The tears in Luo Shuyu's eyes almost shrank back, and he wiped his tears: "It's okay, it's because I thought that my mother went early when I was a child. After so many years alone, I feel a little emotional. Your Highness, why don't we send someone to buy some clothes and foods and send it to Fuxinfang, it’s almost winter, I’m afraid they won’t be able to survive.”

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 Shen Mingyun disliked them, ancient people. They full of hope, but in terms of the child’s survival, it was really low, and if they got sick, they may be die. Once, Shen Mingyun mentioned that the medical level in ancient times was really poor, and he also disliked that he couldn't replace a bowl of medicine soup with a bean-sized pill to cure all diseases. Therefore, Luo Shuyu thought about doing his best to keep those children who might not be able to find their parents to live as much as possible. 


    Li Mingjin was afraid that he would cry, so he held his hand and said, "There is a maple forest in Fuxinfang. We can go there to enjoy the maple leaves in a while and take a look at those children, okay?" 


    "Okay." Luo Shuyu said well, he also wanted to go out for a walk, but not now, Li Mingjin's legs were not fully healed. Beside, the human trafficker thing had just passed, and it would make the crown prince or the first  prince suspicious.


    Li Mingjin thought to himself that his wife was not only very soft-hearted, but also loved to cry. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't know that he was a crybaby in Li Mingjin's heart. 


    The sun went down, and the two were about to return to the main courtyard. At this time steward Sun brought someone, he should be the eunuch in the palace. 


    The eunuch saluted the two of them and reported: "I have seen His Royal Highness the Third Prince and the Third Prince's Imperial Concubine. The Crown Princess will hold an autumn chrysanthemum viewing soon. This is an invitation to the Third Prince's Imperial Concubine." 


The Mid-Autumn Festival just passed, The Crown Princess invited him to appreciate the chrysanthemum, which seemed very interesting. 


    Luo Shuyu opened the invitation, looked at the time and place, and probably knew why she was hosting this chrysanthemum banquet. 


    In his previous life, he just accused of marriage, and he never went to this chrysanthemum viewing banquet by the Liu family. After reading the book, he realized that Shen Mingyun once again shined brightly at this chrysanthemum viewing banquet. 


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    The chrysanthemum banquet was not just for fun, appreciating chrysanthemums, eating, drinking, and playing. The princess had another purpose. 


    Hearing that the prince didn't have any children yet, the queen was very anxious. The crown prince and the crown princess indeed repeatedly asked the imperial doctor about how to have a child. Now, this responsibility fell on the crown princess. She looked beautiful on the surface, she was also considered to get the crown prince's favor, but there was no movement in her belly. She was also wronged in this regard, but no matter how wronged she was, it was useless. She could only set up a chrysanthemum banquet according to the queen's instructions, and invited women or gers of innocent families to come to the scene to replace the crown prince to chose concubine. 


    The bright side was to appreciate chrysanthemums, but in fact it was to choose people. 


    After the eunuch of the East Palace left, Luo Shuyu sent someone to inquire whether the unmarried young ladies and young masters of the Luo residence received the invitations from the crown  princess. 


    In the evening, he knew that all the young ladies and gers of the right age in Luo Mansion was invited. Because Liu Shi was "seriously ill", the invitation was in the hands of the old lady, and she would lead those people there. 


    It seemed that the old lady knew the purpose of this chrysanthemum banquet, and who wanted to be sent to the Crown Prince's Mansion to be a concubine? 


    After Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin took a bath, they sat on the couch and played chess before it was time to rest. 


    Seeing Luo Shuyu frowning, Li Mingjin didn't think he was thinking  about the chess game, and he was holding white chess piece in a daze. Li Mingjin poked at his slightly bulging cheek: "What are you thinking?" 


    Luo Shuyu touched his face: "I'm thinking about the chrysanthemum banquet in three days." 


    Li Mingjin: "What?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "I'm guessing that the crown princess wants to choose a good wife for the crown prince." 

