Li Mingjin sat directly in the main hall because of the inconvenience of his legs. Luo Shuyu took someone to Fushouju alone to symbolically see the old lady. After returning this time, it was estimated that he wouldn't have to deal with the people of Luofu for a long time.    

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He and the old lady didn't have a strong grandmother-grandchild relationship. When Luo Shuyu arrived, the old lady was not too enthusiastic. She only asked him why the third prince didn't come in. Luo Shuyu said that the third prince was inconvenient to enter the backyard. The old lady was relieved, but saw that Luo Shuyu didn't look too bad, so he asked him if the third prince treated him well, and told him to give birth to the royal grandson as soon as possible.     


Why did the old lady "reminded" Luo Shuyu about the emperor's grandson? As we all knew, although Emperor Tiansheng himself gave birth to several sons, and each of them was a dragon and a phoenix, it was a pity that his grandson was not very lucky. The first prince's residence had given birth to two daughters. After accepting two wive, including the crown princess, more than two years had passed, and there was still no movement in the belly, no one knew what happened.     


If Luo Shuyu gave birth to a grandson before them, then his status would naturally be very different from other princes in the future, and it would definitely rise in the royal family. It was possible to be loved by Emperor Tiansheng. They all said that they couldn't speculate on the Holy's Will, but they all tried to figure out the Holy's Heart to the fullest.    


Luo Shuyu listened and kept it in his heart. Sometimes other people's words could always wake him up. The old lady was really hitting right this time. Luo Shuyu didn't want to stand in front of Emperor Tiansheng. He didn't really want the child to come into this world too early. Afraid of him being punished.


    In the last life, when his child arrived, Emperor Tiansheng had already held his grandson, and it was still born by the crown princess. On the day of the full moon wine, Emperor Tiansheng named him himself, which showed how much he liked that child. No one knew if this grandson was born prematurely or because of his poor health, he died before the age of two. 


    Later, the second one who gave birth to the emperor's grandson turned out to be Shen Mingyun, who was married to the fourth prince. Emperor Tiansheng, who was in pain for a while, immediately rewarded countless people, and the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun were the same for a while. 


However, because of the death of the first grandson, the children of the fourth prince's family didn't hold the full moon wine. He (the fourth prince) said that it would be better to catch Zhou Li and did it again. The child was too young to suffer from too heavy blessings. Emperor Tiansheng remembered this son who had been neglected by him for many years and began to reuse him.    

[ zhóu li = 周礼 the Rites of Zhou (in Confucianism)] 


Gui Ning didn't run in vain this time. After sitting with the old lady for a while, Luo Shuyu went to the front hall to find Li Mingjin, lest he would get bored after sitting there for a long time.     


As soon as he walked out of Fushouju, Luo Shuyu saw Luo Shuyao who was about to go out. The other party also saw him with a look of resentment, but he didn't dare to say more when he saw the strong maid beside him. He just whispered when Luo Shuyu passed by: "Wait for me, Luo Shuyu, someone will take care of you."     

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Luo Shuyu really heard it accidentally, he stood still and turned to Luo Shuyao: "Tell me who is going to take care of me. ?"     


Luo Shuyao was taken aback by his approaching momentum: "...You heard it wrong."     


Luo Shuyu stared at him coldly: "Luo Shuyao, you will pay for your mouth in the future." He remembered that in the book, although he (Luo Shuyao) was not badly punished by Shen Mingyun, but because Shen Mingyun said in public that he had a bad temper and was like a shrew, his marriage was not easy to find, and finally married a man who already  had a direct son to be the successor. But there was Liu Shi at that time, this man was quite sincere to Luo Shuyao, and he really didn't know much about the other.


    After successfully frightening Luo Shuyao, Luo Shuyu began to ponder his words. Luo Shuyao always spoke without thinking, and his emotions were written on his face. Easy got into the trouble.


    When he returned to the main hall, Luo Renshou had already came back and was talking to Li Mingjin. He was talking and Li Mingjin was listening. The latter was very indifferent. Fortunately, Luo Renshou could bear it. If it was someone else, didn't know what would happen. 


