Chapter 26 Not sour, sweet

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    Li Mingjin really didn't remember that there were still some women living in the side courtyard, so he couldn't help frowning: "I don't remember." 


    Luo Shuyu put down his chopsticks gently, Li Mingjin's scalp tightened, and he said to the guard outside: "Call Steward Sun here."


After a while, Steward Sun rolled in with his chubby body and sweat on his forehead: "Your Highness, these were sent by the First Prince two months ago. You didn't say how to deal with them at the time." 


    Two months ago, Emperor Tiansheng hadn't suggested marriage to Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin, and he didn't care when the First prince put people in his mansion, and he didn't even think about it after that, and he kept this matter until today.


    Li Mingjin said in a deep voice, "Why didn't you bother me before, but now you run back here to disturb the imperial concubine, check it out for me. If you can't find out, I' ll have to ask you." 


    Steward Sun: "Yes, I'll do it right away." 


    He looked at Luo Shuyu and waved: "If you find out, don't leave any of them, and send them out of the mansion, wherever you come from." 


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    Steward Sun wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Yes!" 


    Steward Sun immediately ran out and sent someone to take a few away and disappeared from the Prince's Mansion without even saying a word. They probably thought that they would greet the imperial concubine, and they would have a position in the third prince's mansion in the future. Who knew that the third prince suddenly disrupted their plans. 


    After the arrangement was finished, Li Mingjin coughed and explained to Luo Shuyu, "It was sent by my eldest brother. I really don't remember it, so I didn't pay attention." 


    Luo Shuyu married Li Mingjin at the end of twelfth month in his past life. These women, Li Mingjin, who came here at the time, had already sent them out of the mansion in advance, and this wedding was held relatively hastily, so he couldn't remember this matter, and it seemed that there was nothing to pursue. 


    He didn't mean to care about Li Mingjin, but he was a little disgusted with the first prince. He was too lenient, and blatantly pushed people into other princes' houses. Sima Zhao's heart was well known.

[Sima Zhao's intentions are obvious to everyone (idiom) fig. an open secret]


    Although there were few more episodes during dinner, this didn't affect Luo Shuyu's mood. 


    Li Mingjin breathed a sigh of relief in the end, and the two of them had a smooth dinner and lived in peace. 


    There were very few activities at night, and it was pitch-black everywhere. If you wanted to walk at night, you had to use lanterns.


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    Li Mingjin originally wanted to go to the study after dinner, but Luo Shuyu stopped him: "Your Highness, your legs are inconvenient, and it's troublesome to toss back and forth. What if the leg injury is aggravated?" 


    Luo Shuyu's voice was not loud, but his words were clear. The distance was also close, Li Mingjin listened and ears were itchy, which could suppress the restlessness in his heart, he finally slowed down and didn't go to the study room.     


There was originally a study room in the main courtyard, but Li Mingjin moved to the courtyard near the Shuixie building to work in the summer. There was also a lotus pond there, and it was cool in the summer, so the study room in the main courtyard was basically not used much. Now that his legs were really inconvenient, he wouldn't go. Li Mingjin: "It's done, the important things have been handled."    


After a day, he was actually quite tired. Luo Shuyu didn't take a nap today, and was busy with various things. Compared with other prince's mansion, the staff of the third prince's mansion was relatively simple. There were no other women and gers around Li Mingjin, and there was no complicated backyard. Luo Shuyu was glad that he met Li Mingjin, not other prince or Huahuachangzi like many men. After resting for a while after dinner, Luo Shuyu sent water to wash and comb. He didn't wash his hair because it was too late yesterday. After washing his hair tonight, he sat in the yard and waited for the wind to dry his hair.


    Just when he was washing and grooming, Li Mingjin asked people to clean up the study in the southwest corner of the main courtyard. That position happened facing the courtyard, and there were potted plants in the middle. He took advantage of the situation and asked the servants to remove them. 


Luo Shuyu was enjoying the cool air in the yard. He was drying his hair, and had a pair of chess pieces by his hand. He held his chin to study the chessboard. 


    Li Mingjin, who came with the crutches, came over and sat beside him, gave the crutches to others, and took over Qingwang's place to wipe his hair. 


    Luo Shuyu's hair wasn't too hard, and it wasn't too soft. It had a faint mint smell just after washing it. Li Mingjin held it in the palm of his hand and wiped it for him a little bit. The hand accidentally touched Luo Shuyu's ear. Relatively thin, Li Mingjin stared at it and couldn't help but want to lean forward and took a bite. 


    Luo Shuyu was immersed in thinking about chess for a while and didn't notice the change beside him, until Li Mingjin accidentally pulled his scalp with a heavy hand, and he raised his head: "His Royal Highness?" 

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    Li Mingjin stopped the movement in his hand and thought of something, he asked with a taut face: "I hurt you?" 


    Luo Shuyu shook his head: "No, why did you wipe my hair, Qingwang?" Turning around, he found that Qingwang was already standing far away. 


    He was just a little surprised. 


    After the two of them got married in the past life, there was very little they could say. He avoided Li Mingjin on purpose, and he didn't know if Li Mingjin saw his attitude, so he stopped approaching, not even talking, let alone having physical contact. He tried hard to recall that when he first got married, Li Mingjin seemed to always appear in front of him. He didn't know from which day he gradually became estranged from Luo Shuyu. Later, he often didn't see each other for ten days and a half months, only on various festivals. Only then they would bring them out of the mansion, pretending to be in harmony with each other. 


    Li Mingjin: "Dry it soon, rest early tonight, the night is cool, don't get sick." 


    Luo Shuyu's hair was almost dry. The Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, and the night started to get a little cold. 


    "Yeah." His hair was dry anyway. It was better to rest early, there was a lot of things to do tomorrow. 


    There were still red candles in the bedroom, and the sheets and quilts were all festive red. Luo Shuyu took off his outer clothes and went to bed first. 

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    Li Mingjin went to bed later, he didn't dawdle in the bathroom like last night. 


    Li Mingjin, who had just finished bathing, still had some moisture on his body. Luo Shuyu went to bed early last night. When he woke up, he found himself in Li Mingjin's arms and missed the bridal chamber. He really couldn't say such a thing. 


    It was the first time they were lying on the bed like this, and they were not too sleepy. 


    Compared with the nervous Luo Shuyu, Li Mingjin was obviously more tense, lying upright. He dared to hold Luo Shuyu's hand last night because he fell asleep. 


    Suddenly, Li Mingjin smelled Luo Shuyu's fragrance, Luo Shuyu lay on his side and approached him: "His Royal Highness." 


    Li Mingjin's voice was low, suppressing his inner desire: "Huh?" He felt Luo Shuyu's hand on his arm , heart pounding, "Can't sleep?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "No, I want to talk to you for a while." 


    Li Mingjin looked at him sideways: "What do you want to say?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "I heard that before the imperial decree, you want to admit Shen Mingyun into the mansion." 

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