Luo Shuyu really didn't want to cry. He just remembered some scenes and gave birth to love. Thinking back to his last life and seeing Li Mingjin today, he couldn't help crying. 

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    In the end, he cried until he hiccupped, his face was hot as if he had been roasted by the August sun. He had never cried in front of Li Mingjin before, and the last parting in his previous life was no longer counted. 


 After crying, he felt a little embarrassed. Now Li Mingjin was not married to him. He cried like a fool and he didn’t know if it would scare people away. He couldn't help but feel a little sad. He finally wanted to be nice to him. He might have done something he didn't like. 


But Li Mingjin was more at a loss than he was. The two faced each other. Luo Shuyu raised his blurred eyes to look at him, seeing that there was no disgust in his eyes, and his heart was let go. 


Li Mingjin stared at him: "You, don't cry." 


    "I just got sand in my eyes." Luo Shuyu forced a sophistry, "I didn't want to cry." 


    "Yeah." Li Mingjin only started to look at his future imperial concubine now, good at telling nonsense with opened eyes. 


    In addition to the crying red eyes, Luo Shuyu looks was the most outstanding of the young men he had ever seen. The simple hairstyle was very simple but elegant, without the fragrance of powder, only a plain hosta was inserted on his head, his face was like peach, plums and apricot eyes, there seemed to be starlight in the middle, his chin lifted slightly, and he was looking at Li Mingjin seriously and intently. 


    No one had ever dared to look at him directly like this, Li Mingjin's heart was throbbing again, his heart beating too fast today. 


    He just didn't know how he cried like this when he saw him. Was he really so terrible? 


    Luo Shuyu, who was reborn, knew that Li Mingjin had never hated himself in his previous life. At that time, perhaps because of preconceived thoughts in the evaluation of the outside world, he had never been in touch with him. After the two had children, they gradually realized that he was not the same character like others said, but unfortunately, he didn't give him more time to dig, and the family was destroyed. 


    Fortunately, he was born again, and he wanted to get to know Li Mingjin, his husband again.


    It was hard to live a life again, and you must live well. Blocked and killed the gods and buddha, no one could stop him from living. 


    He raised his head and looked directly at Li Mingjin seriously. He wanted to engrave Li Mingjin at this moment in his heart so that he would not forget it in the future. God gave him one more opportunity, and he must not waste it. 


    There were still many differences between Li Mingjin now and a few years later. His face was gloomy, looked like lacking of sleep, his facial contours were deeper than others, the eye sockets were more obvious, and his light brown eyes. When looking at people, it would become a little deep without knowing it. It looked like he had followed the Western Regions mother. In fact, his sword eyebrows and star eyes were extraordinary handsome and very attractive. Today, he wore a jade belt on his waist and a pair of white boots under his feet. 

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    In Luo Shuyu's eyes, Li Mingjin now was excellent everywhere. 


    After Luo Shuyu calmed down his emotions, he took out an envelope he brought when he went out. He sniffed and handed the letter to Li Mingjin: "Here you are." 


    Li Mingjin didn't know what he meant, thinking that his future imperial concubine would pass the love letter to him. The heart was jumping around, and his face became tighter. Luo Shuyu was afraid of his misunderstanding, and explained: "This is a poem." 


    The love poem for him, Li Mingjin stared at him while thinking, and asked in a deep voice. "You are going to the poem meeting?" 


    Luo Shuyu shook his head: "No, I heard someone wanted to plagiarize this poem at the poem meeting to get the attention of others. I like this poem and the late poet very much. I don't want this poem was plagiarized by others, so I wanted to expose the matter, so that everyone wouldn't be deceived." 


    Li Mingjin opened the letter, glanced at the poem, and nodded after reading it. The poem was good, and the imperial concubine's words were good, so he asked him again. "Who is the poet ?" 


Luo Shuyu remembered that Shen Mingyun called the poet Li Bai, the fairy of poetry. 


    "His name is Li Bai. I found it when I was collecting books from other places. I don't know which country he is from. His poems made me think of ambitions. I liked it. Later I learned that there are people like me. He gets this poet's collection of poems and wants to release it at the poem meeting. I want to stop it."


    "I see." Li Mingjin regretted that it was not a love poem written for him. "I will go back to the poem meeting first." 


    Luo Shuyu moved his lips to remind him: "Don't mention it yourself." 


    "Yeah." Li Mingjin had a little time to come out. Ready to leave with the guards, walked two steps and returned, unfastened the dagger around his waist and handed it to Luo Shuyu, "Take it" 


    Luo Shuyu was surprised when he took the dagger. This dagger had followed Li Mingjin for along time. In years, he rarely saw him take it off and kept it on his body. Why was it suddenly given to him? 


    At the end, Li Mingjin left him a sentence: "Our wedding date is August 10th." 


    Luo Shuyu held the dagger, before he had time to ask about the wedding date, Li Mingjin had already left with the letter. He had a lot of thoughts to say, however, it didn't matter, they still had a lot of time to get along in the future. 

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    The wedding date was 10 August, four months earlier than in his previous life. He remembered that when he got married in his previous life, it was in the twelfth lunar month, and that winter was particularly cold. 


    On the wedding night, Li Mingjin returned to the room, but the two didn't share the same bed, one on the bed and the other on the couch. Luo Shuyu at that time was a bit grateful. Now thinking about it, his performance at that time should be terrible, and it didn’t show anyone a little bit good face.


    Holding the dagger in his hand, Luo Shuyu's mouth raised slightly. Was this trust in exchange for trust? 


    Li Mingjin believed him, why? So easy? 


