Li Mingjin: "..." I never expected this to be the case, didn't Ansan wipe this matter out of the market? How could he still know?. 

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    Li Mingjin was thinking about the appropriate answer. While he was pondering, Luo Shuyu said in a slightly disappointed voice, "Don't be embarrassed, Your Highness." 


    Mixed with grievances, Li Mingjin held his hand on his arm: "It's not that I can't tell you, I didn't want to admit him to the mansion, and I never thought of him that way, it should be a misunderstanding." Now he especially regret having an encounter with Shen Mingyun, "I'll tell you." 


    Luo Shuyu replied, "Yeah." 


    Li Mingjin considered his tone, and was low as always: "If you don't mention this, I've almost forgotten about it. At that time, I was drinking with people in the restaurant, and when I was drinking, I suddenly heard a group of people making noise downstairs, so I sent someone down to see what was going on. The person who came back said that there was a gongzi who was bullied by a few drunk alcoholics, so I asked someone to help him, and after the matter was settled, the person I helped had to come upstairs to thank me." 


    Luo Shuyu moved down, resting his head naturally on his shoulders. 


    In his past life, he liked to lean on him like this when he was uncomfortable during pregnancy, and Li Mingjin at that time also let him lean on him. 


    Luo Shuyu: "That person is Shen Mingyun?" 


    Li Mingjin: "Well, I met him once before, at that time, I was on the flower boat to capture the assassin who wanted to assassinate me. During the torture, Shen Mingyun suddenly jumped out. He said that I was cruel and wanted me to release him (the assassin), and he interrupted my torture, and I didn’t want to cause trouble, so I told him to stop meddling.” 


    Luo Shuyu asked why it was different from what was written in the book, and repeated: “Actually, Did you torture the assassin at that time?" 


    Li Mingjin: "Well, the second time I saw Shen Mingyun, he recognized me first and yelled in front of everyone that I was a murderous madman without blinking eyes. It was too noisy, so I casually told someone to tie him back to my mansion, but I didn't tie him in the end." 


    "At first I thought he might be related to the person who assassinated me, because the assassin I caught on the boat, after he (SMY) appeared for the first time, someone killed him (the assassin) that night. But it was later proved that the assassin's death had nothing to do with Shen Mingyun. Second When I saw him the next time, the words I said casually were passed on by other people present at the time, and there were rumors that I wanted to admit him into the mansion, but it was not the case."

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    "Yu'er, don't worry about it. They spread rumors because I usually don't get close to women and gers. Suddenly, a beautiful ger approached me." 


    Luo Shuyu: "So that's how it is." So this is ah. 


    Li Mingjin: "You believe what I said?" 


    Luo Shuyu said without hesitation: "I naturally believe you." 


    When Shen Mingyun was rescued by him, he didn't thank him, but suspected that his purpose was not pure, including his emperor father who didn't believe that he would save people, Luo Shuyu's unconditional trust made him felt more satisfied than ever. 


    There were ups and downs in his heart, and he naturally wanted to do something: "Yu'er, can I..." 


    Luo Shuyu didn't wait for him to finish, and took the initiative to lean forward and kissed Li Mingjin's lips: "Yes, no matter what you want to do to me, you can do anything." In other words, don't ask, as long as it's you, you don't need to ask anything, I'm willing. 


    Li Mingjin was caught off guard and was kissed by Luo Shuyu's soft and fragrant lips. The desire in his eyes was ready to come out. No matter how many brochures he read, it would be better to come up directly. He didn't think that his imperial concubine would be more active. Li Mingjin kissed back hard while his hand on the back of his head. 


    Luo Shuyu, who had no martial arts, was not as long-lasting as Li Mingjin. After being kissed for a long time, he was a little breathless. Both of them were relatively inexperienced in this area. Luo Shuyu's face was flushed from the kiss, and he put his hand on Li Mingjin's chest and whispered: "I, I'm going to sleep." 


    Li Mingjin lightly held Luo Shuyu's hand in front of his chest: "Okay." 


    Not only was his face hot, but his whole body was hot, and now it was okay to go out to take a cold shower, but it was a little uncomfortable down there. He told himself that he would endure it for a while, and when his leg was healed, he would be able to live a normal husband's life. 

