The Third Prince's Mansion

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    Autumn, the air was fresh, the sun was just right, it was suitable for climbing, and it was also suitable for viewing chrysanthemums. 


    After Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin got married, he never traveled far alone. This was the first time he received an invitation to go out. 


    Today's Li Mingjin was particularly worried, for fear that Luo Shuyu would be bullied by the Crown Princess and those who didn't have long eyes. From waking up in the morning, he looked completely absent-minded, and the Emperor Tiansheng, who was sitting above, glanced at him several times. 


    After went out from the court, he hurriedly went back to the mansion, hoping that Luo Shuyu hadn't gone out yet, and he could look at his wife more today. 


    Back to the mansion, Li Mingjin found that Luo Shuyu hadn't gone out yet and was changing clothes in the bedroom. 


    Li Mingjin hugged him from behind: "I'll pick it out for you." 


    Luo Shuyu was taken aback by his sudden action, the maid next to him covered their mouths and smiled, Luo Shuyu patted Li Mingjin behind him. 


    Li Mingjin drove them out, hugged Luo Shuyu and took a few mouthfuls, and let him go until Luo Shuyu was panting slightly. 


    For the occasion, Li Mingjin chose a chrysanthemum pattern hosta for Luo Shuyu, jade pendantengraved with a chrysanthemum pattern . 

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    Luo Shuyu asked him, "Your Highness, won't it look bad if I put so many chrysanthemum patterns on my body?" 


    He remembered that Shen Mingyun's system provided him with a fashion matching magazine, and it was written in the book that if the matching of clothing and accessories exceeds three, one of them should be concise and not too complicated. 


    Li Mingjin picked up a blue satin sachet from the basket: "Not much, let's add a sachet with a chrysanthemum pattern." 


    Luo Shuyu looked at Li Mingjin clumsily tying the sachet for him, and smiled: "Why all of them are  chrysanthemum?" 


    Li Mingjin half-squatted and said, "Nothing." If the chrysanthemum banquet didn't wear chrysanthemum patterns, it wasn't brilliant, his wife should be the best.


    A series of praise hit Luo Shuyu: "My person should be the best looking one at the banquet." 


    Luo Shuyu laughed: "You think too much." He turned to ask the person, "what time is it now? It's time to go". 


    The distance was a bit long, and Luo Shuyu had to go half an hour earlier. 


    Li Mingjin and him hardly separated since they got married. Today, they had to be separated for a whole day. Suddenly, he wanted to send Luo Shuyu out, and he felt a little bit reluctant. It seemed that he understood why Luo Shuyu always stood there for a long time when he sent him out before going back.  He told him not to stand for too long several times, but he didn't listen. Now that it was his turn, he seemed to be able to understand what he was doing, because it was reluctance to part, extremely reluctant. 

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    Li Mingjin not only personally sent Luo Shuyu to the carriage, but also sent him more people, for fear that he would be bullied. 


    Li Mingjin said a few more words: "You'll be back when it's time to go back. It gets dark quickly in autumn, and it's hard to walk when it's late." 


    Luo Shuyu nodded while hooking the curtain of the carriage: "I know, it won't be too late, don't give it away. I'm here, the guards are here, I'll be fine."


He got out of the carriage, after thinking of something, "Your Highness, come here." 


Luo Shuyu straightened Li Mingjin's hair crown, Li Mingjin leaned forward, only to see Luo Shuyu held a light blue colored sachet out of nowhere, it was dexterously hung on Li Mingjin's waist. If there was a difference, the pattern on it was rather unusual. He guessed that Luo Shuyu embroidered it himself, and shook Luo Shuyu's hand: "You do a good job of embroidering this little daisy." 


    Luo Shuyu twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at him fixedly: "I embroidered bamboo leaves." 


    Li Mingjin: "...Well, it looks good." It turns out that my wife's embroidery skills are so unusual . 


    Luo Shuyu didn't force him to open his eyes and talked nonsense. Whoever had no shortcomings, he just didn't know how to do it. If it wasn't for Li Mingjin, he would never do embroider in his life. 


    "I'm leaving." Luo Shuyu couldn't continue to talk to Li Mingjin any longer, otherwise it would really get dark later. 

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    "Go, be careful on the road." Li Mingjin nodded, and when Luo Shuyu's carriage disappeared around the corner, he was still standing at the gate of the Third Prince's Mansion, with the intention of looking after the husband. 


    For the first time, Luo Shuyu was watched away by Li Mingjin. Everything he saw along the way felt beautiful, and even when he looked at the little wild flowers on the roadside he felt very happy. 


    The crown princess' chrysanthemum banquet wasn't held in the East Palace, but chose a courtyard in the name of the crown prince. 


    When he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, he found that there were rows of carriages parked outside. Luo Shuyu was riding in a carriage marked by the Third Prince's Mansion. As soon as he appeared, the eunuch shouted, "The Third Prince Imperial Concubine is here!" 


    He was led into the mansion. 


    Before the fall, the Crown Princess ordered no less than 200 kinds of chrysanthemums to be planted here. Luo Shuyu and others should be able to see 220 kinds of chrysanthemums here today. 


    From the moment you entered the door, you could see that the yard was full of chrysanthemums of different varieties. Whether you were interested in chrysanthemums or not, you would be attracted by this magnificent scenery and stop for these different delicate flowers. 


    In addition to appreciating chrysanthemums, today’s dishes was also related to chrysanthemums, including chrysanthemum tea, chrysanthemum wine, chrysanthemum syrup, chrysanthemum cakes, etc. A variety of dishes with chrysanthemum as an accessory. 


    Although he had never participated in this chrysanthemum viewing banquet in his last life, he also participated in various banquets held by others on weekdays. The process of the banquet was almost the same, but this time the purpose was relatively unusual, because the crown princess wanted to replace the crown prince to choose concubine. 

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    They didn't say it on the bright side, but all those who were willing to send their gers and daughters in after receiving the wind came. Those who didn't want to come wouldn't go out with their unmarried children. In fact, there were only two kinds of people she wanted, one was from a decent background, and the other was someone who looked to be able to give birth. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't know how to distinguish whether someone could give birth or not. Although he had given birth, he was a ger, and he was different from a woman, and he didn't know much about it. It was estimated that a woman would be chosen this time. The ger's fertility rate was relatively low. There were also men in Daxia who  married gers. They never had children in their entire lives, but they were all special cases. Basically, it wasn't a problem to have one or two. 


    Luo Shuyu was not very interested in the princess's choice of girls who could or couldn't have children. He was attracted by the chrysanthemum gardens after he entered the courtyard. 


    After watching it for a while, he said to Qingwang, "If only His Highness could do it, too." Only when the two people who agreed with each other could appreciate the scenery together, the impression could be deepened. 


    Qingwang said optimistically: " Master will be able to enjoy chrysanthemums with His Royal Highness in the future, but you have to live a lifetime." 


    Luo Shuyu strengthened his determination, and for this vision, he had to do well: "Yes, we will definitely live a lifetime. " 


    Everything would go in the right direction. 


    This was Luo Shuyu's first time to go out as the third prince's concubine. Many people had strong curiosity about him. Who didn't know what kind of reputation the third prince had? Before they got married, many people privately bet on the direct descendant of Luofu. How long the young master could stay in the Third Prince's Mansion, would he die before he even arrived at the Guining Day when he entered the mansion? 


    But today they saw it and found that all their guesses were wrong!

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