From the initial sentimental to the present joyfulness, Luo Shuyu didn't take back his thoughts until Qingwang, who was frightened for a while before returning to his soul, called him back. 


    "Gongzi, are we still going to the poem meeting?" 

(gongzi, title for the son of official)


    Luo Shuyu held the dagger in front of his chest and said, "No, go back, yes, find someone trustworthy to stare at Shen Mingyun." 


    "Yes." After that Qingwang couldn't help but gossip. "Gongzi, the third, the third prince..." He actually gave gongzi a dagger, what did he want to do? But it was still scary to look at him, especially when his eyes looked at people, they were full of darkness, like the enchanting Lord Yama.


    Luo Shuyu smiled, and he also instructed Qingwang to explore the news at the poem meeting. He didn't know what Li Mingjin would do after he got the poem. 


    The two returned to Ruyiyuan. Luo Shuyu now had no one in his hands. In his previous life, he always disdained to play conspiracies with people. He felt that being like that was not open and upright, but now he found that he talked about being open and upright, didn't do conspiracy and his life was gone. It was comfortable to live for yourself. 


    He died not only because other princes targeted Li Mingjin, but also Shen Mingyun's attitude towards him. 


    To say that they had a deep hatred was not enough, but Shen Mingyun was a small-minded person, loved to bear grudges, and must give retribution to other, he cared about everything, and liked to exaggerated something. It was said that he came from a peaceful, open and high degree of freedom place. In the world of advanced science and technology, he looked down people in this world, he always hated trivial things, not magnanimous people. 


    Luo Shuyu carefully recalled the content of the book, and the biggest conflict between him and Shen Mingyun should be that matter. 


    In the last life, after he became the concubine of the third prince, he inevitably had to participate in various banquets. Today was a Hundred Flower Banquet held by a certain imperial concubine, tomorrow was a garden party held by the Queen, and the day after tomorrow may be a full moon banquet for the newborn of a certain important minister. He had to attend all the unavoidable banquets. 

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    He and Shen Mingyun met at a certain banquet. At that time, the people around him were very reckless and damaged a valuable painting he was holding. It was a painting that Luo Shuyu finally got after asking people for a year. He was very angry, so Qingwang taught the ignorant servant a meal, hit the board a few times, and was able to move freely after lying down for two days. But Shen Mingyun didn't think so. He felt that Luo Shuyu was very vicious and privately charged him with using his power to slash his life. He remembered that in the book, Shen Mingyun later used four words (characters in chinese) to evaluate the deaths of him and Li Mingjin—the deaths were caused by guilt. 


    Luo Shuyu not only thought, what did he do wrong? What did his innocent child do wrong? 


    Shen Mingyun had done a lot to keep the glory and wealth in his hands. The people who were indirectly got hurt didn't know who he was, why didn't he realize that he was at fault?


    After returning to the yard, Qingquan and others still knelt and waited for Luo Shuyu, everyone was dizzy from the sun. 


    Luo Shuyu ordered them to pack up and got out of his yard. 


    He was able to happily let Qingquan and the others left today. He also knew that this kind of betrayal maid no one would want to take them in except Liu Shi, and they didn't need him to take revenge, their future would not be any better. 


    The Liu family originally had more trusted maids, it was impossible to arrange for them to stay in their yard, they would only be sent elsewhere, only worse than they were now, and it would be difficult to have a chance to go up. 


    What was a pity for him? No, it was a pity that he was willing to do for them. 


    Qingwang spurned a few words after they left and embarrassed from the bottom of his heart because being seen by gongzi.


    Luo Shuyu also comforted him: "Let's look at the future." 


    Qingwang thought for a while and knew what his gongzi meant. 


    The departure of Qingquan and other maids had little effect on their life. There were five servants left, all young and could do some rough work on weekdays. In the past, they belonged to Qingquan, but now Qingquan left. After that, they were under Qingwang's control. 


    In this life, first he must cultivate talents who were loyal to himself. 


    Compared to other yards, Luo Shuyu didn't have many people here, but it was still enough for now. 

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    As soon as Qingquan left, Liu Shi immediately brought a group of people over. 


    Today's Luo Shuyu was not the same, and he would soon be the third prince's concubine. How could there be any trouble at home? Qingquan, who was not sensible, she would make her look good after the matter was over! 


    He didn't know about others, but he still knew a lot about Liu Shi from the book. She held the key of his mother's dowry storeroom in her hand. 


    It could be seen how much Luo Renshou trusted Liu Shi. 


    She knew how to behave pitifully, knew how to keep money and other principles, but the sons and daughter she taught didn't learn half of her. After he entered the prince’s mansion, she clearly told Luo Shuyao and Luo Shuyue to keep a low profile, but it was often backfired.


    Luo Shuyue, Luo Shuyao and Shen Mingyun didn’t really deal with each other very much, mainly in terms of the beauty. They used the jewelry and fabrics in the dowry of Luo Shuyu’s mother that was sent by Liu Shi to compete with Shen Mingyun, but they were beaten in the face by Shen Mingyun, because Shen Mingyun could always let the system gave him a new style pattern. 


    "Shu Yu..." 


    Luo Shuyu had already sat down and waited for her arrival before anyone arrived. 


    Liu Shi came in with a smile, and was about to mention Qingquan and other maids, but Luo Shuyu smiled and said: "Aunt Liu, are you here to give me my mother's dowry list and warehouse key?" 


    Liu Shi's smile froze on her face.  Called her aunt, what did it mean? 


    While dissatisfied, she was panicked. 



The author has something to say:


The Third Prince: Where is my love poem? 

Luo Shuyu: ...

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