The first one who was taken away, and the most wronged fourth prince, Li Mingchun, sighed slightly. He used the action of drinking tea to cover up the thoughts in his heart. A lively and lovely figure flashed in his mind. I don't know what he is doing now?

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    When everyone was still reminiscing about the game just now, a loud voice sounded.


    "A good soldier never tires of cheating, hahaha, your game is really interesting, and you can play two games with me when you have time."


    Hearing the voice, they knew that this was the Emperor Tiansheng, and he brought the queen to the table.


    In his eyes, this was a game worthy of promotion. The thieves catch the commoner, the catcher catches the thieves, the saint rescues the commoner, and the immortal guides the people in the world, which was interesting.


    Everyone stood up and saluted the Emperor Tiansheng. After the ceremony, the queen brought everyone and others to their seats, and then entered the feast.


    When the Emperor Tiansheng entered the feast, he first had a glass of wine with everyone for the annual Mid-Autumn Festival.


    The next step was to drink. Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin are newlyweds. After the first prince, they drank the wine for the  Emperor Tiansheng. The Emperor Tiansheng remembered his words "A soldier never tires of cheating". No wonder he was in the palace yesterday and his third son wanted to block his face, this Luo scholar was really smart.


    There was also a banquet in the middle. Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu watched the show while eating. In front of outsiders, Li Mingjin was said that he was acting presumptuously, but etiquette was carved into his bones since he was a child. The crown prince and brothers ate and drank the wine together.


    He drank too much wine and ate less food. Luo Shuyu thought that fortunately, before going out, he asked the mansion to prepare wine and food in advance. It was fine, he could eat a few bites occasionally.


    Because it was a family banquet, there was no one to persuade him to drink, so Li Mingjin wasn't drunk.


    As soon as the Youshi time passed, the Emperor Tiansheng led them to the garden to watch today's fireworks, which was what Luo Shuyu looked forward to the most tonight.




    The first fireworks burst into the air.


    Everyone's eyes turned to the suddenly bright night sky.


    Luo Shuyu looked up at the fireworks, while Li Mingjin looked at him sideways, thinking: It turns out that my wife likes watching the fireworks. In the future, I must hold a large-scale fireworks show for him on his birthday.


    Li Mingjin quietly held Luo Shuyu's hand: "Yu'er."

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    Luo Shuyu turned to look at Li Mingjin and asked, "What?"


    Li Mingjin: "I like you."


    Bang Bang Bang!


    The sound of fireworks overwhelmed Li Mingjin's voice, and Luo Shuyu asked repeatedly: "What did you say?"


    Li Mingjin repeated: "I said I like you."


    Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!


    Luo Shuyu: "Huh?"


    Li Mingjin: "..." He shook his head in frustration.


    He changed his mind, he must not set off fireworks on his wife's birthday, delaying him to show his sincerity to his wife!


    The fireworks continued, Luo Shuyu turned his head and continued to watch the fireworks. At this time, the stars were shining brightly in the night sky, and there was a slight smile on his lips. He didn't hear Li Mingjin's voice clearly, but he could see the shape of his lips.


    You like me, and I like you too.


    When I'm sure I can live well in this life, I'll let you know.


    After the fireworks show in the palace ended, the princes who had their own palaces had to leave the palace and couldn't stay in the palace for the night.


    The third prince left the palace together, because Li Mingjin's foot hadn't healed yet, and now he couldn't ride a horse.


    If he couldn't ride, others didn't necessarily didn't ride. They saw the fourth prince riding a horse before them and disappeared.


    Li Mingjin began to be suspicious of Li Mingchun yesterday. Seeing his back in a hurry, he asked Luo Shuyu, "What is the fourth brother doing in such a hurry?"


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    Luo Shuyu said, "This Mid-Autumn Festival, there are also many women and gers who will be on the street."


    Li Mingjin: "So, the fourth brother also wants to marry a wife, and I don't know which woman or ger he will marry."


    Luo Shuyu shook his head: "If he has someone he likes, can he marry him?"


    Li Mingjin: "As long as the family background is innocent, it should be no problem to take a concubine. In the royal family, the prince rarely has the right to choose his own concubine. When I meet you, It's my luck."


    Luo Shuyu: "Me too." 


After saying this, the temperature in the carriage was a little high for a while, and when they returned to the mansion, Li Mingjin's face was still tight.


