After the medicine was boiled, Luo Shuyu personally fed him to drink it. Li Mingjin still consciously swallowed the decoction, but the medicine was bitter, and his mouth was full of dissatisfaction after drinking it. Luo Shuyu put a sugar in his mouth before falling asleep peacefully. 

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    However, Li Mingjin had new symptoms less than half an hour after he slept, and he began to feel cold all over his body, shouting cold in his mouth. 


    Luo Shuyu also ordered two more quilts and covered him. 


    The imperial doctor was confused by Li Mingjin's condition and wanted to give him acupuncture, but he saw that he was shaking so badly that he didn't dare to do it. Even if the third prince didn't inherit the throne in the future, he could still be the crowned king. The diagnosis and treatment must be satisfactory. 


    Li Mingjin's condition repeated. After the high fever, he started to have a cold, and after the cold, he started to have high fever. Luo Shuyu stayed with him all night, and his condition stabilized in the morning. He didn't continue to have a high fever or cold. 


    The imperial doctor was arranged to return to the guest room to rest. 


    Luo Shuyu was also very tired, so he probed Li Mingjin's palm, no longer hot, and decided to lie on the table for a while. 


Chen Shi, Li Mingjin opened his sour eyes.

[Chen Shi: dragon time 07.00-09.00]


    His mouth was full of bitter medicine, and his nose also smelled medicine. When he moved, his whole body hurt. He turned his head and saw Luo Shuyu, who was sleeping on the table. 


    Li Mingjin opened his mouth, a little dry, and said hoarsely: "Come here." 


Qingwang, who was standing by the side, immediately stepped forward and asked, "Your Highness, are you awake?" 


    Luo Shuyu didn't sleep soundly. When Qingwang made a sound, he also woke up, turned his head and met Li Mingjin's eyes.


    Luo Shuyu asked him calmly, "Wake up? Do you want to drink water?" 


    Probably due to his natural alertness, Li Mingjin felt that the calmness now, there might be a storm waiting for him, he didn't dare to say or ask more, only weakly, he made a single voice: "Yeah." 


    Luo Shuyu poured a glass of warm water, helped him up, and fed him the water: "Do you still want it?" 


    Li Mingjin said, "No." 

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    He remembered what he saw before he passed out. It was Luo Shuyu with a worried look on his face, but now, he was a little too calm. 


    Don't ask anything? 


    The more this happened, the more flustered Li Mingjin became. 


    Luo Shuyu arranged for someone to prepare breakfast for Li Mingjin, and at the same time asked the imperial doctor to come over for another consultation. 


    The imperial doctor said that he would continue to observe. As for now, the pulse was not as chaotic as last night, and he couldn't find any clue. Now it was much calmer.


    With his eyesight, the third imperial concubine directly detained him in the third prince's mansion last night, which showed that he had the courage to do things and was fearless. Similarly, he couldn't offend this person. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't care what the imperial doctor was thinking about, he saw that Li Mingjin's eyes had returned to their former clearness, and he felt a lot more at ease. As soon as he relaxed, he started to feel sleepy. 


    Li Mingjin was still a little weak and his lips were pale, but now he had neither fever nor chills, which was a good sign. 


    He sat on the bed and had breakfast, while Luo Shuyu had it on the table. 


    Luo Shuyu was too sleepy to speak, while Li Mingjin didn't know how to speak. He knew what his illness looked like, but he didn't know how much trouble he had last night. 


    When he mustered up the courage to ask Luo Shuyu if he was tired last night and was frightened by him, Luo Shuyu fell asleep on the couch with the soft quilt. 


    Li Mingjin didn't want to wake him up, so he continued to lie on the bed. 


    Unconsciously, there was only peace in the room, and Li Mingjin could hear Luo Shuyu's slight breathing. 


    This was the tranquility when the storm was about to come, and waiting was the most uncomfortable thing to do. 


    The moment before, he promised Luo Shuyu that he wouldn't hurt his body again, but the next moment he came back full of injuries. 


    His wife had never experienced this before, so he must had been terrified last night. 

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    Li Mingjin himself was also tired, so he fell asleep after thinking wildly. After waking up, he shouldn't be held accountable... 


    When Luo Shuyu woke up, it was already the next day. The first time he went to see Li Mingjin, he found that the other party was sleeping soundly on the bed. He had no fever or chills, so he should be fine. 


