The warm-up period of "Huakui 101" was 15 to 20 days. Everyone in the capital already knew its opening time and opening mode. The rules that Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin mentioned were all known to him in his previous life. Of course, Li Mingjin would suspect that Shen Mingyun had already written down the process and handed it over to the organizer, while Luo Shuyu had been sending someone to keep an eye on Shen Mingyun. 

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    On the first day of the wedding, the whole morning was spent in the meeting, and he returned to the mansion in the afternoon. Li Mingjin wanted to take Luo Shuyu to go shopping, but considering that his leg was swollen more than pig's trotters, you could only choose to give up.    


Not only he couldn't go shopping with his imperial concubine, he couldn't even get to know the prince's mansion with Luo Shuyu. When he saw Luo Shuyu's nervous eyes on his feet, his heart was sour and warm, and he was extremely regretful about the sprained foot, and even more depressing, Couldn't tell the truth yet.     


After returning to the mansion, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu went back to their room to change into comfortable clothes. At this time, Luo Shuyu was changing clothes behind the screen, while Li Mingjin was sitting outside, his eyes swept to the silhouette on the screen from time to time. 


A ger was different from a woman, a woman could have a good figure that could cause a man's blood to surge. On the other hand, the gers were different. Their bodies were the same as men in appearance. They didn’t have two more lumps of flesh on their chests like women. Their skeletons were smaller than men’s. In this world, most men like women, and they were more willing to choose women than flat boys. 


When Luo Shuyu came out, he found that Li Mingjin turned his head away, looked at the cup, the teapot, and the chair, but not at him, so he couldn't help worrying: "Your Highness, do your leg still hurt? Do you want to ask the imperial doctor to come and take a look?"     


"I applied the medicine in the morning. It doesn't hurt much when you touch it." He tugged at his robe and asked someone to bring him a crutch, "I'll go to the study first to deal with something, and I'll come to accompany you for dinner at night."

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    "Okay." Luo Shuyu actually had something to ask, but he wasn't in hurry. "If it's hot, ask someone to add two more basins of ice." 


    Luo Shuyu didn't understand why he suddenly had to handle official business, but he said yes. 


    Grandma Feng was an old woman in the mansion, and she was trusted by Li Mingjin. Most of the staff in the main courtyard were arranged by her. 


    The boxes that were carried yesterday were all placed in the side hall. Before the sun went down, Luo Shuyu ordered her to sort out the boxes with him. 


    The people Luo Shuyu brought from Luo Mansion were all arranged by Grandma Feng to learn the rules. The only person he could use now was Qingwang, and others still needed to be trained for a while. 


    Grandma Feng brought four maids, two of them were relatively good-looking, and both of them were relatively mediocre. They were still the same four maids from the previous life, namely Chuncao, Xiayu, Qiuju, and Dongxue. 

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    Don't look at them as maids, but Luo Shuyu knew that none of them were simple, and he suspected that among them were bribed by other princes. 


    Back then, he remembered that when the accident happened, he hoped that someone would send the child to a safe place, but before he could send the child out, officers and soldiers came to arrest him. At that time, only Qingwang and the four maids came forward to protect him. There were two people who were scared and hid behind, and the other two who had a tacit understanding didn't show up. As for where they went later, Luo Shuyu didn't know. 


    These four maids must have a lot of background, and it was not simple, and they hadn't been discovered in the Third Prince's Mansion all these years. 


    If he hadn't been reborn, he probably wouldn't have doubted whether there was someone behind them. 


    The four of them stood in front of Luo Shuyu, but Luo Shuyu didn't ask them questions like their origin, age, name, etc. as kindly as in his previous life. He slowly drank the new tea brought by the steward. The taste was excellent and the aftertaste was endless. 


    "Qingwang, you send someone to ask your Highness if he had drunk this new tea, and ask the steward to send it to the study, and tell him that I say it's delicious." 


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    "Yes." Qingwang noted the appearance of the four maids. It made him nervous for no reason, the young master would continue to value himself in the future. 


    Qing Wang's worries were not superfluous. The four maids didn't look sideways. They were obviously well-trained. 


    Grandma Feng also sent someone to Luo Shuyu according to the third prince's order, but now the third imperial concubine didn't take them happily, and she didn't know what happened. Are you dissatisfied with these maids? 


    However, thinking that the third imperial concubine had his own decision, Grandma Feng didn't care too much, and stood by and waited. 


    Who knew whether Luo Shuyu's behavior was the jealousy from the ger, after all, two of them were the best among women. 


    Luo Shuyu blew the tea in a leisurely manner and asked, "Tell me where is your ancestral home, and why did you enter the palace as a slave." 


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    The first answer was Xiayu, a beautiful girl with a pair of beautiful single eyelid phoenix eyes "The third imperial concubine, the slave is from Shanxi. When I was five years old, my hometown suffered from famine. In order to support our brothers and sisters, my father went to the capital to do small business. When I was six years old, because there were many sisters in my family, I signed up to be a maid in the palace." 


    Luo Shuyu nodded without comment, and took another sip of tea. Xiayu's answer was similar in his previous life, but in his previous life, he didn't care about their origins, and just listened to them casually when they spoke. He didn't think much about it, but now he wrote down their answers one by one.


    The maids who came out of the palace were all recorded on the record. To trace the source, you could only check their ancestral origin. Secondly, you could also look at the age. The younger you entered the palace, the smaller the suspicion. The longer you had been taught, the more familiar you were with court etiquette, and the more difficult it would be to pick out the problems. It was difficult to find these spies, but it wasn't impossible. 


    Next, Chuncao, Qiuju, and Dongxue also explained their origins. Luo Shuyu finally kept them under his nose and monitored them. He just wanted to know who betrayed the three of them back then. The maid of the prince's palace. 


    Who is it? 


    The four of them were newly arranged by Grandma Feng to serve them personally. Luo Shuyu, on the grounds that he wasn't used to letting women get close to him, asked them to do some sweeping, moving, and lifting, at least in his opinion, it was the most suitable arrangement for now. 


    Grandma Feng didn't say anything in the end. Now the backyard of the Third Prince's Mansion was under the control of the imperial concubine. Except for the third prince, he had the most right to speak

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