    Back in the main courtyard, the lights were brightly lit, with small lanterns hanging in the courtyard, and rows of pinwheels moving with the wind, which were really beautiful.


    There was a table of served wine, dishes, freshly seasonal fruits, and moon cakes that must be eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival.


    Li Mingjin was very surprised, the expression on his face became blank. During the day, when he saw Luo Shuyu's command to move and lift, it turned out not only to make a table of dishes, but also unexpected arrangements.


    His wife was so caring.


    Luo Shuyu said, "Your Highness, this is the first Mid-Autumn Festival we spent together." It won't be the last.


    Li Mingjin nodded, "Yeah." When it came to the critical moment, he was always speechless and anxious.


    Luo Shuyu handed him a pair of chopsticks: "Let's try this meat dish, whether it's delicious or not. The roast lamb was specially prepared by the kitchen today."     


After tasting it, Li Mingjin couldn't help nodding: "Delicious."


Sitting in the yard together to admire the moon, Li Mingjin admired the windmill being blown.


    When it was almost time to rest, Li Mingjin urged Luo Shuyu to go back to the room to rest.


    After getting on the bed, Luo Shuyu was kissed fiercely by Li Mingjin: "It's my turn tonight."

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    Luo Shuyu who was gagged: "Huh?"


    Li Mingjin bit his earlobe again and whispered, "I'll mess with you."


    Luo Shuyu felt his hand on his private place: "..." It doesn't have to.


    The night life of the husbands in the Third Prince's Mansion had just begun.


    At the same time, an unexpected thing happened on Yunsheng Street.


    The huakui competition continued today at Youshi, and there weren't a lot of spectators. The guardrails that were damaged before were gone, and now they had been changed to artificial security.


    However, these bosses still underestimated the mentality of the common people to watch the fun. The more famous the huakui, the more people came to watch. When Liang Xian'er appeared on the stage, it reached the largest number of spectators at the huakui competition.


    Suddenly, someone at the scene started fighting because of discussing Liang Xian'er's appearance, and it was chaos again.


    Suddenly, someone shouted: "Traffickers, there are traffickers, they took my son away!"


    "Help me!"


    "Who will help me find my child!"


    "My child is gone too!"


    "My God Ah, where is my child? Where are you Ergouzi?"


    At this time, a beautiful young man and a few servants appeared in front of the man and asked him, "This is your child?"


    The man who found the child again: "Yes, yes, he is my child!"


    However, the child kept crying and didn't want to be hugged by the man at all, and the beautiful young man also signaled the servant to return the child to the man as soon as possible.

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    He consciously did a good deed. When the man walked away with the child in his arms, the beautiful young man breathed a sigh of relief. He finally completed a task, and the made some mall coins.


     From a distance, He could hear a woman crying and screaming that she lost her child!


    Shen Mingyun looked at the tasks he had completed, and ignored it, there would be officials who would take care of it later.


    Seeing that the first round of the show was finally over, he wanted to take a good look at the night market in Beijing.


    He was wandering around and accidentally bumped into a man in white. The other person turned his head and smiled at him: "Yeah, it's you."


    Shen Mingyun didn't find out whether Li Mingchun really met by chance or did it deliberately, but he certainly wouldn't think too much, everything must be a chance of encounter.


    He laughed very loudly: "Fourth Prince? It's a coincidence, are you also visiting the night market?" 


Li Mingchun handed him a mask in his hand: "Of course, I just bought it, does it look good?"


Shen Mingyun took the mask: "Good-looking, thank you." He thought that the fourth prince was worthy of being the male god in his mind, not to mention his looks, his voice was nice, and people were gentle.


    Suddenly, a carriage drove by and almost hit Shen Mingyun who was facing away from it. Li Mingchun quickly pulled Shen Mingyun into his arms: "Mingyun, be careful!"


    At this moment, Shen Mingyun felt that he became the heroine in the idol script. Is it the feeling of heartbeat?


    In all time travel dramas, the person who traveled must be the protagonist, and he thought he must be too.


    When Shen Mingyun smelled the light sandalwood scent on Li Mingchun's body and was thinking wildly, a playful look flashed in Li Mingchun's eyes.


    In the chaotic crowd just now, how did Shen Mingyun find that child?



The author has something to say:

The third prince: Wife, today I'm A, you are O, you are in the estrus period when you can't use inhibitors!

Luo Shuyu: ...Go away

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