At this time, there were only Luo Shuyu and Concubine Mei in the room. 

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    Concubine Mei was still cold and inhuman, as if the frown just now was just an illusion that Luo Shuyu saw. 


    She pressed Luo Shuyu on the chair and said in a cold voice, "Sit down first and listen to me." 


    Luo Shuyu nodded, not knowing what she was selling, she should have something to say, compared to the appearance that she didn't care, this was much better. 


    Concubine Mei sighed slightly: "Mingjin sometimes has a bad temper"


 Luo Shuyu guessed from her expression: "Is he sick?" 


    Concubine Mei didn't say yes or no: "Shuyu , you must know that everyone needs some means to save their life, and it's not easy to survive in this huge palace ,it's not as beautiful as the surface." 


    Although the number of meetings with Luo Shuyu didn't exceed five fingers, Concubine Mei Still willing to mention this to him, and this was about Li Mingjin's secret. 


    Luo Shuyu understood what she meant, but it was because he heard this that his heart hurt even more. 


    The means of saving life, the means of saving life... 


    He didn't like such means of saving life! 


    Luo Shuyu said: "Mother concubine, can I ask you for the mercy from the father and make him send His Highness back to the mansion?" 


    It was impossible for him not to know what kind of houses on the school grounds were like. In the late autumn, it was very uncomfortable to be locked up without food or drink. What should he do if he got sick? He didn't have Shen Mingyun's all-inclusive pills. 


    Concubine Mei looked at Luo Shuyu, and said after a while, "I'll try it, but it may not be successful. In the past, whenever he fell ill, His Majesty would lock him up for fear that he would hurt others." 


    Luo Shuyu said coldly, "But even if he want to lock him up. He will be locked in the Prince's Palace, and I will take care of him, with me, he won't hurt others, I promise." 


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    Concubine Mei glanced at him and trusted Luo Shuyu a little more: "I see."


 She looked up at hit , "You go back to the mansion first and wait for my news." 


    Luo Shuyu whispered to Concubine Mei before leaving: "Mother concubine, I don't want His Highness to suffer from illness again in the future, I will cure him."


 After Luo Shuyu walked away, Concubine Mei stared at the fresh vegetable plant ada that had just grown: "How to treat it? If it can be cured, I would have cured him already." 


    Luo Shuyu hurried back to the mansion, he believed Concubine Mei, if she Come forward, Li Mingjin should be able to return to the mansion. 


even The Emperor Tiansheng knew about his illness.


    Why didn't he know anything in his previous life! 


    How good Li Mingjin was to him in his previous life, he didn't even let him know about it. 


    No wonder Li Mingjin in his previous life often slept in the study room, and he was nowhere to be seen. It would take several days once he went out. He asked the servants around him, all of them would say that they didn't know where he was going. It turned out because of this incident! 


    How could he ignore him in his previous life! 


    Luo Shuyu was both sad and uncomfortable, and he was feeling sad when someone suddenly blocked his way in front of him. 


    "Isn't this the third sister-in-law? Why did you enter the palace at this point?" 


    The person who came was the Crown Princess who just came out of the Queen's Palace. Looking at her appearance, he knew that she was in a good mood now. 


    Luo Shuyu suppressed his inner anxiety: "Come into the palace to see the mother concubine." 


    "Oh? It's not for the third brother, right?" 

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Luo Shuyu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Why do you need to ask when the crown princess knows?" 


    Yan Wandie covered her mouth, she smiled and said: "Hey, you say, is it better for a man to have a madness and an empty backyard, or is it better for a man to be healthy but with three wives and four concubines?" 


    Seeing the Crown Princess's radiant smile, Luo Shuyu looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile, leaned into her ear and said, "The Crown Princess must be living a very comfortable life now. You and His Royal Highness have a deep relationship, which is very enviable. I heard that His Majesty recently talked about wanting to hug his grandson, the Crown Princess and His Royal Highness, it's been almost two years of marriage, right?" 


The Crown Princess heard this, her face turned blue and white, and he was actually laughing at her for not being able to have children! 


    Luo Shuyu was in a bad mood today. The Crown Princess bumped into him like an idiot. The most annoying thing was met the people who showed off in front of him every day! 


    The Crown Princess took a deep breath and glared at him: "Hmph, you even dare to say this to me, let's see if you can give birth first!" 


    "Then don't bother the Crown Princess, the Third Highness is working hard. I hope His Royal Highness can work harder on the Crown Princess." Luo Shuyu sneered, then walked straight passed the Crown Princess and left the palace! 


    This Yan Wandie really had no bearing at all. It was not an exaggeration to say that she has a small belly . He didn't know how the queen dowager and the emperor took a fancy to her. Perhaps because she was the prime minister's granddaughter and had a noble status? Looking at her appearance, she wasn't very noble, but with Shen Mingyun, she was somewhat similar. 


