Luo Renshou had a good reputation for being a clean and honest official outside. The Luo family was a farming family and relatively economical in the use of money. After Luo Renshou settled in Beijing, the house he lived in was simpler than that of other official. 

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 He came from an imperial examination. It took a long time to climb from a sixth-rank official to his current position. His family background was limited, and he was completely incomparable with other wealthy officials. Be cautious, created a good external image, and often warned the family members and subordinates not to be open when acting outside, and the family style was fairly rigorous. 


    But because of Shen Mingyun’s arrival, he inevitably hooked up with various forces. The Luo family’s talents began to be high-profile. Luo Renshou’s status in the court also increased with the tide and also the number of times his name was mentioned. The more you came, the greetings came like snowflakes. 


    This was the first year that Shen Mingyun had entered the book. The original owner, Shen Mingyun, refused to accept his life on the way to Beijing. After that, Shen Mingyun occupied the body of the original owner. He was originally the son of Luo Renshou's relative. A small army officer, the family had been living on the border, because of the invasion of foreign enemies, the city was captured, his father lost his life while resisting foreign enemies, and his family suffered misfortune. Only Shen Mingyun, who was hiding in the cellar could escape. After that, the original Shen Mingyun went to the capital to look for his uncle who was not very close, but he couldn't help it, he was already lost his family. 


    At this time, Luo Shuyu took Qingwang and a maid to Qingquanyun to greet the old lady Luo.

(chinese give a name to every yard in their residence)


    Before people arrived, they heard cheers and laughter from the yard. The old lady laughed the loudest, followed by Liu Shi's. Except for Luo Renshou and the two young masters of the Luo family and two young masters, all of them were here. 


    Although Shen Mingyun’s mother was not born from the old lady, Shen Mingyun’s temperament wass very similar to this old lady from the countryside. The two always talked very happily, and he had a good time chatting with the old lady in Luo’s family. That was Shen Mingyun, if you had not read the book, Luo Shuyu wouldn't know why Shen Mingyun would please the old lady, because they had similar origin, they couldn't integrate into the capital family and rules, and they had a common language. One point, that was, if you also didn’t know the etiquette, you had the same smell.


    Luo Shuyu thought that it was for this reason that the old lady didn't like him, but he didn't feel it very much, and he didn't have any special expectations. For these so-called relatives, when he died, he had already lost his feelings and even hated them. Everyone was indifference and without selflessness. 


It was different now, from the moment he entered the old lady's yard, most people's eyes still fell on him. 


    He didn't find a place to sit down and used himself as air like he used to listen to their chats. 


    Liu Shi's style was "harmony to make money", with a smile on her face, welcoming people: "Shu Yu, you came just right. Your cousin just came back from Dajue Temple, and he brought us some interesting melons and fruits. You can try it too." 


    Luo Shuyu still wore a blue-colored elegant clothes today, but there was a palm-sized jade pendant around his waist, which was translucent, shiny, and colliding with the jade beads next to it, making a shallow clanking and crisp sound, which was really nice. The charm of a young man was shown to the fullest, looked warm and moist like jade, outstanding and extraordinary. 


    Luo Shuyu looked at the beautiful young man of the same age sitting next to the old lady. That person was the protagonist Shen Mingyun in the book. He and Luo Shuyu had two different looks. Shen Mingyun had a pair of attractive peach eyes. The corners of the eyes are slightly upward, and the nose was slightly straight, somewhat flattering. 

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    He remembered in the book that Shen Mingyun commented on his cousin Shen's appearance when he woke up. He was as white as jade, skin was like fat, a beautiful face with melon seed shape, a pair of smart eyes, and his eyes were as silky as silk. A very good look. 


    Why not? Cousin Shen's biological mother came from a brothel. If it was not for a good-looking skin, she would not have been accepted as a concubine by the old man. 


    As a ger, cousin Shen was undoubtedly outstanding in appearance, and Shen Mingyun's own halo conferred by the system, it was not difficult to get the favor of others. Speaking of this favor, Luo Shuyu remembered that there was an item exchange mall in his system. As long as you did the tasks, you could get mall coins. This mall had different items at different prices. These items could be used on Shen Mingyun, or the person he wanted to attack, it could affect the goodwill of others towards him, and could also affect the behavior of others. It was a terrible system prop.


    For example, Shen Mingyun gave a gift to the old lady on a certain day. As long as he used the props, Shen Mingyun could make a request to the old lady, and the old lady would agree to him and he achieved his goal. 


    Luo Shuyu was drawn to her side by Liu Shi, with a warm attitude as if Luo Shuyu was his biological son. 


    "Ten I'm gong to have a taste." Luo Shuyu ate a fruit delivered by the maids, and peeled it by himself. "It's very sweet." 


    Before Luo Shuyu came, Shen Mingyun had already told everyone the origin of this fruit. Everyone was waiting for Luo Shuyu to ask about this fruit, but when Luo Shuyu ate the third one, he didn't ask about it. Everyone was a little disappointed. 


    Shen Mingyun had already robbed the limelight and felt in his heart that the ancient people didn't have much knowledge. Now he was calm, but the impatient Luo Shuyao jumped out. He was jealous of Shen Mingyun and envied Shen Mingyun. He couldn't beat the opponent. Could only bully Luo Shuyu who was not backed by his mother. 


    Luo Shuyao gloated and asked him: "Third Brother, do you know how this fruit come from?" 


