Chapter 41 How Do You Know!

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    Only when Luo Shuyu got close to Li Mingjin did he know how many scars he had on his body. 


    Li Mingjin, covered in blood, was helped to bed by the guards. Luo Shuyu was so anxious that he immediately sent someone to ask for an imperial doctor. 


    He tried hard to restrain the desire to cry, cut off Li Mingjin's blood-stained clothes, wrung a towel with warm water to wipe off the blood stains on his body, and tried hard not to let the wound get infected. In that novel, he also learned that wound infection could easily lead to people's condition worsened. 


    After the imperial doctor came, he threw Li Mingjin's blood-stained clothes into the brazier and burned it. He couldn't see any blood stains on Li Mingjin's clothes. He was afraid. The unspeakable pain from the previous life. 


    The imperial doctor came in a hurry, and he also brought medicine for the wound. Luo Shuyu sent someone to ask the imperial doctor and directly told him the specific situation, so as not to delay the diagnosis and treatment. 


    During the time when the imperial doctor gave medicine to Li Mingjin, Luo Shuyu was thinking about whether the movement he made was hurting others or himself. 


    The skin injury looked shocking but not serious. Luo Shuyu also found that he still had bruises on his wrist because of rope , and there was also a bump on his forehead, which was also bleeding, the wound was not big, just a little blood, almost frightened him. 


    After the imperial doctor's diagnosis and treatment, he told Luo Shuyu that all the skin injuries on the third prince's body were not serious problems. The most important thing was that he was afraid that he would hurt people after waking up. 


    Luo Shuyu was worried about Li Mingjin who had been poisoned. He heard Concubine Mei talked about life-saving measures, but he didn't know what it meant by life-saving measures: "Does he have other diseases?"


 The imperial doctor shook his head: "No." 


    Luo Shuyu asked again : "Then why did he suddenly become irritable?" 


The imperial doctor shook his head: "Perhaps the weather is hot and everythings is hot, and people will become restless and hot. The little one added a fire-fighting medicine to His Highness's medicine." 

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    Luo Shuyu: "Yes, imperial doctor." Is there a problem with the imperial doctor's medical skills, or is the poison in Li Mingjin can't get diagnosed and cured? 


    The imperial doctor found nothing, which made Luo Shuyu very uneasy. 


    After thinking about it, he asked the imperial doctor to wait in the mansion, fearing that Li Mingjin's condition would change at night. 


    What kind of disease did Li Mingjin have? Was it a colorless, odorless poison? Couldn't even let the doctor see it? 


    If this was the case, it was indeed the means to hide from The Emperor Tiansheng, and it was really the means to save his life. Li Mingjin's life in the palace in the past was more complicated than he imagined. 


    Was this to defend against the Queen or against Concubine Lin, or something else? 


    Several older princes were of the same age, and it was indeed easy to be targeted by them. 


    Li Mingjin had taken medicine since he was a child, so that he would develop mania from time to time, in the eyes of others, he had lost his ability to compete for the throne, and The Emperor Tiansheng would definitely not consider a sick prince to inherit his country. For The Queen and Concubine Lin, there was also one less competitor, and the crown prince and the first prince didn't need to be wary of Li Mingjin everywhere. 


    He had to say that this was a good way to kill multiple birds with one stone, and he didn't hesitate to damage his own body and survived in this world. 


    But, who poisoned him? It could only be Concubine Mei or himself. 


    The attack of the poison consumed most of Li Mingjin's energy, and he was unable to become irritable after waking up.


    Luo Shuyu was not afraid of this. Now in the mansion, the only people he could hurt were the people in the mansion only. Besides, the dark guard's martial arts level was not bad, and he could stop his behavior, so that he wouldn't continue to self-harm. 


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   The Emperor Tiansheng ordered Li Mingjin to be locked up, so his injuries could only be caused by self-harm, and no one should specifically hurt him. 


    Luo Shuyu looked at Li Mingjin with pale lips lying on the bed, and felt distressed. He was still full of energy in the morning, and when he came back in the evening, he hurt himself all over. He didn't know how long it would take to keep him better. 


    He really missed too much in his last life, and Li Mingjin fought for him for a few years of ease. Now that he thought about it, he really owed him a lot. 


    He secretly sighed, and had Butler Sun be summoned, and ordered him to choose a few precious gifts to send to the families who were injured by Li Mingjin. No matter whether they had any malice towards Li Mingjin or not, he only needed to be polite. Li Mingjin's hurting people should all be spread now, and the Third Prince's Mansion couldn't justify it without a little bit of expression, and it was not a problem that could be solved with a little money. 


