable life. 


    Luo Shuyu quietly watched Shen Mingyun's next performance. 


    Obviously he learned the course of the matter from the system, but he showed a surprised expression: "What's wrong with you? Everyone can discuss it if there is something." 


    Luo Shuyu felt that Shen Mingyun was now like an aunt dealing with neighbourhood disputes, the more he looked like it. He raised his eyelids: "Why, does my cousin have to get involved in our Luo family's affairs? Still feel that he has the ability to make decisions for my late mother, and you will even take advantage of the dead?" 


    Shen Mingyun was startled. What was Luo Shuyu talking about: "What takes advantage of the dead?" 

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    Luo Shuyu faintly buttoned him: "I'm discussing my mother's dowry with my father. What do you mean by discussing it carefully? You also want to divide my mother's dowry?" 


    Shen Mingyun paused, and he quickly read the task panel in his mind, Luo Shuyu's mother's dowry, but the description of the information was not written like that. 


    [Task content: Luo Renshou was asked for the dowry of his deceased wife, and the host need to help him solve the problem within one hour and help him regain the dowry of his deceased wife. After the task is completed, 50 mall coins will be awarded. ] 


    System missions had never been wrong, and the mission descriptions were no problem, but it was Luo Shuyu who captured Luo Renshou’s wife’s dowry, is this wrong? No, the system couldn't be wrong, it had never been missed. 


    Wasn't Luo Shuyu Luo Renshou's son? But there was no way to verify this. It was unscientific to recognize the parents by dripping blood, and DNA testing couldn't be done on-site.


    However, this time there were a lot of points. The small matter of dowry should be easy to solve. He had read a lot of zhaidou novels before, and he thought he could do it. Which one was not done well. 


    It was the first time he received a task related to Luo Shuyu. In his opinion, Luo Shuyu was just a substitute for entering the Third Prince's Mansion for him, and what dowry he brought into the Third Prince's Mansion. However, he never forgot the face of the third prince, and it was a pity to give up. The best modern term for him was the top traffic personage. 


    Shen Mingyun arrogantly said: "Since the uncle is in charge of the dowry, why should you ask more? It seems that there is nothing wrong with the decision by the parents." 


Luo Shuyu confronted him for the first time, and his perception of Shen Mingyun's arrogance and unreasonableness went to the next level. 


    There was only one way to deal with this kind of people. Luo Shuyu drank a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, and didn't worry a little bit: "Your surname is Shen, my surname is Luo, what is the matter of our Luo family to you, what's the right for you to intervene here? My mother’s dowry has no room for your beak. Even an honest official can hardly break housework. It’s not your turn to speak. Cousin, you don't know the rules, it's better you go and take a look at the laws of our country. Let's consider whether you want to be the peacemaker." 


    Shen Mingyun saw Luo Shuyu, a fake high-ranking scholar, said such long words to him for the first time. He really didn't understand Daxia's laws, but what about that, he could change it. 


    He believed that there was always some truth in what he said: "Rules are dead, and people are alive. Why do you have to do this for the sake of a dowry? Also, why don't I understand the laws of the Great Xia Kingdom?" 


Luo Shuyu was not salty and indifferent. He smiled: "If you don't understand, then you should close your mouth now instead of talking nonsense here." He turned his head and looked at Luo Renshou, "As the official of the Ministry of Etiquette, father naturally knows Great Xia's etiquette and knows how to deal with the dowry."


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    Luo Renshou was also quite faceless now. He was expecting Shen Mingyun to stir up a bit, but he never thought that he would say nothing. If he helped Shen Mingyun, it meant being scolded by Luo Shuyu. The official of the Ministry of Etiquette didn't understand etiquette, and he was taught by others. He was so embarrassed that he had to cover his face with his sleeve when he went out. 


    As the last resort, Luo Renshou said to Shen Mingyun: "Mingyun, you really should learn. You probably didn't have a good master in the country before. Tomorrow, let your aunt find a good master for you. Let's learn the rules first." 


    Shen Mingyun was confused, He said: "...Uncle, what did you just say to learn?" Damn, he was here to help Luo Renshou, how could he has to learn how to behave, learned an egg, learned from him! 


    Luo Shuyao on the side also pointed to Shen Mingyun’s combat effectiveness. He was defeated in two rounds unexpectedly. Luo Shuyao was blocked by Luo Shuyu and was speechless. He was also accused of being unlearned by him. For the first time, he felt that his cousin Shen was too weak. 


    Luo Renshou also felt that Shen Mingyun was a little stupid for the first time, and he didn't know how to look at people's faces, so he just shut up at this time. 


    He looked at Luo Shuyu, who was sitting upright, and saw that he was generous and unpretentious. Luo Renshou couldn't help but compared him with Shen Mingyun, who was standing slantingly. It was the Luo family’s child etiquette that was more polite. The family style of Bu Shangshu. 


    Shen Mingyun was anxious, what did Luo Renshou mean? He couldn't complete the task without cooperating with himself! How to do? The previous tasks were all well completed, why is it a bit difficult today? 


