Today, he first sorted out the things he brought from Luofu. He had lived here for five years. Luo Shuyu was familiar with every corner. He could tell which items were placed where. None of them dared to neglect, everyone was in a panic state, and the imperial concubine was so shrewd that he could see what was wrong at a glance. 

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    In less than half a day, the servants in the Prince's Mansion, from the steward down to the sweeper, knew that the new imperial concubine was very powerful. 


    In the study, Li Mingjin received the new tea sent by Luo Shuyu, and he immediately drank it. Luo Shuyu also brought him some snacks. He ate it very happily, and the Ansan around him were very envious. 


    After Luo Shuyu married into the Third Prince's Mansion, Ansan also followed him back to the mansion, and the job of staring at Shen Mingyun was handed over to Anjiu and Anshi. 


    "Master, this time you almost fell off the cliff, do you need this subordinate to keep watching the entire Luo Mansion? It was too weird at the time. When those people got to the edge of the cliff, they said they would disappear and then disappear, so why did Shen Mingyun want to talk to Luo Shumo and cooperated in every possible way to obstruct your wedding with the imperial concubine?" 


    Li Mingjin picked up a piece of cake: "Continue to stare, I was staring at Shen Mingyun according to Yu'er's intention, but I didn't expect Luo Shumo to be not a fuel-efficient lamp, those people,  Where did they come from, and how did they disappear? I believe this is not just the handwriting of Luo Shumo. Who know what if Jiangyang bandit is hidden in the capital, and don't know whether they can eat it or not, after finding out their whereabouts , "send" it to the crown prince." 


    Didn't the crown prince want to compare himself with the eldest prince? This was the best time. 


    Li Mingjin thought about the blueprint: "What did the crown prince do today?" 

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    Ansan: "The crown prince submitted the blueprint to His Majesty, His Majesty was delighted to urge the crown prince to follow up on this matter." 


    Li Mingjin: "Isn't eldest brother's  bamboo basket is empty (get nothing)?." 


    Ansan: "The first prince hasn't taken out the blueprint before, and the experiment was also quietly tinkering with Luo Shumo and Shen Mingyun at the Luo family's farm, and he has no way to prove that the crown prince stole it from him. It's said that the eldest prince almost got into a fight with the crown prince at the end of the morning court today." 


    Li Mingjin said, "No wonder they were more tit-for-tat than before when the queen dowager was there. It seems that the crown prince couldn't wait to take his credit." 


    Ansan thought, It was not your idea?. If the crown prince wasn't so urgent, he would definitely find that there was a lot of suspicious matter in it, but the third prince was wise, and he took advantage of the crown prince's anxious mentality to successfully interfere with it and and  fuel to the bad relationship between the crown prince and the eldest prince.


    Ansan: "Then let's continue to add fire to the eldest prince?" 


    Li Mingjin: "It's all about him in the first place, so it can't be considered to add fire to him. Without his consent, those Jiangyang bandits dared to show up in the capital? Someone must be protecting them. Now Luo Shumo is working under him, and he needed to pay Shen Mingyun back. If you come up with an idea, this matter can't be left like this." 


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Ansan: "What about Luo Shumo and Shen Mingyun?" 


    Li Mingjin: "Luo Shumo, what can you see?" 


    Ansan: "If the subordinate isn't wrong, he is interested in Shen Mingyun." 


    Li Mingjin: "This Shen Mingyun is really a bit of weird, no wonder Yu'er pays so much attention to him, he knows a lot of people, it seems that he not only has contact with the eldest prince, but also the fourth brother. I 'm quite curious." 


    Ansan: "The fourth prince seems to have plans to escort him in Huakui 101." 


    Li Mingjin: "Think of a reason to cancel this Huakui competition, it's best to make trouble until you can no longer use the brothel to make trouble."


Ansan: "This subordinate has a way, I don't know if it's feasible." 


    Li Mingjin: "Let's hear it." 

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    After discussing some matters with Ansan, when it was time to ignite the lamp, Li Mingjin resolutely went to the main courtyard with a crutch, the imperial concubine is more important. 


    But when Li Mingjin came to the main courtyard, he found that there was only one table of vegetarian dishes on the table. He stared carefully for a while, and after confirming that there was no meat at all, he looked at Luo Shuyu who was sitting in confusion: "We will eat vegetarian dishes tonight, no meat?" 


    Luo Shuyu gave him a shallow smile and said ruthlessly, "No." 


    Li Mingjin's expressionless face was even more expressionless. 


    Marrying a wife had to be controlled. Li Mingjin was half happy and half worried. He was happy that someone was taking care of him, but he was worried that the two ate together on the first day of marriage, but there was no meat. 


    Li Mingjin had no choice but to pick up his rice bowl and preparedto eat vegetarian dishes. Luo Shuyu burst out laughing: "Bring the remaining three meat dishes." 


    Luo Shuyu picked up his chopsticks and said, "The imperial doctor only said that you can't eat spicy food, but he didn't say you can't eat meat." 

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    Li Mingjin's face became hot, and he coughed, "...cough." He was deceived by his wife. 


    The two were eating when there was a loud noise from outside. Luo Shuyu asked Qingwang to go out to see what was going on, so as not to affect him and Li Mingjin's meal. 


    Qingwang went out for a trip and came back, and said with some embarrassment: "Master, it's a few women who live in a side courtyard. They said they are here to greet you." 


    Luo Shuyu turned to Li Mingjin, who had just stuffed a piece of braised pork into his mouth: "His Royal Highness?" 


    Li Mingjin swallowed the meat: "..." If I said I don't remember them, do you believe it? 



The author has something to say: 

The third Prince: Wife, I always kept myself clean. If you don't believe me, come and verify it yourself! 

Luo Shuyu: … 

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