Qin Tianjian's monitoring and counting of days was not too slow. He sent two good days to Emperor Tiansheng, one before the Mid-Autumn Festival more than a month later, and the other on the eighteenth of the twelfth lunar month. 

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    After the court, Emperor Tiansheng called the third prince, he and the queen chose August 10. 


    "The Queen and I are even more interested in letting you two get married before the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 10th."


The third prince still had that unpleasant face, and said flatly: "Okay." 


    Emperor Tiansheng asked Li Mingjin calmly: "In the future, he will be a family member."


 The third prince: "Yeah." 


    Emperor Tiansheng was accustomed from his indifferent appearance. He was  sure to tell him a string of moving words later. 


    The Emperor Tiansheng looked at him and was disturbed: "Okay, go back and be prepared."


The third prince: "Thank you, father." 


    Luo Shumo, the young master of the Luo family, opened a poem meeting in the yard today and invited many friends and classmates. Among them, there was Liu Zhufeng, the second young master of Xiangfu, but no one knew that he not only came, but also brought third prince. The lineup was quite strong, which scared everyone present, even the people of Luofu who heard about it. The reputation of the third prince frightened them, for fear that one of them couldn't take good care of his legs and be whipped by the whip! 


    The people at the poem meeting couldn't help looking at each other. The third prince didn't like gathering with them, literate and ink scholars. What did he mean by coming here? 


    Three days ago, the Luo family accepted the imperial decree. For the time being, there was no intuitive feeling of being relatives with the royal family. Now the whole family knew the arrival of the third prince, everyone was panicked, and the one who most worrying in his heart was the one who was holding this poem meeting, Luo Shumo.


    Li Mingjin had an official position when he was an adult, and Luo Renshou often saw him, which was okay, but he (LRS) didn't attend the gathering of young people, and he was still working in the central government office without knowing that the third prince swaggered to the door.


    Luo Shumo had his own circle. He listened to his father’s words and was not in a hurry to stand in line, but he was the companion of the eldest prince, so he had a relatively close relationship with him. He didn't have any intersection with the third prince, and the third prince had always been perverse, couldn’t play with them, because each of them held positions in different ministries. 


    The first prince went to the Ministry of Industry, the crown prince went to the Ministry of Husbandry, the third prince went to the Ministry of Punishment, and the fourth prince went to the Ministry of Rites. 


    Now, no one didn't know that the third son of the Luo family was about to enter the third prince’s mansion. Even if Luo Shumo didn't have much contact with the third prince, although he had a marriage contract with his brother, he couldn't regard him as his brother-in-law. After all, he was a noble prince.


    Luo Shumo often studied with Luo Renshou, still secretly trying to figure out why the third prince suddenly ran to his house. 


    Was it because of his third brother? 


    But his third brother rarely left the house. Even if they had a marriage contract, it was impossible to have contact with the third prince. On the contrary, he knew how cousin Shen and the third prince had a relationship. 


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    The literate at the poem meeting trembled at first because of the arrival of the third prince. Later, because of the idea proposed by the crown prince, they competed with each other, and frequently produced good poems and sentences, and they could play well. With joy, they gradually began to ignore the gloomy third prince who was sitting aside drinking. 


    After noon, Luo Shuyu ate and fell sleepy, so he took a nap, and he had a dream of the last life. 


    He dreamed that he was holding the child’s cold body and looking at his little face that was so cold but he could do nothing. He cried and screamed like a crazy. No one paid any attention. He went from house to house looking for help, but every house closed the door tightly, rejecting his request to treat the child, and couldn't even ask for hot soup. In the end, the family of three died under the chaos of arrows, and the snow covered their bodies, how sad. 


    He was awakened by the tragic death of the three people in his dream, touched the corner of his wet eyes, and he cried in his dream again. 


    After waking up, he didn't feel sleepy anymore, Qingquan gave him mouthwash, washed his face, and became a lot more sober. 


    Looking at the time, it was not three quarters, the afternoon sun was hot, and it was easy to get dazzled when walking outside.


    Luo Shuyu asked Qingquan: " where is Qingwang ?" 


Qingquan said: "He was here just now, I guess he went to chat with others, and I will definitely talk to him when he come back." 


    Qingquan is older than Qingwang and the first-class maid of Luo Shuyu, she is in charge of Luo Shuyu’s yard. She was assigned by the Liu family a few years ago. Luo Shuyu always had no secrets to hide, she couldn't say anything to the Liu Shi, and Qingquan had been maintaining everything like before.


