Chapter 27 The show begins

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    Recently, Li Mingjin used a clever method to transfer the blueprint given by Luo Shuyu to the crown prince. The crown prince was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the eldest prince couldn't sleep well. Li Mingjin's suspicion of Luo Shuyu's existence gradually decreased. 


    At the beginning of the fight, Li Mingjin was a little suspicious that Luo Shuyu was suddenly too kind to him. Not only did he cry when he saw him for the first time, but he also took the initiative to send him drawings. He was skeptical for a while, but after investigation, he found that the crown  prince had verified the drawings in person, and it seemed that there was no disadvantage to him. His imperial concubine was credible, mainly because he really didn't find any shortcomings.  He was top-notch in everything, beautiful and kind-hearted, and he had a special taste for him, and he had an excellent temper.


    When Luo Shuyu asked about Chen Rong, Li Mingjin also observed his expression. He asked very naturally and his expression was the same. 


    Li Mingjin swallowed the millet cake, pulled Luo Shuyu to the seat where he had just sat, and asked him, "Why do you want to know his origin?"


    Luo Shuyu noticed him because he saw Chen Rong himself, before he didn't think about it because he didn't meet him. Now, as soon as he encountered people and plots related to the book, relevant content would automatically appear in his mind, and he himself didn't want to miss the slightest bit of useful information. 


    It was also a temporary intention to come to the study to find Li Mingjin with the millet cake. Unlike the drawings, he had to figure out the reason in advance . He suddenly asked about Chen Rong, and there was really no special reason to explain it. However, after thinking about it, he had an idea. When Shen Mingyun couldn't explain the fresh ideas he came up with in the book, he used the mysterious person to explain it.


    Luo Shuyu, "Do you still remember the mysterious person I mentioned to you?" 

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    Li Mingjin: "Remember." But he never met the mysterious person Luo Shuyu mentioned, and he probably met Luo Shuyu before their marriage. 


    Luo Shuyu took advantage of the situation and broke it down. It seemed that it wasn't a big problem to replace the book with a mysterious person. "There is a gentleman surnamed Chen who is quite intelligent and resourceful, and has a rare talent, I don't know if he is the same as Mr. Chen, so I have this question." 


    Li Mingjin: "So it is." Chen Rong As his assistant, he was so old, and he couldn't see him every time, there was no need to hide it from Luo Shuyu, he said, "Chen Rong was the one who took the initiative to mention to me that he wanted to be my assistant, and his ancestors were the champion. Later, because of the change of dynasty, the whole family moved to Jiangnan, which is considered innocent. It's just that this person is a bit weird and has no interest in the imperial examinations, but as you said, he is resourceful and foresight. Someone has recommended him to me before, but I just forget about it, I thought that talented people would choose to go to the Crown Prince's Mansion or the First Prince's Mansion. Later, to my surprise, he recommended himself to me. I asked him why he chose to go to the Third Prince's Mansion, and he told me that he just wanted to protect the peace, I don't know what it means." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Maybe it means literally?" 


    Li Mingjin: "No matter what, it's just that we have an extra mouth in the house, and it doesn't matter." 


    Luo Shuyu smiled: "That's true."


    At this time, it was not appropriate to ask Li Mingjin whether to fight for that position, the first prince and the crown prince were fighting each other, why not watched them fight to death and gave them a little firewood occasionally, wouldn't it be more interesting? 

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    Li Mingjin mentioned another thing: "We will return to Luofu  tomorrow, do I need to add more gifts?" 

[Luofu = Luo Mansion]


    Luo Shuyu said: "It's fine to follow the rules, no need to add more." He had no nostalgia for the Luo family, and even hated each of them. If he hadn't taken care of the face of the Third Prince's Mansion, he wouldn't even want to keep this etiquette. 


    Li Mingjin had long known the grievances between Luo Shuyu and Liu Shi. He had never been stained with blood. The punishment for Liu Shi was already a severe sentence, but in Li Mingjin's view, cutting grass needed to be eradicated. Let her know that entering the nunnery was the beginning of the punishment, Luo Shuyu shouldn't get involved with blood, and these things should be solved by him as a husband. 


