Chapter 8 Evidence

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    Although the third prince sent people to Luo's house were not in compliance with the rules, Luo Renshou couldn't say anything. 


    Li Mingjin was the prince of the Great Xia Kingdom. He only sent people to help to deal with the matter of getting married. It could also be said that he was looking for a momo to guide Luo Shuyu's royal etiquette. He wouldn't be criticized, and he had included Luo Shuyu in Li Mingjin's protection in advance. It made him, the future "father-in-law" a little bit uncomfortable, but he just made it up to himself. He would be better with Luo Shuyu earlier and wouldn't have a problem with him. After the maids sent by Li Mingjin moved into Ruyiyuan, the little maids in the yard were trained by the maids to stand and sit, and changed from the old lazy posture. Luo Shuyu had to thank Li Mingjin for gave him the charcoal in the snow.

(嬷嬷, momo = elderly lady, wet nurse)


    The third prince also reminded Luo Renshou, he couldn't underestimate Luo Shuyu, the third prince attached great importance to him. 


    Luo Shuyu had a good time in the past two days. Naturally, he didn't need to learn the royal etiquette anymore. He had already imprinted these rules in his mind in his previous life. 


    Speaking of rules, he couldn’t help but think of Shen Mingyun. His behavior was different from ordinary people. The rule was also one of them. He always put the seven words "the man has gold under his knees" on his lips. He knelt very perfunctorily, always despising those who abide the etiquette and laws. In Luo's family, he was particularly uncomfortable with the well-behaved Luo Shuyu. 


    Shen Mingyun had been confined at home for the past two days and was not allowed to go out of the gate of Luo Mansion to avoid being ridiculed, but he still heard about him playing around in the yard, almost burnt his small kitchen, destroying a lot of valuables furnitures. According to the news brought back by Qingwang, who was recently entrusted with an important task, many people would regard it as a joke when mentioning the poet meeting of the Luo family. They never thought that it was actually plagiarism, it was the shame of scholars. No one wanted to associate with such people. The heat was getting hotter and hotter, and even the income of several shops selling rouge opened by Shen Mingyun began to decline. But in the end he was a ger, and the influence was not as great as expected. Luo Shuyu didn't run to Shen Mingyun's yard while the iron was hot, but investigated the death of his mother. After seeing through Luo Renshou's true face, Luo Shuyu no longer believed in all the things he had seen before. Those were just superficial, and the truth might be more awkward, lower and less influential than he knew.


    Even Qingwang, who used to be always bluffing, had changed his behavior now. He had a much calmer temper. Not only did he learn from the momo, but Luo Shuyu gave him a heavier task, which made him even more serious and responsible.


    Luo Shuyu let the others back and asked Qingwang, "What happened to what I asked you to investigate?" 


    Qingwang lowered his voice, for fear that others would listen. The recent spy life he did well: "Young master, I followed your instructions. Dressed as a countryman, I went to Zhongdetang to ask people and learned that Dr. Liang, who treated madam at the time, left Beijing ten years ago, saying that something happened at home and went back to his hometown. Later, I spent some money. Asked the old doctor of Zhongdetang, they said that at that time, someone saw Doctor Liang laughing strangely in the middle of the night, as if he had picked up a cart of silver, and walked like a wind, as if he had made a fortune." 


    Luo Shuyu asked: "Where is his hometown?" 


    Qingwang: "I asked about this. It's not far from the capital. I have to ask someone to find it. Young master, what do we do next? Do you eant to find this doctor?" 


    Luo Shuyu tapped the desktop, as expected, there were many problems in it. 

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    However, finding this doctor seemed to be of no use. Liu Shi wouldn't admit what she had done. Doctor Liang may also moved early. After so many years, Luo Renshou would rather protect her. He had no direct evidence pointing to anyone. The two of them were in a tacit understanding on the point that "the husband sings and the woman follow him". Without Luo Renshou's permission, how dare Liu Shi used his mother's dowry. 


    He investigated the doctor was only to confirm whether there was any doubt about his mother's sudden death. 