    No wonder it used to be 1 to 10 points, but today it suddenly became 50 points. It seemed that the difficulty had increased. 


    Shen Mingyun talked to the system in his mind: "System, can you give the rating for the task difficulty?" 


    System: "Yes." 


    Shen Mingyun: "Today's task difficulty is how many stars." 


    System: "According to the highest level of difficulty is five stars, the difficulty of today's mission is three stars."


Shen Mingyun: "Hey! Such a simple plot task is worth three stars, and a broken dowry is worth three stars of medium difficulty." 


    The system didn't give him any feedback.

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    Shen Mingyun’s words were not good, and Luo Renshou gave him a meal. Liu Shi began to become nervous. It was always the case that others stood and rushed forward. She hid behind and acted by a chance. Chen’s dowry, it was really hard to say. She had used it a lot over the years, how did Luo Shuyu suddenly remembered this? 


    Luo Shuyu didn't intend to give Shen Mingyun a chance to continue his mission. He wanted Shen Mingyun to watch his mission fail. At present, he could see that his face was getting stiffer and harder, and he had completely lost the familiar face of "strategic planning" in the past. Maybe he was scolding his mother in his heart. In the book, whenever Shen Mingyun encountered unsatisfactory things, he would always scold the sky and the ground, swearing one after another.


    Luo Shuyu looked at Liu Shi and Luo Renshou: "Father, I was just disturbed by my cousin. Let’s remember where we talked before. Didn’t the fourth brother want the evidence to prove who is a jackal? Then I don’t mind telling my cousin. The evidence is here." He said to Grandma Feng next to him, "Grandma, please take off the hairpin on the fourth brother's head and have a look, and let them see what evidence is." 


    Grandma Feng moved neatly and took two steps. He vigorously pulled Luo Shuyao over, and pulled out the white hosta from Luo Shuyao's head. 


    Luo Shuyao listened to Shen Mingyun's method of eating less to keep in shape. He didn't eat enough in the morning. After being loosened by Grandma Feng, his figure swayed slightly and almost fell to the ground. He covered his head, his face flushed with anger: " Luo Shuyu , don't deceive people too much, and return my hairpin!"


Grandma Feng used a clean veil and presented the white hosta to Luo Shuyu for a look: "Master Luo." 


    Luo Shuyu said, "This white hosta is given to the fourth younger brother by Aunt Liu?"


"That's right." Luo Shuyao said with extreme anger: "So what! This is just an ordinary hairpin, give it back to me!" 


    Luo Shuyu observed Liu Shi increasingly pale face, and chuckled, "All those present are witnesses. Cousin, please listen carefully. This white hosta is given by Aunt Liu to the fourth brother." He said to Grandma Feng again, "Come on, grandma, look at it, is there a Yuxiangji hairpin words in it?"


 Grandma Feng stepped forward and looked at it again: " Go back to the young master, there are three words for Yuxiangji"


 Luo Shuyu didn't look at Liu Shi's pale face , but looked at Luo Renshou with smile, deliberately asked him: "Then father wants to have a test?"


 Luo Renshou sitting in the seat didn't say a word, and Luo Shuyu continued: "Presumably you also know the rules of Yuxiangji. A piece of jade ornament will be registered in a book every time it is sold, in quadruplicate, one in the branch, one in the main store, the owner of Yuxiangji also holds one copy, and the buyer will also have it as apraisal. If this evidence is not enough, I would like to find out more in the residence of Aunt Liu, the eldest brother, Luo Shuyue, Luo Shuyao, and Liu's family. Father, what do you think?" 


    If it weren't for sitting, Luo Renshou could now put on a dangling scene, and then fainted, pretending that he was not here.


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    Luo Renshou was forced to do so, knowing that he allowed Liu Shi to embezzle his dowry and he could no longer cover up, he suddenly slapped the table and said angrily: "Liu Shi! You are so brave, you dare to steal it. Misappropriating Chen's dowry! Come! Send your madam back to the yard, and you can't be discharged from the room for half a month without my permission!" 


    Liu Shi cried out, "Master!"


 The master was trying to put the charge on her! Do you want to abandon the car and protect your pawn! 


    She was anxious and rolled her eyes and fainted. Luo Shuyue and Luo Shuyao quickly helped her: "Mother!" 


    Luo Shuyu didn't bother to watch them play, and asked Luo Renshou directly: "Father, can you give me the key to the warehouse? " 


    Luo Renshou looked decadent:" Naturally, give you. " 


    At the same time, the sound system sounded on Shen mingyun mind: host couldn't finish the "keep dowry " mission, mission failed. 


    Shen Mingyun was very surprised: The mission failed? ! 


    After getting a satisfactory answer, Luo Shuyu watched the chaotic scene and admired everyone's expressions. Suddenly he found it interesting and wanted to find someone to share. 


    That night, Li Mingjin received a letter from Luo Shuyu, which was still very brief. 


    [Today is very happy. Luo Shuyu] 


    Li Mingjin's gloomy face had a little more distress: Why is it already finished? 


    The author has something to say: Third Prince: Wife, the letter is too short, write a little longer!

Luo Shuyu: No. 

Third prince: /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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