    On the second day of the wedding, the husband and wife were still cultivating their relationship in the house. After all, in Li Mingjin's current situation, he couldn't leave the house. 


    At night, the wind turned, and it was the smell of autumn. Li Mingjin tried to practice kissing with Luo Shuyu again, and kissed Luo Shuyu until his face was flushed red before letting him go. In this regard, he was slowly making progress, and he felt that kissing on the bed wouldn't be a problem. Things were getting more and more tormenting, especially wanting to go down, but his body wasn't up to his expectations, and he regretted countless times for committing stupid things for a few days. He was too young and ignorant. 


    The third day of the wedding was Guining Day. Li Mingjin said that he would go with Luo Shuyu. Luo Shuyu looked at his leg in embarrassment. Li Mingjin still insisted. 

[guī níng (literary) (of a married woman) to visit one's parents]


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    Compared with returning to Luofu, it was obviously more important to protect Li Mingjin's leg. After changing the medicine on his leg, they set off. 


    Luo Renshou sent a housekeeper to wait at the door early in the morning, and also informed Mrs. Luo that she must be prepared, and told her not to show her timidity in front of the third prince, and not to lose her etiquette. Mrs. Luo immediately told him to go to court immediately. The third prince could still eat her?. 


    Less than an hour before noon, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu appeared at the entrance of Luofu. 


    The housekeeper stood at the door all morning, his head almost swelled by the wind this morning, his legs trembled a little, and he knelt down when he saw the carriage of the third prince. 


    Luo Shuyu: "..." He thought to himself that it was rare for a housekeeper who always looked down on others to kneel so simply. 


    Li Mingjin supported his legs and with  Luo Shuyu slowly moved into Luofu. The eldest son of Luofu, Luo Shumo, received them. Facing Luo Shuyu, who was about to send his mother to a nunnery, he was still smiling. Luo Shuyu saw that he was smiling, it was too fake, and he felt that this eldest brother's tolerance was very comparable. 


    "I have seen the third prince, the third imperial concubine. My father will come back later to share lunch with the two of you. He led me to meet the two of you." 


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    Li Mingjin's face was as calm as ever. Luo Shumo felt that he was not satisfied, so he had to continue to smile. 


    Luo Shuyu was distant and polite: "Big brother doesn't have to be polite." On the way into the main hall, Luo Shuyu found that Luofu was so noisy today. "Is there a happy event in the house today?" 


    Luo Shumo changed his polite face just now, and faintly said proudly: "There is a competition outside today, and everyone wants to join in the fun. It's estimated that they are discussing the current situation." Cousin Shen's idea, he couldn't help but be happy for him, but he didn't want to tell Luo Shuyu what Shen Mingyun was busy with. 


    Luo Shuyu thought to himself: Competition? 


    He had been so comfortable these two days that he almost forgot the start time of "Huakui 101", he quietly looked at Li Mingjin, while Li Mingjin patted his arm twice, with a gloomy face and said impatiently: "Don't you want to see the old lady? Hurry up, we have something to do after lunch." Compared with Luo Shumo, the patience he showed was heaven and earth. 


    But Luo Shuyu was happy to see it happened, so he would have a reason to leave Luofu earlier, and staying here was only increased the feeling of disgust. 


    He laughed in his heart and said, "Okay, Your Highness." It was estimated that he wanted to see the Huakui competition. 


    Luo Shumo didn't know that their husbands were playing dumb riddles. Hearing Li Mingjin spoke to Luo Shuyu in a cold tone, Luo Shuyu laughed with him. Those who didn't know it thought he was Luo Shuyu's creditor and owed him tens thousands taels of gold. He guessed that the third brother should have a bad time in the Third Prince's Mansion, but this was inevitable, Who was the third prince?, was it so easy to be figured out by one person?, and they had been married for two days only.

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