    Was it Liu Shi who really started, or was there someone else? 


    At present, Liu Shi was the biggest suspect, but what if Luo Renshou killed the donkey? Thinking of this possibility, Luo Shuyu's heart became colder.


    The book was about the process of Shen Mingyun’s relationship with a few big brothers and others. Luo's family had not written much. Only one sentence about Luo Shuyu’s mother’s introduction and related about her death. Liu Shi identity had been taken in one stroke. 


    However, Luo Renshou benefited from Shen Mingyun. In Shen Mingyun's eyes, Luo Renshou was a gentle and humble uncle. He didn't doubt Luo Renshou's character until Shen Mingyun married the fourth prince and ascended to the throne became the queen. When Shen Mingyun reached the position of the queen, he also made a lot of effort in it. As for why Luo Renshou fancied Shen Mingyun and abandoned his own son, it was estimated that he was afraid of offending the power of several big men behind Shen Mingyun. The fisherman profited.


    After clarifying the relationship here, Luo Shuyu discovered that the Luo family were all standing on the opposite sides of him. No wonder he and Li Mingjin would become Shen Mingyun’s first obstacle and the first target to be attacked when Shen Mingyun became the first queen of the Great Xia Kingdom. 


    Since ancient times, no prince didn't covet the throne. Even if they didn't covet it, the reality would force people to stand in line. The princes had to find a way to save their lives, "who knows if the new emperor will be the first to take them down". 


    In the book, Li Mingjin, who was paranoid, was the target of the princes. As for who brought him to hell, it was still unknown. 


    Luo Shuyu listed his current situation and the safety issues that needed to be resolved on a piece of paper. 


    One must prevent Li Mingjin from becoming a target among the princes again; second, both Li Mingjin and him must stay away from Shen Mingyun; the third was to destroy all opportunities for Shen Mingyun. 


    These three points were not simple, especially the third point. The combination of several big brothers in the book directly or indirectly helped the fourth prince ascended to the throne. This process inevitably caused the people to be displaced and became hungry. It was just a book. It was not written clearly, but as a person who really lived in this world, Luo Shuyu could imagine that because Shen Mingyun wanted to plant some kind of saplings, a certain boss bought a mountain for him, leading to the villagers who originally lived there had to leave their homes and found another way out. Why he knew about this, because he was out to breathe at the time and just happened to bump into it. 


    "Don't use it for the time being, the world is so big, if he moves, finding someone is like finding a needle in the haystack. I remember my father's xiemu today, I'll go see him." Luo Shuyu stopped writing, crumpled the paper in his hand and threw it into the brazier. 

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(xiemu = to take a curtain call, (fig.) to come to an end)


    Qingwang recently discovered that his young master had changed quite a lot. He wrote very carefully, fearing that it might be stolen. He didn't understand why it was so sudden. 


    As soon as they entered the door of the study, they saw that Grandma Feng was discussing with the cook about making cakes. 


    Grandma Feng: "Young master, are you going to go out?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "I'm going to see my father."


Grandma Feng said: "Young master, I let someone make some cold cakes for you, I can bring them to Master Luo to taste."


    Luo Shuyu thought about it, he still had to take Li Mingjin into consideration, and he still had to act like a filial father and son, before he could really tear his skin. 


    This cold cake seemed to be newly developed by the chef, and the taste was a little weird. He didn't like to eat it. If he brought it to Luo Renshou now, it wouldn't be wasted. 


    Looking for Luo Renshou was not because he really cared about him, but to get back his mother's dowry. 


    Grandma Feng followed Luo Shuyu out with the cold cake. 


    Luo Shuyu had seen Grandma Feng's abilities in his previous life, and knew that she was very strict with the rules. Qingwang had been trained by her before, and within a few days he was reborn, as if he had changed his personal life. He understood Li Mingjin's intention to send them here. 


    He remembered that Li Mingjin had also arranged Madam Feng to live in their yard in the last life. He thought it was for Grandma Feng to help him instead of being dissatisfied with him. If this was the case, wouldn't he misunderstand Li Mingjin? The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very big. 