    Luo Shuyu never repay virtue with grievances. It was a pity that if he didn't do it, it didn't mean that Qingquan couldn't do it. 


    But after Luo Shuyu returned from rebirth, his trust in Qingquan changed, and Qingwang was the only one who allowed to do important things.


 Recently, she felt a little powerless and felt that the third son was not so easy to understand, and she was a little impatient. 


    In recent days, several servants who served Luo Shuyu were trying to find their way. They didn't want to enter the Third Prince's Mansion. Luo Shuyu looked at them and respected their decision. In his previous life, he didn't bring anyone except Qingwang. After the imperial decree came down, the fastest runner was Qingquan in his yard. In the past few days, he quietly observed that she would almost ask him to leave Ruyiyuan.

(Ruyiyuan = LSY's yard name)


    After he ate a bowl of jelly, the whole body felt comfortable, and the sultry in his heart had gone a bit, Luo Shuyu asked people to move the desk under the flower stand, he wanted to write a few words for meditation. 


    Before holding the brush, Qingquan was like in his previous life. She wanted to say something to Luo Shuyu and stopped. He didn't have the mood to see. Qingquan said in a hurry, " My son, Qingquan has something to ask for."


Luo Shuyu bowed his head, his fingertips lightly stroked the tip of the brush, didn't look at Qingquan, and said lightly, "You have followed me for four years." 


    Qingquan was shocked: " My son, it's been four years." 


    Luo Shuyu's eyes didn't make any waves: "For so many years, I think I have never owed you." 


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    Qingquan knelt down quickly, she knew that Luo Shuyu had an exquisite heart, he never beat and scolded them wanton and harshly like other people. He had a very good heart, but she cared her pwn life more.


    "Sorry, son, I, my mother wrote the day before yesterday, saying that she had booked a marriage for me."


    Luo Shuyu didn't mean to hold her at all, and said extremely refreshingly : "Okay, since you don't want to follow me to the Third Prince's Mansion, I'm not reluctant. You will pack up your baggage later and walk cleanly."


 He raised his head and asked the other people on the side with a slightly cold voice, "Who else is going to leave, I will agree."


 The maids who were familiar with Qingquan knelt down and asked to leave. They were not the children of this family, they belonged to the Liu family and transferred them here. 


    The third son looked deserted and difficult to approach, but those who knew him knew he was good at talking. To put it bluntly, he had no position in the Luo family, and even his servants were harder than him. Now he wanted to enter the Third Prince's Mansion. The other party was more terrible than Raksha, just hearing the name made people scared, who knew if they could live through next year after entering. 


    For Luo Shuyu, the previous life was simply a great irony, but people tended to avoid the disadvantages, so if they wanted to leave, just let them go. 


    When Qingquan was still in a daze about Luo Shuyu's quick release of people, Qingwang ran into the yard hurriedly: "My son, my son!" 


    Luo Shuyu looked at his lively appearance and said, "Qingwang, go get the contract of Qingquan and others." 


    Qingwang who just ran in: "Huh? Son..." 


    At this time, a quiet wind was slowly blowing in, blowing away a little heat. 


    Qingquan and the others didn't expect Luo Shuyu to come so fast, it caught them off guard! 


    Qingwang didn't enter the house to get the contract. He ran out of breath, leaned into his ear, he said: "I just heard that the third prince are coming, and he is now at the young master's poem meeting! " 


    The writing brush in Luo Shuyu's hand fell to the ground, and without seeing the people kneeling on the ground, he instead asked Qingwang to follow him into the house. 


    Qingwang followed into the house and asked Luo Shuyu: " My son, what do they do?" 


Luo Shuyu said without emotion: "Tell Fubao to stare at them. I haven't come back, no one can get up." 


    "Big Brother's Poetry Club, when does it start?" 


    "It started at a moment's notice, I just found out that the third prince seems to be here too."


    "Is there any other princes?" 


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    "Yes, the prince is like a god. The crown prince came with the eldest prince and the fourth prince. I don't know why the third prince also followed." 


    "Where is Shen Mingyun? Is he in the mansion?" 


    "I didn't hear that he went out, he should be in the mansion, son, what's the matter?" 


    "It's okay, go, let's go to the poem meeting to see." 


    When he came out again, he put on a new set of cyan long shirt with narrow sleeves, a crescent belt with a white auspicious cloud pattern on the waist, and a white jade hollow carved waistband. 