    Luo Shuyu casually wiped his fingers with a handkerchief, lighty laughed: "I guess you know that I don't know" 


    To Luo Shuyao's understanding of Luo Shuyu who didn't go out of the door and didn't move forward, he smiled and said: "Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, why should the third brother play mystery?" 


    Luo Shuyu smiled back: "Foreign Objects" he said : "Lychee is rare, juicy, sweet and sour, so it has its own flavor. You eat until full, not easy to feel bored. its skin is shiny. It starts to ripen in April. " 


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    Luo Shuyao didn't expect Luo Shuyu to know, his face was a little uncontrollable, and he was furious: "How did you know?" He also wanted to humiliate Luo Shuyu. 


    Luo Shuyu said plainly: "Read more. " 


    Luo Shuyao's face was scorching, and he was speechless for a while.


    Shen Mingyun knew that it was because of him that he only wanted to watch the jokes. Just as he was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, he listened to Luo Shuyu's words: "Compared to this lychee, I once heard that farmers have a trick. They can plant some words. No matter what kind of characters you want, they can plant them." 


    Shen Mingyun was surprised by what he said and asked Luo Shuyu the same question. His expression was very straightforward: "How do you know? " 


    Luo Shuyu faintly looked at him:" I know, there is an information about it in the miscellaneous book"


    The old lady naturally curious:" Shuyu, you said that the fruit can grow into a word? Is it magic? "


    Luo Shu Yu said. "It’s not a magical method. This farmer is smart. He wanted to sell his own fruit for more money. He made a special mold to cover the fruit. When the fruit matures, this is what he came up with. The fruit looks exactly like the mold.” 


    Although the old lady didn’t like Luo Shuyu very much, there was Luo Renshou, the son who had successfully ascended the position. She also supported the children to learn more knowledge. Luo Shuyu loved to read books. She was still pleased that it was her grandchildren. At this moment, she also increased her awareness of the outside world, and she was happy. 


    As for Shen Mingyun, his face was green and white, and he was slandering what miscellaneous books Luo Shuyu had read, and complaining to the system in his mind. 


    "System, didn't you say that the things in the mall are unique in this world? What's the matter with Luo Shuyu."


The system took a long time and answered him: "Wait for me to check the information, give me five minutes." 


    Luo Shuyu drank the tea to clear his throat. In the past, he talked a little, and the other brothers and sisters didn't know what knowledge he had. Now he talked about a few topics so casually, which changed him a little bit. 


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    Liu Shi also intervened in a sentence: "But since this farmer has this method, why have we never seen it at the market?" 


    Luo Shuyu put down his teacup and said, "What I read is miscellaneous books. Maybe it's not in our great Xia Country." He admired Shen Mingyun's expression from his side of light, which seemed not very good.


    "It's not actually produced in our country of Great Xia. It's a pity that I want to see this fruit." Liu Shi suddenly asked Shen Mingyun, "Mingyun, you were close to Liang country before, have you seen this fruit before?" 


    Shen Mingyun: "...I haven't seen it before." In fact, he was already planting the blessed life fruit, waiting to harvest the fruit, and then sold it. 


    Damn, he thought that no one would know in this world, and now there was no new idea after taking it out, so how could he engage in hunger market? 


    This Luo Shuyu was simply out of luck. Reading a broken book could tell him all his thoughts on growing fruits. What should he do now? 


    Of course Luo Shuyu was deliberate. He knew how much benefit this kind of blessed life fruit brought to Shen Mingyun, and it was also a starting point for him to get closer to the fourth prince. The fourth prince took the fruit as a birthday gift to the queen dowager and won the goodwill of the queen dowager and the emperor also paved the way for him to be called the emperor in the future. It was also an opportunity for Shen Mingyun to appear in front of the royal family. 


    He hoped Shen Mingyun would accept this small gift.


    After sitting with Mrs. Luo for a while, everyone left, busy with their own affairs. 


    When Luo Shuyu reached his goal, he was about raising his foot to leave, and Shen Mingyun chased him out and stopped him. Just now, the system told him that no one in this world had grown the blessed life fruit, which had big effect on him. 


    "Hey, wait." 


    Luo Shuyu ignored this rude address and pretended not to hear it. 


    Shen Mingyun had to run to him and stopped people: "Hey, I call you." 

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    Luo Shuyu glanced at him coldly: "you don't call my name, who knows who you are calling" 


    "I ask you, do you really know about the fruit from miscellaneous books?" He was wondering if Luo Shuyu had also been traversed. 


    Luo Shuyu was slow and neat, and said in a pun: "As it seems from the book, reading more books will always be useful." Otherwise, like Shen Mingyun, he hated to read the books if not useful.


    Shen Mingyun: "..." He didn't continue chasing Luo Shuyu. He used to be satirical when he saw people, but now he suddenly turned around, a little uncomfortable, what's going on with this fake and noble ancient person. 


    Luo Shuyu took Qingwang back to his yard, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. It was also interesting to describe him in a sentence that Shen Mingyun often said to despise ordinary people: uncultured and terrible. 


    If Shen Mingyun was illiterate, he would have been exposed by now. 


    Three days later, Qin Tianjian calculated the date of the marriage between the third prince Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu. 

(qin tianjian = an official name in ancient china. In charge of observing astronomy, calculating calender, and time service)


    The next day, the third prince appeared at Luo's house with a gloomy face like a Raksha and his black long whip that could suck human blood. 


    The Luo family was in a panic. 




    According to the legend, the third prince who could stop children from crying at night, he was here! 


The author has something to say: 

Third Prince: I'm going to see my wife~

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