Chapter 32 The Crown Princess's Invitation

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    Three days had passed since the Mid-Autumn Festival. 


    That night's huakui competition ended due to the scurrying of human traffickers at the Mid-Autumn Festival, and because the curious people wanted to see with their own eyes who Liang Xian'er, who was known as the first huakui in the capital looked like. Even though guards were invited, many people went in and it was still crowded. 


    According to Shen Mingyun's description, it was a proper star chasing scene. 


    However, last night, Shen Mingyun thought that after Liang Xian'er appeared on the stage, there would be no more accidents, so he went to the night market with the fourth prince, and didn't see the end at the scene. He didn't know that Liang Xian'er's performance was too crowded by crazy people before the competition started. When she got on the stage, Liang Xian'er's well-designed performance clothes were almost torn off. Fortunately, the guards at the scene came quickly and escorted her to the backstage. Some of the guards used a lot of energy to disperse the crazy crowd. 


    The huakui competition on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival was stopped at Liang Xian'er' turn. 


    The two consecutive huakui competitions failed, and the bosses who partnered to invest the money were so anxious that their hair turned white and their mouths grew blisters! 


    When the official side learned about this, they found that the huakui competition was a large gathering place, and because of the crowd, there was a big incident. Many childrens were kidnapped by kidnappers. On the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the government received reports from dozens of people. 


    After the incident was over, the governor of the capital immediately handed the report to the above! 


    The huakui competition would definitely have a great impact on the stability of the capital, not only the people, but also the safety of Your Majesty. The relevant procedures for large- scale events were formulated. If you wanted to hold a large-scale competition of entertainment, it must be reported to the government, otherwise you couldn't obtain the qualification to hold the event! 

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    In less than two days, the above agreed to the proposal of the governor of the capital, and the above gave reasonable instructions. The governor was almost terrified, and the efficiency of the above was suddenly like a dream. 


    On the third day after the end of the first phase of the huakui competition, a new decree was issued in the capital. 


    [To hold large-scale events in the bustling areas of the capital, those with more than 50 people must report to the government in advance! 】 


    Although Li Mingjin kept his feet at home, he could know what's going on without leaving home. He wasn't the crown prince or the first prince, and he didn't think that the Emperor Tiansheng wouldn't know their every move. This huge imperial city, the whole world. It was all in the hands of the Emperor Tiansheng, can he not know the movements of the people below? 


    Moreover, the Emperor Tiansheng had a secret guard on his hand to help him. The crown prince and the first prince looked down on him. It was definitely not stupid to be able to win the world from the five princes back then. He would care more about power, and now, wanting to split power from the Emperor Tiansheng was equivalent to pull out a tiger's beard. 


    Li Mingjin started to go to the court. He went to the Ministry of Punishment in the morning to fill the attendance, and came back to accompany Luo Shuyu in the afternoon. After three months of marriage leave, to save them from watching and worrying. 


    After he went to the Ministry of Punishment today to fill the attendance, he personally went to the pastry shop to buy some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for Luo Shuyu, and casually told him about the follow-up of the huakui competition. It was three days later, but his wife was not in a hurry. 


    The two were eating sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and some dried fruits in the pavilion. They were all collected by Li Mingjin for Luo Shuyu's cravings , not for himself. After all, he loved food with meat. 


    Luo Shuyu knew that the huakui competition had collapsed at the door, and didn't know what to do next. 


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    Sat across from him, Li Mingjin tore the beef jerky into strips and stuffed it into his mouth, explaining the new law to Luo Shuyu. 


    Luo Shuyu really didn't expect that Li Mingjin could still think of this method, using official means to directly target Shen Mingyun, which was very reasonable. 


    If it was in Shen Mingyun's world, it was really not feasible to directly take the law, after all, the situation in the country was different. 


    Luo Shuyu thought about it for a while and said : "After the decree came out, this huakui competition didn't seem to be banned, but in fact it was slowly draining everyone's enthusiasm for it." 