    Butler Sun was a little surprised and said, "I'll do it." 


In the past, there was no one else behind Li Mingjin, so it was only The Emperor Tiansheng or the Queen who sent them away at will, and no one paid attention to those who were hurt by Li Mingjin, but now he had Luo Shuyu, it must be done comprehensively, at least didn't let those people scolded their highness behind their backs every day. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't know what the injured person who received the heavy gifts thought, but he definitely wouldn't tell people that the third prince was ignorant of etiquette and cruel. 


    Li Mingjin didn't care about his reputation, but Luo Shuyu cared about his reputation and didn't want to hear anyone scolded him. This was a treasure he wanted to protect, and he would protect him all his life. 


    Luo Shuyu called Ansan and asked him, "What happened to His Highness before? You can tell me in detail, and you must not hide anything." 


Ansan: "..." 


    Luo Shuyu said, "I know that His Highness trusts you the most. Now His Highness is concealing his illness from me. I know the reason, and you don’t have to think too much about it. Just say it. Does he hurts others more or hurts himself more, how many days will he get sick each time? Do you take any medicines that are not good for your health on weekdays?" 


    Luo Shuyu's question was very clear, and every sentence was on point. 


    Ansan pondered for a long time, the third Imperial concubine asked deeply, he couldn't avoid it. Since His Royal Highness had already fallen ill, there was nothing to hide, so he said it one by one. 

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    Ansan: "His Royal Highness will get sick once every three months, but the exact date can't be predicted. Every time he gets sick, His Highness may hurt others or self-harm when he is not self-conscious. Every time he gets sick, he asks us  to tie him in the study to get through the dangerous period, and each time His Highness gets sick lasted for two days at a slower rate, or a day at a faster rate, and then he is no different from ordinary people." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Is there any medicine that hurts the body on weekdays?


 Ansan hesitated for a moment: "...Yes."


Luo Shuyu's face sank: "Where is it?, take it to me."


Ansan: "The medicine is kept by His Highness himself, the subordinates don't know." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Oh, then I Find it myself." 


    Ansan: "..." I didn't expect that the Third Prince's Imperial Concubine doesn't play the cards according to the routine at all. 


    Luo Shuyu continued to ask: "How many years has he been taking this medicine? What kind of medicine is it?, and is there an antidote?" 


    Ansan said, "He already had this disease when this subordinate followed the third prince. As for the medicine, it's true, I don't know, and I don't know if there is an antidote. What this subordinate said is true, and I don't hide anything." 


    Luo Shuyu said with a cold face, "I know. Also, you don't know anything about your master's condition and didn't protect your master, this month's monthly salary will be halved, and you will receive the punishment yourself!" 


    Ansan: "...Yes." His Highness had never deducted his salary, which was sad. 


    But he also deserved it, and indeed he was also ineffective when protecting the Lord, and should be punished. 


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    Luo Shuyu added another sentence before he retreated: "Remember, Ansan. His Highness' life is your life. If His Highness has three strengths and two weaknesses, you can't live." 


Ansan's heart trembled, and the third imperial concubine was more ruthless than His Royal Highness. 


    Ansan convinced and said, "It belongs to His Highness ." However, he was a little enthusiastic and wanted to change his allegiance to the third imperial concubine. 


    Luo Shuyu held the cold tea alone, thinking to himself: Li Mingjin lives, he lives, Li Mingjin dies, he won't live alone. 


    At night, Li Mingjin developed a high fever. Luo Shuyu had previously let the imperial doctor wait in the mansion, and now it came in handy. 


    Li Mingjin, who had already taken the medicine, had been sleeping soundly, but he didn't sleep very well, frowning between his brows and occasionally groaning. 


    Luo Shuyu was close to his lips before he could hear what he murmured: "Pain..." 


    He put his hand on Li Mingjin's face, it was very hot, it should be the pain caused by high fever. 


    Luo Shuyu was both distressed and anxious: "The imperial doctor, is there any way to reduce the fever of His Highness? 


    The imperial doctor continued to take Li Mingjin's pulse and told Luo Shuyu not to worry, he would see how the situation was. 


    How could Luo Shuyu not be in a hurry, if it wasn't for his old age, he almost wanted to go directly to the imperial hospital to find a few more imperial doctors for a consultation! 


    After one round of diagnosis and treatment, the imperial doctor boiled the medicine again. Luo Shuyu asked Qingwang to decoct the medicine himself, and he couldn't pass it in the hands of anyone. If he neglected his duty, he would definitely be punished. 


    Qing Wang didn't dare to be careless.

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