Chapter 42: New System Tasks

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    Of course Li Mingjin couldn't admit that he had medicine. 


    He didn't believe that Luo Shuyu, who had been married to him for less than two months, would find out his secret. He must have cheated him. After all, his wife was so smart. 


    He pretended not to know what Luo Shuyu was talking about: "What medicine did you say?" 


    Although Luo Shuyu looked pitiful and aggrieved now, if he really told him the truth of the matter, wouldn't it make him more worried, Li Mingjin felt that he couldn't do this. 


    Luo Shuyu said with a flat mouth: "How long does Your Highness want to hide from me? I don't know how you got sick, but you must take the drugs that harmful to your body for a long time, so don't try to lie to me, I confirmed it with mother concubine and Ansan."


    Li Mingjin almost tugged at the wound, his wife said the most ruthless words with an aggrieved expression, but he continued to feel that Luo Shuyu was lying to him. 


    Li Mingjin continued to insist: "What did they say?" As long as he could survive Luo Shuyu's suspicion, it shouldn't be a big problem, and he would struggle. 


    Although the tears in Luo Shuyu's eyes were not dry, his mind was very clear, and he asked one by one: "His Royal Highness doesn't want to admit it, then no matter what they say, please explain to me why this time you hurt people for no reason, and why when you're sick you got chills and fever, even the imperial doctor can't diagnose and treat the real cause." 

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    Why did he hurt people? 


    Li Mingjin didn't know how to explain this to Luo Shuyu. 


    In fact, he felt unwell before he went out yesterday. After getting married, his life was so smooth that he almost forgot that he had unknown secrets. He thought he could survive this day, and then excused himself to stay outside for two days, and then returned home after his illness was over. 


    He thought that his body would be in his control, but who knew, his thinking was too simple. During the attack, his temper would be extremely irritable. As long as he heard something unpleasant, he would attack directly and couldn't control his behavior. 


    Yesterday at the school grounds, he was picking out the bows and arrows. The young men behind him were chatting and laughing. At first, he didn't notice what they were talking about until they mentioned the matter with Shen Mingyun and Li Mingchun. 


    In the eyes of others, maybe this was just Li Mingchun's romantic affair, and it had nothing to do with Li Mingjin, but they said something that irritated Li Mingjin: "What is so special about this ger of Luofu, so that the princes will linger on them." 


    Li Mingjin heard this, his expression became more and more wrong. Li Mingchun stood far away and couldn't heard it. He got close, and listened to the conversation of these people word for word, and threw a hit towards the man who laughed the loudest. 


    It was not enough to scold his wife, and he dared to say nonsense in front of him: "Looking for death!"


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The whip slapped them mercilessly, twice and three times! 


    Several young people with broken mouths were shocked, some knelt down and begged for mercy, and some rolled and crawled to avoid Li Mingjin's whip. 


    They never imagined that they would be heard by the third prince when they talked rude, and they remembered that what they said just now was completely disrespectful. These people knelt down and fled, but Li Mingjin's anger came up, in addition his mood became very irritable and restless, and he couldn't hold the whip, and several people were whipped around, and those who were present with unknown conditions couldn't stop him. 


    Li Mingjin's martial arts were not bad, and soon the four of them saw blood! 


    The movement on their side was so great that when The Emperor Tiansheng saw Li Mingjin beating people with a whip, he let the martial arts man removed his whip and tied him up. When he was subdued, Li Mingjin glared fiercely at the fallen man and several people, he tried his best to break free from the rope that bound him, like a mad and irritable lion.


    When he was taken away, Li Mingjin's consciousness was a little unclear, but he still said the sentence: "Damn you!" 


    In this way, Li Mingjin was locked up. When he woke up, his body was covered with scars. He knew very well, all of these were self-inflicted injuries. 


    Not long after he was cleared, he was released, and the guards helped him back to the mansion. 


    When Luo Shuyu asked him about his "medicine", he didn't dare to say it, for fear that Luo Shuyu would be frightened, and that he would see himself did self-harming in the future. 

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    "His Royal Highness?" Luo Shuyu noticed Li Mingjin's hesitation and saw his hesitation on his face. If it was just an ordinary trivial matter, of course he wouldn't push it step by step, but it was about his life and their future. Couldn't let the condition worsen, "I know you don't want to say it. It's fine if you don't say the cause of the disease, but I hope you don't hide anything about this disease from me." 


    Li Mingjin looked at Luo Shuyu's eyes that immediately turned red again , he had to disarm and surrender, and sighed slightly: "Don't cry, don't be angry, I said it. However, I want to know how mother concubine told you." 


    Luo Shuyu told him about he went to the palace to find concubine Mei. 


    Li Mingjin praised him: "Yu'er is so smart, and he knows how to find mother concubine." 


    Luo Shuyu glared at him: "Of course, I'm dying, you still laugh." 


    Li Mingjin: "I didn't laugh." 


    Luo Shuyu urged him: "Then you hurry up and say it. You don't make it clear today, and I have to figure it out tomorrow, or I will go to the palace and ask mother concubine again." 


    Li Mingjin pulled him and sat by his side. He had an injury on his back, so he couldn't make a big move. He could only hold Luo Shuyu's hand. Holding it like this, he seemed to comfort himself. 


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    Over the years, no one asked him about his illness. Everyone just thought he was a lunatic, a lunatic with a bad temper. Even the emperor thought so. In a sense, he was successfully survive. 


    Li Mingjin said: "This matter has to start when I was eight years old." 


    Li Mingjin held his hand gently, Luo Shuyu felt that it was not tight enough, so he held back, fearing that he would pull his wound, and relaxed again. He was ready to listen to the past. He never knew about Li Mingjin in his last life, and now he couldn't wait to know all about his past. 


    "When I was young, I was quite smart among several princes. I was praised by my master several times for my homework, and gradually I was remembered by my father. I was relatively top-notch in both civil and military affairs. It was not until I had a tendency to surpass other princes, and the Changle Palace began to be counted, that mother concubine realized that I could no longer continue. I was still hesitant at first, but something happened when I was eight years old."


    "That day, I was a little naughty and ran out to play without my mother concubine. I met my eldest brother and the second brother by the lake and asked them if they could play together, and they agreed. They said they wanted to hide and seek with me. I naively thought it was really a game between brothers. I listened to their suggestion and hid in a crevice by the lake. After waiting for a long time, no one came to me. I almost fell asleep. I was pushed down the lake by a shadow. If the mother concubine hadn't quietly ordered someone to teach me how to swim, I might be a corpse. " 


    "I returned to Changle Palace wet, and mother concubine knew at a glance what was going on. She suppressed the matter and began to analyze the situation in the palace with me, as well as her identity. Three days later, mother concubine took out a prescription brought from Liang Guo, and asked someone to dispense the medicine and let me eat it. From then on, I would have seizures from time to time, and my temper would become extremely irritable and rough. Since then, no one secretly harmed me anymore, they all know that I'm useless. " 


    After Li Mingjin finished speaking, he looked at Luo Shuyu: "It's probably like this." 


    He understated the suffering he had suffered over the past ten years, and Luo Shuyu felt very sad, as long as he thought about it carefully, it was suffocating. In contrast, although he lived a normal life in Luofu in the past, he didn't have to worry about his life, and he didn't have to worry about being assassinated by others every day. 


    However, it was still necessary to stop to the medicine itself, he didn't know about it before, so he didn't talk about it, and it must not continue now.

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