    Lunch was prepared according to the specifications of the distinguished guests. It was rare for Luo Shuyu to eat this kind of food in Luofu, and he felt a little colder for the Luo family. 


    Before leaving, Luo Shuyu specially reminded Luo Renshou: "Father, is Liu Shi still in the mansion?" 


    Luo Renshou's face was not very good when he heard his words: "I will handle this matter, you can do your duty as the  third imperial concubine with peace of mind." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Then I also hope that my father will deal with it as soon as possible, preferably before the Mid-Autumn Festival." 


    Luo Renshou only now knew how ruthless Luo Shuyu was. Wasn't it tomorrow before the Mid-Autumn Festival? 

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    He almost didn't come up in one breath. Just as he was about to say a few words, Li Mingjin urged him: "Let's go." 


    Luo Shuyu followed him out of Luofu without looking back, and Luo Renshou made a pretentious gesture of reluctance behind him. 


    The two didn't directly return to the Third Prince's Mansion, but drove the carriage straight to Yunsheng Street. 


    "Where are we going?" Luo Shuyu didn't expect that the hint Li Mingjin gave him in Luofu was true, "Watching the huakui competition?" 


    "Of course, you will like it." Li Mingjin said that he would solve the matter of  huakui 101 for him. 


    He was afraid that he couldn't do it. After all, officials and people were involved, as well as nobles. However, it was always possible to stop the huakui competition. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't know what he was selling. He was not in a hurry and should be able to see it soon. 


    The huakui competition was crowded with people. Many literates and writers were sitting in the temporary auditorium. There were hundreds of spectators invited under the stage. Shen Mingyun called it a support card. 


    Li Mingjin took Luo Shuyu to the private room of a restaurant, where the view was very good, and he could see everything that was happening on the stage. 


    Luo Shuyu could see from here that Shen Mingyun was talking and laughing with two or three people who were  standing beside him, some male and female. When he was happy, he even patted the shoulder of the man beside him, laughing loudly, he seemed to forget himself was a ger, but it was also understandable since Shen Mingyun was originally a pure and simple man, but he also liked a man, that was, a broken sleeve. 

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[broken sleeve = gay]


    Li Mingjin followed Luo Shuyu's line of sight and said, "Shen Mingyun is also smart. Everyone can watch the huakui competition without anyone buying a ticket. Seeing him suffer, he is actually very good at taking advantage of people's hearts."


    "Probably his ideas are different from others." Luo Shuyu said in his heart that he didn't come up with this, but it was copied from others, and we hadn't seen it before. 


    "No wonder the eldest brother and the fourth brother admire him quite a bit. His ideas are very useful." Who didn't want a money bag that could make money. 


    Ansan followed slightly. 


    Li Mingjin asked him: "How is the game now?" 


    Ansan: "Back to the master, it's halfway through, and there are still sixteen women from the brothel who haven't played yet." 


    Li Mingjin: "Well." 


    Luo Shuyu diligently poured tea for Li Mingjin : "Your Highness, what are you taking me to see?"


Li Mingjin twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled with confidence: "Wait for a while and there will be a better performance." 

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    Li Mingjin was inexplicably laughed at by him: "What are you laughing at?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "Laughing at you." 


    Li Mingjin: "What's wrong with me?" 


    Luo Shuyu considered the appropriate words: "Well, it's pretty and handsome." 


    Li Mingjin: "… ..." It turned out that his wife said that he smiled handsomely. 


    The sweet moment in the private room was not long. Li Mingjin was digesting the fact that Luo Shuyu praised him as "handsome " when there was a sudden noise from downstairs. 


    Li Mingjin jumped and dragged Luo Shuyu to the window and said, "The performance has begun." 


    Luo Shuyu looked down at the direction of the performance area, and the entire performance area was in chaos ! 



The author has something to say:

The third prince: Wife, do you like hey hey or hey hey hey?

Luo Shuyu: ...Go away

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