The performance that Li Mingjin mentioned didn't refer to the various performances of the huakui sent by the various brothels on the stage.

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    At this time, the stage where the huakuis performed today suddenly burst with thick smoke, and the instructors who were the closest to the center of the stage were so flustered that they jumped from their seats, tumbled and fled from the scene, and the huakuis who sat in the backstage waiting to compete, they kept screaming and making a mess!


    The center of the stage and the back of the stage were chaotic, and there was no one on the scene to guide them how to quickly evacuate.


    Compared to the backstage, the 300 spectators under the stage ran around in disorder, like headless flies, and they couldn't even figure out where the door was.


    The smoke around the stage was getting thicker and thicker, everyone covered their mouths and noses, it was thick smoke, it was the smell of fire!


    Someone started shouting for help!


    "Ah, ah, everyone, run quickly, get the water !" 


"Get the water !" 


"Run to the exit! If you slow down, you will be burned to death!"


    "Fire master, where is the fire master? Help! Come on!"


    "Someone, help, God, help me!"

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    This time, not only the selected ordinary people who came to watch the game, but also a group of people who watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal. The princes and nobles, they were the first batch of guests to get VIP seats, such as the eldest prince who was sitting in the best viewing position. For now, he had the best relationship with Luofu, and Shen Mingyun left him a VIP seat.


    According to normal circumstances, the closer you were to the center of the stage, the better you could see the performances of the huakui on the stage. But now, the closer you were to the stage, the faster you would be hit by the thick smoke, you would be choked with smoke, your eyes would be so hot that you could only narrow it, and you couldn't see the road clearly. If you wanted to evacuate immediately, it was too late. At this time, the VIP area was also the place where the thickest smoke reached the fastest, and the wind was blowing straight in this direction.


    The eldest prince was guarded by several guards. If someone didn't guard him, he would probably be knocked over by others.


    Now, most of the nobles in the VIP seats were guarded by their servants and left, and there was no order at all. It depended on who could squeeze faster and who could get closer to the stairs leading to the downstairs earlier!


    Someone asked why not jump down? Isn't it only the second floor?


    However, Shen Mingyun suggested to build a temporary VIP seat. In order to let the spectators experience the illusion of a high altitude, he built it higher, so that no one dared to jump, moron, the height was too high.


    The first prince covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves, but he was still choked and coughing: "Cough cough!" 


The guard: "The first prince, the crowd below is very chaotic, we won't be able to go out for a while, I'm afraid those people will hurt you." 


The first prince: "Cough! Hurry up! No way! Cough! If we stay here, we all will  be burned to death!"


    The guard: "Yes!"

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The stage was set up in the original competition area, this was an official rented place. As long as the money was enough, it could be rented to the commoner. Shen Mingyun liked this wide location. He also fenced the entire audience hall to ensure safety. Shen Mingyun plagiarized very well. Afraid that the "fans" in the later period would be too fond of their favorite huakui, he came up with this idea. It was a pity that his idea was not very useful now, and it became an obstacle for everyone to escape.


    The 300 "spectators" felt as they were about to "burn" themselves immediately, and together they kicked the fence. It was more chaos, like the scene of a bloodbath being beaten for a steamed bun in the extreme refugee camp.


    The first prince and others were on the second floor, and they managed to squeeze through the crowd to the first floor. As soon as they saw a little hope, they were about to rush to the fence. However, in the thick smoke, a group of masked strong men dressed in gray sackcloth rushed towards them, blocking their way towards the fence.


    The masked strong men slashed at the first prince Li Mingyu and others without saying a word with big swords!


    "Come here, hurry up, come and protect the first prince!"


    "There are assassins! There are assassins! There are assassins!"


"His Royal Highness! I will protect you!"


The first prince was so frightened that his face turned pale. He had no weapons in his hand, only a jade flute used for decoration, which was chopped to pieces after a few moments.


    The assassin who originally remained silent suddenly said: "Li Mingyu, you are too fucking inauthentic! If you don't keep your word, we will help you kill, but you have to kill my brothers. The debtor, I want to avenge my dead brother! Today is your death!" 


The first prince was not very good at fight, and was guarded by the guards. He covered his nose and stucked his head out. Unable to escape, he was still nervous: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

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    The assassin leader: "We killed for you a few days ago, and we chased the people to the edge of the cliff according to your order and fulfilled your order. This is a deal, but you kill us in turn, and you won't pay one thousand taels of silver!" 


The first prince: "Shut up! Don't frame me!"


    The assassin leader hummed, roared and slashed at the first prince again, but was blocked by the first prince's guards.


    The scene was still very chaotic, scream one after another.


    The first prince's guards' martial arts were considered high-level, and they could temporarily block the fierce attacks of the assassins.


    Not only was the first prince's eyes red from being smoked, but when the guards resisted the assassin and had no time to take care of him, someone kicked him from behind and pushed him to the ground. Not to mention his knees were bruised. The proud handsome face was also beaten until his nose was blue and his face was swollen, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his teeth were loose.


    The smoke seemed to be fading, and the assassins suddenly backed away and blended into the crowd!


    The first prince was helped up by the guards, and they ran towards the gate. The smoke was not so thick here, but when they recovered, they found that the assassins had disappeared without a trace, and the survivors of the aftermath had disappeared. The first prince covered the blood at the corners of his mouth and only ran for his life. He never thought about why they suddenly appeared and disappeared. As long as he saved his life, he was lucky!


    After escaping for their lives from the competition site, the guards from the government office rushed over, and the scene was quickly suppressed. The fleeing people had long since disappeared in the crowded Yunsheng Street, and all that remained were the nobles of the VIP area, all of them very indignant. In the capital, the assassins chased after them and they escaped for their lives. If they hadn't run fast, the assassins must have stabbed them.


    In fact, only the first prince was injured the most. His injuries frightened the yamen people who were serving as emissaries today. Who was to blame and the Holy One would punish them!

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    The boss who held this competition was summoned by the official, and they escaped without any injuries. Seeing the tragic state of the first prince, he almost died on the spot, but he could only cry without tears to the first prince and the nobles for apologize.


    It was true that they didn't think carefully about this matter. Who would have thought that people would be stared at on the day of the competition, and this kind of thing happened, and they were too excited and didn't take precautions beforehand.


    The eldest prince was angry, annoyed, and hurts all over his body. Those assassins were specifically targeting him!


    At this time, the people of the government office began to investigate the cause of the fire at the scene.


    They found thirty braziers at the bottom of the stage, all of which were burning the most choking wet wood. Someone must have arranged it in advance.


    Today, the first prince was the only injured person at the scene. The government office had to give an account no matter what, and the officers directly took the boss back for interrogation.


    The eldest prince asked the guards: "Where's the assassin? So many people didn't see them going out?" 


The guard had to show Li Mingyu the dozen or so black cloth strips they had taken back: "Returning to the first prince, these people must be taking advantage of smoke, they pretended to be ordinary people and ran to Yunsheng Street."


    The governor of the capital, who learned that the situation was serious, hurried over: "Hurry up and investigate, I want to know how they got in. Actually took advantage of the crowd to attack the first prince!" 


The first prince was escorted by a group of officers and soldiers, sent him directly back to the first prince's mansion.

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