    Li Mingjin said: "Yes, and the approval process is still fast for the time being. This will involve several departments, and the governor of the capital will also send people to watch." 


    "But then, if we hold some meaningful activities, won't it take a long time?" 


    "The decree is clear, it's stipulated that the application process for non-entertainment competitions will be simpler. For example, the martial arts arena, large-scale literati poetry competitions, and cooking competitions all involve individual recipes that only need to be reported, while the huakui competition that involved nearly thousand people planned by Shen Mingyun will take a longer time." 


    Thinking about it, it would be impossible for Shen Mingyun to gain gold every day during the huakui competition as he did in the previous life. 


    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness, isn't the decree more than this?" 


    Li Mingjin: "Of course, there are many details in it, all of which were finalized in advance." 


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    "As a result, Shen Mingyun's huakui competition can't go on." If you drag it later, the expectations of the audience would be lower. Over the time, everyone would lose their freshness. The first issue had came out, and all the huakui had finished their appearances, and there were no hooks. He couldn't help complimenting Li Mingjin, "It's still Your Highness's clever trick, and he won't be criticized." 


    Li Mingjin raised his eyelids: "Then do you know whose team the governor of the capital is currently on?" 


    "Crown prince?" Luo Shuyu asked uncertainly. "Only he can fight against the first prince at present, and the father emperor won't prevent the crown prince from issuing this decree." 


    After all, the crown prince was the one who was told by the ancestors to inherit the orthodox throne, and he could rectify it for better security in the capital. The Emperor Tiansheng would definitely support him, and this was also related to the safety of the imperial city. How can the Emperor Tiansheng's territory allow others to sleep soundly?. 


    Luo Shuyu really admired Li Mingjin. He not only had a brain, but also had a lot of courage. These things were given to the crown prince were enough to make the Emperor Tiansheng changed his mind, but he chose to give it away for free. 


    Today, he knew that what he married was a treasure, his treasure, and this was the real third prince himself. 


    "Smart, I will reward you with a piece of cake." Li Mingjin personally brought the cake to Luo Shuyu's mouth. 


    Luo Shuyu: "..." On purpose, knowing that he could guess, 


    Feeding his wife the cakes was a fun thing, Li Mingjin watched Luo Shuyu finished one piece, and then handed the next piece to his lips: "One more bite?"


    Luo Shuyu satisfied his desire to feed people, he opened his mouth and ate another piece. 

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    When he reacted again, Luo Shuyu had already swallowed three pieces of cakes, and Li Mingjin was about to feed him the fourth piece. Fortunately, he stopped him quickly. He was not a pig. 


    Li Mingjin felt extremely regretful that he couldn't continue to feed his wife the cakes. 


    The huakui 101 issue was more than half solved by Li Mingjin, and he still had a question he wanted to ask. 


    "By the way, Your Highness, did you find the lost child that night on the Mid-Autumn Festival?" He was also someone who had a child before. He felt the pain of losing a child, and could understand the heartbreak of losing a child. 


    Li Mingjin said: "Since I found it, I sent people to watch it in advance that day, and there were already people watching the kidnappers from the government side. I followed the vine and found the kidnapper's den. In the end, they caught and rescued more than 40 childrens, some of whom were kidnapped that night, and some were kidnapped from another place." 


    Luo Shuyu said with emotion: "Aren't those children unable to find their parents?" 


    Li Mingjin nodded: "Yu'er don't have to worry, they are temporarily placed in Fuxinfang, and the imperial court will regularly allocate money there." 


    When Luo Shuyu mentioned these lonely children, Luo Shuyu reluctantly thought of his previous life, and his heart was in a mess, and his eyes didn't know why it turned red. 


    Li Mingjin was so frightened that he was at a loss: "Did I say something wrong? I apologize." 


    Once he drank with a certain general, he said that when his wife was angry or cried, it was right to apologize first, and if it was useless, he would kneel down. It would be fine!

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