    The detained imperial doctor also got a good rest. At Luo Shuyu's request, he came over to give Li Mingjin a pulse, and then let him leave after confirming that there was no serious problem. 


    At this time, Luo Shuyu was eating his late lunch outside, drinking the ginseng soup that Grandma Feng asked the kitchen to cook, and some porridge and side dishes. 


    Only halfway through the meal, he saw Li Mingjin, and he woke up when he smelled the fragrant of chicken soup. 


    Luo Shuyu helped him sit: "Your Highness, does the wound hurt?" 


    Li Mingjin's stomach grumbled, "The wound is okay." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Hungry?" 


    Li Mingjin nodded, "Yes." 


    Luo Shuyu Said: "The imperial doctor said that you have to take medicine for the past two days, and you should have some porridge for the time being." 


    Li Mingjin thought that what was served would be white porridge, but in fact Luo Shuyu told him with practical actions that he wouldn't make fun of his body. 


    He chopped up the minced meat and put it in the thick porridge, and boiled it fragrantly. The dishes were also carefully cooked. It looked like a meat dish, but it actually tasted like vegetarian dishes. 


Li Mingjin's mouth was pale, but his appetite was okay, and he ate his share in a short time. It would be better if there were no injuries on his body. However, Luo Shuyu never asked him the origin of the scars on his body from beginning to end, and his heart became more and more uneasy.     


This is how to do?     


He must once again mustered the courage to take the initiative to confess. 


The afternoon sun was just right, and Luo Shuyu asked people to pull up the curtains. "His Royal Highness is lying on the bed or on the couch?"      

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Li Mingjin said, "On the couch, you can get some sunshine."   


Luo Shuyu helped him got on the couch, and then put a small table with tea and books on it. He sat on the other side, holding the book and started to read. 

    Li Mingjin had a soft pillow behind his waist and held a book in his hand, but he couldn't read it at all: "Yu'er, won't you talk to me?" 


    Luo Shuyu asked him without looking up, "Your Highness. What do you want to talk about?" 


    Li Mingjin got stuck for a while: "Well...I..."


 Luo Shuyu: "What's wrong with you?" 


    Li Mingjin: "I was wrong." 


    Luo Shuyu turned the page without looking up: "What's wrong with Your Highness?" 


    Li Mingjin: "I promised you not to make fun of my body." 


    Luo Shuyu still didn't raise his head: "Well, then what?" 


    Li Mingjin thought that his wife had suddenly become so indifferent: "I didn't mean it." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Is that intentional? " 


  Li Mingjin immediately defended: "Of course not!" 


He suddenly touched the wound on his chest, "Hey." 


Luo Shuyu put down the book: "Where does Your Highness hurt?" 


    Li Mingjin covered his chest: "Accidentally pulled the wound." 

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    Luo Shuyu couldn't continue to pretend to be indifferent: "Don't move around, I'll see if there is any bleeding." 


When Luo Shuyu sat beside him, Li Mingjin looked at him and said, "It shouldn't be." 


    Luo Shuyu looked at his bandaged wound, and his eyes suddenly froze. It was red, and he hadn't shed a single tear since yesterday, but now looking at Li Mingjin, he still couldn't hold back. 


"How can you scare me, you came back so easily, we are all alive, how can you scare me..." 


    Li Mingjin saw him cried so much that he also wanted to cry, so he hurriedly hugged him, wiping the tears on his face with his fingers. 


    "It's my fault, don't cry, you can beat me and scold me!" 


    Luo Shuyu rested his head on his shoulder, crying louder and louder, his whole body almost collapsed! 


    When he cried, Li Mingjin's heart was almost broken, and now he regretted that he didn't greet his future wife with a healthy body. 


    Li Mingjin patted him on the back and signed an unequal agreement in a hurry: "Yu'er, as long as you don't cry, I can do anything!" 


    After crying for a while, Luo Shuyu asked him softly, "Really?" 


    Li Mingjin nodded solemnly and continued to wipe his tears. 


Luo Shuyu sniffed "Then give me the medicine." 


    Li Mingjin: "..." How, how do you know?! 




The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: Wife, I heard that the medicine in the novel next door will last longer, seven days at a time!

Luo Shuyu: ...

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