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    Luo Shuyu was really sleepy, and soon fell asleep beside Li Mingjin. Li Mingjin listened to his gradually steady breathing, and became sleepy as well. After falling asleep, he unconsciously embraced his imperial concubine again in his arms. 


    The two had a good night's sleep. 


    the next day. 


    Luo Shuyu slept until he woke up naturally. 


    There were no plans to go out today, no one disturbed him, and he slept well. This was the most stable sleep since his rebirth. 


    There was no one around, and Li Mingjin had already woken up.


    The first two days the temperature remained high. When he woke up, it felt a little colder. 


    Qingwang, who was guarding him, immediately handed him thicker clothes: "Gongzi, the weather is getting colder, you should wear more clothes." 


    Luo Shuyu nodded, and after washing up, he asked Qingwang, "Where's Your Highness?" 


    Qingwang smiled and said, "His Royal Highness just ordered the servants to move things to the study in the main courtyard. He is working there and it's convenient for him to talk to you more." 


    Luo Shuyu walked outside the door, and sure enough, he saw the servants moving things, but Li Mingjin was nowhere to be seen: "Has your Highness had breakfast?" 


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    Qingwang's ability to observe words and expressions was good: "Not yet." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Then find him back for breakfast." 


    As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mingjin's low voice came from behind. "Are you looking for me?" 


    "Why did you run behind me?" Luo Shuyu was almost startled by him, "Let's have breakfast together." 


    Li Mingjin: "Yeah."


 The breakfast was relatively light and prepared according to Luo Shuyu's taste, Luo Shuyu ate to his heart's content. 


    After breakfast, Li Mingjin went to the rearranged study room, and Luo Shuyu continued to pack the boxes. 


    Near noon, Luo Shuyu went to Li Mingjin with the newly steamed millet cake from the kitchen. 


    He heard someone communicated with Li Mingjin from the inside, and Li Mingjin asked him to go in directly. 


    There were two staff members who were kept in the house. 


    One was Liang Jianxue, who was in his early 40s with a beard, and the other was Chen Rong, who had a pale face. 


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    Luo Shuyu had seen them in his past life, but he had never dealt with them very much. He could recall very little of his contact with them, but he knew that these two had different personalities. Liang Jianxue was more anxious, and Chen Rong was more stable but the body didn't look very good. He drank medicine all the year round, and there was always a strong smell of medicine on his body. It was a typical of medicine jar. 


    The two got up and saluted Luo Shuyu: "I have seen the third imperial concubine." 


    Luo Shuyu waived their salute: "The two gentlemen are exempted." 


    When Li Mingjin saw Luo Shuyu coming, he asked the two gentlemen to go back first. After they left, Luo Shuyu asked Li Mingjin: "Where did that Mr. Chen come from?" 


    Looking at Chen Rong's back as he walked away slowly, he suddenly remembered that Shen Mingyun met a Mr. Chen in his later period. Some people called him the reincarnation of Zhuge, but he didn't know why he didn't  want to go out when Shen Mingyun went to invite him three times, but Chen Rong always refused, and Shen Mingyun, who was impatient, gave up later. Within two days of giving up, the fourth prince suddenly told Shen Mingyun that Mr. Chen died of illness in the yard he rented. 

[Zhuge = Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and prime minister of Shu Han, during the Three Kingdoms period the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms, where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius mastermind]


    Luo Shuyu was a little suspicious. Mr. Chen had just rejected Shen Mingyun for two days, why did he suddenly disappear? 


    When Li Mingjin saw Luo Shuyu's sudden silence, he was not very happy: "He's just a sick seedling, why are you curious about his origin?." Although Chen Rong looked ill, he was still quite handsome, and he was the favorite among women and gers in the boudoir. 


    Luo Shuyu narrowed his eyes and looked at him, then picked up a piece of warm millet cake and stuffed it into his mouth: "Is this cake a little sour?" 


    Li Mingjin: "..." It's not sour, it's sweet. 



The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: I want to try it, I heard it's very sweet, but I have never eaten it. 

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