Luo Shuyu was a little flustered for a while when he encountered something he didn't know in his previous life, but he quickly told himself that he had to calm down. 

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    So what should he do now? 


    He paced around the room thinking about what was going on, but he couldn't think of a reason for a long time, because it was not mentioned in the book, he had never encountered it himself, and there was nothing about Li Mingjin hurting people on the school grounds. 


    It was a pity that he couldn't go to the school grounds now. 


    In the memory of his previous life, he had never seen Li Mingjin used a whip to hit anyone. Occasionally, he heard about Li Mingjin's smuggling deeds from the outside, and he was indeed scared when he heard it. 


    Their relationship had been developing smoothly in this life, so he neglected this matter, only thought it was a rumor, but now the fact told him that things were not so simple, it was true that Li Mingjin would whip people. 


Yes, it's actually happening now. 


    Since the two got married, the Li Mingjin in Luo Shuyu's eyes was indifferent to his servants, but he didn't beat or scold them. If it was not pleasing to the eye, they were sent away by Steward Sun. He had never seen him beat people, or even scolded them. Treating Luo Shuyu with such a good temper, let himself sleep on the couch without getting angry, but instead learnt from others to do sword dance early in the morning to make him happy. 


    How could such a gentle Li Mingjin whip someone with a whip? There must be something happening that he didn't know. 


    What could it be? 


    Why would you whip someone with a whip on the school grounds where there was The Emperor Tiansheng?

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    What was Li Mingjin's state at that time, was he awake or not, was he stimulated or did he take the initiative? 


    Luo Shuyu asked the guard, "You weren't there when Your Highness hurt someone?" 


The Guard: "We are all isolated outside. Your Highness is standing with the others. The crown prince, the first prince and others are all there." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Tell me about what you know." 


  The Guard: "Yes." 


First, The one who came back to inform Luo Shuyu about the matter was Jiang Guard, who was always with Li Mingjin. This person was plain in appearance, and he wouldn't be given a second glance when walking in the crowd. He would answer whatever Luo Shuyu asked him. 


    What he knew was also known by the other guards. 


    At that time, Li Mingjin sat on the top with the crown prince and others to watch the competition on the school field. 


    Most of those who served in the Imperial Guard were young talents in the capital, who had done a good job and had the ability. If The Emperor Tiansheng looked at him, he could also be a guard in the imperial guard. 


    Most of these people were related to court officials, some may be in line, some were not. 


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    During the competition of the Imperial Guards in the previous years, The Emperor Tiansheng would also send several princes to practice their skills. All the princes of the Daxia Kingdom had skill both civil and military, and naturally had the ability to protect themselves. 


    The same was true this year. The Emperor Tiansheng was looking forward to several adult princes to show their talents on the stage and fought for their Li family. 


    The fourth prince went up first, then the third prince, then the first prince, and finally the crown prince. 


    The fourth prince Li Mingchun's martial arts were not bad or good, and he could be tied with the opponent. The Emperor Tiansheng's face was not so good. 


    Then there was the third prince, Li Mingjin. He was always short-tempered, and because of his good martial arts, he swept the other party down not long after he came to the stage, and he didn't show any sympathy. The Emperor Tiansheng applauded with satisfaction. 


    The Emperor Tiansheng also boasted: "Ming Jin's kung fu seems to have improved." 


    The officials on the side followed suit. 


    For the third prince and the fourth prince, it was actually just throwing a piece of advice. Everyone actually wanted to see The Emperor Tiansheng's attitude towards the first prince and the crown prince, and praised who was good and who was bad, and the good side could show off to the bad side. 


    After comparing martial arts, the four princes also left the field to the place for archery


    And when the four princes went to get their bows and arrows, the third prince suddenly kicked someone for no reason. 


    The person who was kicked was the son of the commander of the Imperial Guards! 

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     The person standing next to The Emperor Tiansheng was the commander of the Imperial Guard. His son was kicked by the son of the man beside him. Not only him, but also the others. Li Mingjin was so blatant that he wouldn't take The Emperor Tiansheng as his father. In his eyes, it was so daring.


    This was how the things happened, but only a few people who were present knew exactly how Li Mingjin was drawn. 


    Luo Shuyu pondered for a while, he could only know the truth of the matter when he saw Li Mingjin. 


    Now who could help him to bring Li Mingjin back? 


    Naturally, The Emperor Tiansheng wouldn't be cruel to his son, but no one knew where he was locked up and who was guarding Li Mingjin, and it was even more unclear what would happen next.


    Luo Shuyu made a direct decision. This person knew Li Mingjin best and was the closest to The Emperor Tiansheng. He wanted to find Concubine Mei. 


    On the surface, Concubine Mei didn't seem to care about Li Mingjin, but that was the surface only. Every time she planted something new, if it was delicious, she would definitely send a copy to the Third Prince's Mansion. The  son who was conceived in October, how could you don't care when you said you didn't care. 


    The matter had came to this point, neither Luo Shuyu nor Concubine Mei could stay out of it, and must deal with it with full points of energy. 


    Maybe others would say it was just a trivial matter. Didn't Li Mingjin often beat people? The Emperor Tiansheng locked him up for two days, and when he calmed down, he would be released naturally. Wasn't he the prince? He could come out naturally, so why you needed to worry?


    But Luo Shuyu was not one of those people. He knew that something was wrong, so he couldn't just watch Li Mingjin being bullied and ignored him. His people was protected by him. This was the meaning of his rebirth! 

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    After handing over the sign and entering the palace, Luo Shuyu went directly to Concubine Mei. 


    Concubine Mei was extremely surprised by Luo Shuyu's arrival. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't have bad relationship with her, and also didn't have a deep relationship, so it was better to get straight to the point. What's more, the things were urgent now, and there must be no mistakes. He couldn't bear the pain of losing Li Mingjin, and he couldn't let him get hurt at all! He was afraid! 


    Every time he remembered the injury, he would recall the unbearable past, and the Li Mingjin who was pierced by thousands of arrows and turned into a bloody man to protect him. He couldn't lose him, he couldn't watch him get hurt, even if it was because of The Emperor Tiansheng! 


    Luo Shuyu directly explained the reason why he entered the palace: "Mother concubine, I disturb you when  I come in a hurry, but the things were urgent, I hope you can help His Highness."


     Seeing that Luo Shuyu's worried expression didn't seem to be fake, she wiped her hands with the handkerchief. 


    "What's the matter with you?" 


    Luo Shuyu told her about Li Mingjin injured someone in the game, and then asked her: "Mother concubine, has this kind of thing happened to His Highness before?." 


    concubine Mei frowned slightly: "Yes , his temper has always been bad, and occasionally he will be extremely irritable, which will hurt people, your father has locked him up several times, and he will always be released after two days." 


    Luo Shuyu said anxiously: "Mother concubine didn't think there was any problem with this? His Highness didn't show any signs of being irritable when he went out in the morning. He always has a good temper these days when we are married, and I have never seen him lose his temper. I don't believe he really has a problem." 


    Concubine Mei patted his arm and pulled him inside: "Don't worry, come in with me and have a cup of tea, the tea I just made it myself. Don't worry, Mingjin will be fine." Before entering the room, Concubine Mei gave the maid next to her a look.

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