    Qingwang reminded Luo Shuyu to go to the yard and asked him to pay attention to the threshold under his feet. 


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    Although Luo Renshou was the official of the Ministry of Etiquette, the Luo family didn't adhere too much to the etiquette. As soon as he entered the yard, he heard laughter from the hall. Hearing the voice, he knew that it was Liu Shi with her childrens who were accompanying Luo Renshou. The servants stepped forward to report to Luo Renshou. 


    When Luo Shuyu saw Luo Renshou, the joy on his face had not been restrained, and the corners of his eyes were smiling. 


    Seeing Grandma Feng behind Luo Shuyu, Luo Renshou's smile gradually reduced. He asked Luo Shuyu very kindly: "Why did Shuyu come here?" 


    Luo Shuyu randomly made up a reason: "The weather has been quite bad in recent days. It’s hot. I heard that my father’s appetite is not very good. I will send you some cold cakes to relieve the heat.” 


 Luo Renshou said, “I’m interested.”


 Luo Shuyu naturally ignored Liu Shi and others, and then said, “Father, I came here today because I thought about the warehouse and would check my mother's dowry. Grandma Feng said that I have never taken care of the account at home, I can just practice with the dowry first so that I can manage the affairs of the house by then."


    The reason he gave was very sufficient, Luo Renshou had no reason to refuse, and he promised it on the day of the decree came down. 


    When Liu Shi heard this, he gave Luo Renshou a wink, and Luo Renshou had idea. After he gave Liu Shi the key to the warehouse, he didn't know how much she had embezzled. He told her to return one by one the other day. Luo Renshou's heart was cold at the moment. 


    Luo Renshou hesitated for a moment: "I will find this list in the study, and I will send someone to show it to you later." 


    Luo Shuyu chuckled without warmth : "Don't bother my father, I have the dowry list, and just give me the key to the warehouse. " 


    Liu Shi blurted out:" how do you have the list of dowry?. " 


    Luo Shu Yu:" how I have my mother's dowry list, I don't have to elaborate on it"


    Liu Shi covered his lips with a handkerchief, smiled and quickly explained: "I'm just curious, no other meaning." She was guilty and didn't dare to say more. 

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    Luo Renshou was calmer than Liu Shi, but he was also playing drums in his heart. In the past few days, he had to dealt with the affairs of the court and didn't ask about the dowry. Now Luo Shuyu suddenly came up, whether he would give it or not. 


    "Why do you have your mother's dowry list?" 


    Luo Shuyu said leisurely: "Naturally it was left to me by my mother. Father, why bother to refuse it over and over again. Can you hand over the warehouse key to me now? Or the warehouse has been evacuated by those greedy jackals, used it privately for personal use, or subsidized relatives." 


    Liu Shi was almost outraged by his scolding, and kept patting her chest. Luo Shuyao couldn't see that his mother was being ridiculed, he said: "Luo Shuyu, don't spray people with blood, who takes your mother's dowry! My mother is just kindly managing your dowry. You are a wolf-hearted bites Lu Dongbin, doesn't know good people! It's hard to say who is a jackal! " 

(Lü Dongbin (796-), Tang Dynasty scholar, one of the Eight Immortals)


    Luo Shu Yu floating back to him:" who is who should be. " 


    Luo Shuyao said out of anger:" There is no evidence about the thing you say, I will fear flashed tongue! " 


Carter, a voice outside the door Sounded.


    "Wow, why are there such a crowd? What needs evidence? Are you playing a game of trial?" 


    This voice sounded very familiar, and Luo Shuyu didn't need to turn his head to know that Shen Mingyun, who had been detained for two days, appeared. 


    Luo Shuyu probably guessed the reason for his coming here, and it must be related to his system mission.


    He thought, what would happen if Shen Mingyun couldn't complete the tasks given by the system? 


 The author has something to say:

The third prince: wife, fuck him! come on! ↖(^ω^)↗ 

Luo Shuyu:...... 

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