    Qingwang thought to himself, the son who changed into a new suit was so different, he was so handsome that he couldn't help but opened his eyes, and his temperament was definitely better than the No. 1 beauty in capital! 


    Luo Shuyu knew that he was no worse in dressing than others, so he took out a written letter from the box and took Qingwang out. 


    As for Qingquan and others, who were kneeling on the ground, looked at each other, they could only kneel on the cobblestone ground against the blazing sun. 


    For a while, they didn't know whether the current decision was right or wrong. 


    Qingquan was even more embarrassed. She bit her lip. This third son usually didn't fight or grab. She thought that going to the Third Prince's Mansion wouldn't be treated preferentially. It was better to stay in Luofu and continued to serve the eldest lady.


    Now the third son gave up on her directly, with no intention of keeping her, and his attitude was resolute. 


    The more Qingquan thought about it, the more panicked she became, and she sat down on the ground, her heart was cold. Did the son know what she did? 


    No, he didn't even get out of the door very often on weekdays, no. 


    Luo Shuyu was walking on the way to the yard where Luo Shumo's poem meeting. At this time, the lotus plants in the lotus pond were blooming with fresh and tender pink and white lotus, which looked very comfortable. 


    If he remembered correctly, today's Shen Mingyun would shine in the eldest brother's poem meeting, attracting the attention of several princes with a poem.


    The poem was not written by him, but provided by the so-called system. It was said that it was written by a poet of a dynasty he didn't know. 


    Luo Shuyu stood by the lotus pond and thought for a while, the title of the poem described in the book-"Jiang Jinjiu" emerged in his mind. At that time, this poem had been popular in capital for a long time, and many scholars often took this poem to encourage students. 


    To change the fate of their family, you must first destroyed all the adventures of Shen Mingyun, and you must never let him appeared at the poem meeting. 


    Just as he was about to continue to the direction of the poem meeting, he saw a person standing in the pavilion, his back was very familiar, and then the other person looked towards him. 

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    The two looked at each other across the lotus pond. Luo Shuyu walked quickly to the pavilion. When he was five meters away from the other side, he stood still, staring at the person blankly, his breath became unstable and he hurried up. 


    He thought that they might not meet again until the day they got married, but he didn't expect to be so caught off guard. 


    he never thought that he would see him here, it was Li Mingjin who was alive, his light brown eyes were staring at him. 


    At this time Luo Shuyu faced people who should make him scared  in his previous life, but he was not afraid of this person at this moment, didn't resent their marriage, didn't want to escape, only the joy of recovering from the loss. 


    Li Mingjin used to block arrows for himself, lived and died with himself, and they had a child. 


    He was still alive, he was still young and handsome. 


    Facing this jade-like young face, Luo Shuyu remembered him covered in blood, with arrows stuck in his back, and gritted his teeth to endure the repeated injuries. He shed tears unconsciously. It was about pain, tears of joy, and also catharsis of grievances and sadness after being reborn. 


    Li Mingjin, who had just come out of the poem meeting, frowned slightly, and walked forward a few steps with the shock in his heart. 


    He knew inexplicably that this person must be Luo Shuyu, his future imperial concubine. 


    But, what is he crying for? 


    Li Mingjin was at a loss for a while, standing in front of Luo Shuyu with a sullen face, he glanced at the other party, not a single heavy word uttered.


    "I didn't bully you."


When he opened his mouth, Luo Shuyu's tears fell even more fiercely. He stared at the person in front of him, his eyes didn't dare to blink, for fear that it would become a bubble in the next moment. Although the familiar face was slightly looked younger, but his voice was nostalgic and very familiar. 


    With Li Mingjin's stern face, he thought about coming to Shangshu Mansion to take a sneak peek at Luo Shuyu. He never thought of scaring people to cry, he couldn't do anything to coax people, but he couldn't let him cry like that. He said: "Don't cry." 


    His heart felt terribly painful without knowing it. Li Mingjin raised his sleeves and gently wiped Luo Shuyu's tears. The expression on his face was a bit fierce but his movements were extremely gentle, as if he wanted to wipe his tears before, but had not been completed, he had an urge to complete this move. 


    He looked at Luo Shuyu's red eyes, and said solemnly: "Don't cry anymore." 


The author has something to say:


The third prince: The wife doesn't cry, come to lure. 

Luo Shuyu: ...Go away.

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