    The Crown Princess stomped her feet on the spot angrily. Everyone saw that she and the Crown Prince seemed to be of the same mind, but only she knew that the Crown Prince's thought was not on her at all, but the Queen dowager and the Queen were pressing them. 


    In the past, when no one mentioned it to her, she deceived herself and could live on, but now her wounds were suddenly dug up, and her whole body was full of fissures. 


    Damn Luo Shuyu, he knew that poking her sore would make him look good one day! 


    But now the third prince had to ask for more blessings, hum! 


    Luo Shuyu in the previous life could sympathize with anyone, or didn't care about anything. 


    But this life wouldn't work, Li Mingjin was the one he would spend his whole life with, and he was the one he wanted to protect, no one could say anything bad about him! 


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    Even if the queen satirized Li Mingjin in front of him today, he would scold her back as he was, and used his own way to treat her, otherwise he wouldn't be able to swallow it! 


    Luo Shuyu returned to the mansion with a cold expression. When the servants saw him, they seemed to see another third prince. 


    After Luo Shuyu entered the Third Prince's Mansion, the management of the servants became stricter day by day. Whoever dared to disclose the affairs of the mansion, what awaited them was not beaten to death with a stick, but directly kicked out of the mansion and sent their contract to be sold. No mercy at all. 


    Don't look at the gentle and clear face of the third prince, but he wasn't good at all. He disdained the backyard methods, he had a sword in his hand, and you could stay in the mansion for many years, relying on selling the old feeling? sorry, there was no such treatment in the mansion of the Third Prince. 


    That kind of rule that the servant and the master ate at the same table was probably only available in the Fourth Prince's Mansion where Shen Mingyun was located. 


    He really wanted to know how the fourth prince at that time endured it. 


    Luo Shuyu instructed the housekeeper to take care of the servants' mouths, and then returned directly to the main courtyard. 


    He couldn't wait for concubine Mei's news now, he needed to do something. 


    Back in the study where Li Mingjin's breath was everywhere, Luo Shuyu recalled the content of the book, but there was nothing about Li Mingjin's illness in it. Everyone only knew that he was bad-tempered, violent, and cruel, and the truth was all buried in the love process of the protagonist Shen Mingyun. 


    Since Luo Shuyu already knew that there was nothing in the book about Li Mingjin's illness, why did he still recall it? 


    Because he remembered that there was a genius doctor in the book. In the book, Shen Mingyun followed the fourth prince to go to the front line. Unfortunately, the fourth prince was poisoned. Shen Mingyun was very lucky and met a genius doctor. The process was probably because the genius doctor took a fancy to a pill in his hand, he made a deal with Shen Mingyun, the genius doctor helped the fourth prince to detoxify, and Shen Mingyun gave the magic pill in his hand to the genius doctor. In fact, what the genius doctor got was just a sugar-coated pill, because Shen Mingyun had the props to cover up the taste of the medicine, and the pill was colorless and odorless when it arrived in the hands of the genius doctor, so the genius doctor didn't smell the ordinary medicinal ingredients inside. 


    Shen Mingyun used the pills to deceive the genius doctor and got lucky with the help of the other party, and relieved the poison on the fourth prince. 


    From here, the fourth prince began to emerge, and made his name in front of The Emperor Tiansheng. 


    Now, if Li Mingjin was really poisoned, where should he go to find this genius doctor? 


    At present, there was only the name of "Jie Baidu". This person was a famous traveling doctor who traveled abroad for many years without a fixed place. 

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    As the night approached, the Third Prince's Mansion began to hold the lights. 


    Facing a table of dishes with no appetite, Luo Shuyu couldn't even swallow the soup when Li Mingjin was not there. 


    As soon as he picked up the chopsticks, Grandma Feng came in and told him: "Master, His Highness is back!" 


    Luo Shuyu threw down the chopsticks: "Where is the people? Where is he?" 


    Grandma Feng hesitated: "Master, don't get excited when you see it later." 


    "What happened to him?" 


    "His Royal Highness..." 


    Luo Shuyu didn't want to listen to her continued intermittent explanation, and rushed outside. 


    As soon as he rushed out, he saw Ansan and Ansi holding the man with blood on his clothes and his forehead! 


    The other party reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth at him, and said weakly, "Don't worry, I'm back." 


    Li Mingjin, who had reported of being safe, fainted as soon as he finished speaking. 


    Luo Shuyu rushed forward with red eyes, and said in a panic: "Li Mingjin! You can't die! You have to give me a good life!" 



The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: Me! Hold me! wife, come on!

Luo Shuyu: ...

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