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    Li Mingjin: "In the past, you didn't saw the crown prince more than when I saw him . How do you decide that he is anxious about the heir?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "The crown prince is not in a hurry, but some people were more anxious than the crown prince, otherwise why would they appreciate chrysanthemums at this season, and most of the invitations are for unmarried women and gers in the capital." 


     Now all the people in the capital who could be named were on the list of crown princess. 


    Li Mingjin: "Why do you care about this? The crown prince finds concubine is normal." 


    Luo Shuyu said: "But all of the three candidates from Luofu are invited, including Shen Mingyun." 


    In the book, how did Shen Mingyun meet the crown prince? How did the crown prince develop a favorable impression of Shen Mingyun? It was in this chrysanthemum banquet. 


    What did Shen Mingyun do at that time to attract the attention of the crown prince who was passing by the banquet? 


    According to the book, he talked eloquently in front of hundreds of pots of chrysanthemums at that time. 


    After that day, Shen Mingyun became famous again in the capital, and even the crown prince looked at him highly. The crown prince had the idea of ​​accepting him, but at this time, Shen Mingyun was already a little famous, and the first, the fourth prince wouldn't agree. In short, Shen Mingyun used another trick to escape the catastrophe of becoming crown prince's concubine. 


    And now, if Shen Mingyun go to the Chrysanthemum Banquet again, will he still be favored by the Crown Prince? 


    Li Mingjin didn't care much about this: "What if he go, you forgot, what he did at the poetry meeting of Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan last time, he copied Li Bai's poems." 

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    "Yes." Luo Shuyu remembered that it was the first time he met Li Mingjin after his rebirth that day. 


    It was night, when the two fell asleep, Luo Shuyu was pressed down by Li Mingjin and was almost breathless, and his hand was placed in a particularly sensitive place again! 


    Li Mingjin leaned against his earlobe and said in a deep voice, "Don't forget the day when you and I first met." 


    Luo Shuyu begged with a warm face: "Your Highness, I will remember, you don't...".



Youyou Xiaozhu. 


    Shen Mingyun bent one leg and stepped on the chair and ate a chicken leg in a big mouth. His mouth was oily, and he scolded the system in his mind: "Fuck! The person who issued the regulation on crowd gathering management is an idiot, right? Look at me! How can I collect money if the huakui 101 doesn't run continuously? When will this application be applied? Is the official's work quicker? It will be over after a month or two! The regulation was created by the crown prince? System, can you make a deal with the crown prince?" 


The system replied: "No, if the host fails to complete the task within the time limit, the task will be regarded as a failure." 


    Shen Mingyun: "Rely on, but at least I still earned money a bit." 


The system: "After deducting the cost of the huakui's appearance fee and various expenses, the host didn't successfully earn a penny, but did a loss-making business." 


    Shen Mingyun: "..." So he still posted it backwards? 

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    At this time, the person beside him said, "Gongzi, the old lady sent someone over to spread the words and asked you to stay in the mansion for the past two days. In a few days, you will go to the Crown Princess's Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet." 


    Shen Mingyun threw the chicken thigh bones on the table: "What's the point of watching the chrysanthemum banquet? What can you enjoy in a pot of chrysanthemum?" 


    The person beside him said, "No, gongzi, it's more than a few of potted plants. I heard that those chrysanthemums were planted before autumn, and the chrysanthemums bloom in pieces, and they are beautiful!" 


    Shen Mingyun was a little interested: " Oh? Then I'll go take a look." 


    At the same time, Shen Mingyun received another system task. 


    [Task reminder: Please become friends with the Crown Princess and gain her trust. 】 


    Shen Mingyun said in disbelief: "Her husband has messed with me, so I still want to be her friend? My brain got shit?" 


    The system in his mind: ...    




The author has something to say:

The third Prince: What I touched is here? Still here? 

Luo Shuyu: Go away~

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