"That medicine is poisonous, right? Is there an antidote." 

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    Li Mingjin shook his head: "There is no antidote, even the medicine is three points poisonous." 


    Luo Shuyu looked at him seriously: "Your Highness, please stop." 


    Li Mingjin was quite moved, and now his brutal image had long been imprinted in others' hearts, and he wouldn't be discovered by others even if he didn't continue to take the medicine. 


    Li Mingjin: "I won't take it again. I haven't touched it since we got married." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Will there be any consequences if you stop suddenly?"


    Li Mingjin hesitated and said, "This drug is addictive, if I don't take it maybe it will be a little uncomfortable, of course, it's also uncomfortable to take it." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Who did mother concubine get the recipe from?, can I ask the doctor to prescribe the antidote?" 


    Li Mingjin shook his head: "I asked the doctor privately, and they all think there is no problem with the prescription, and it's a good medicine." 


    Luo Shuyu: "That's strange, why is this happening? Is your Highness's body different from ordinary people? Do you need to ask  mother concubine the  reason why you have been diagnosed and treated, but they haven't found  out that you've ever taken that medicine, so it's strange. And the medicine  has always been given to you by mother concubine?" 


    Li Mingjin nodded: "Yes." 


    Luo Shuyu understood that the source was still in Concubine Mei, but he still had a doubt: "Why don't you put on a play on the surface and use  medicine to maintain this image?" 


    Li Mingjin: "Because I didn't like blood since I was a child, I didn't  even dare to kill a chicken, but my mother concubine wants me to be violent  in order to convince others, so if I don’t take the medicine, I can’t fool  the eyes and ears of father, the queen and others by pretending to be crazy .” 

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The medicine, no matter who came to check it, couldn't find out whether it  was true or not. Even if someone found out that Li Mingjin had taken medicine, it could be said that other concubines in The Emperor Tiansheng's harem  wanted to kill him. He knew nothing, and no one would think that  Concubine Mei could make "the tiger's poison eats the child", she hated the  act of feeding her own son with medicine. 


    There was no better way for their mother and son. 


    Concubine Mei was originally sent by Liang Guo to marry. It would be fine if the son she gave birth to was a mediocre one, but she gave birth to Li Mingjin too well. He had the talent of an emperor. He became mediocre, confirming to the outsiders the phrase "small is good, big not necessarily good". 


    Luo Shuyu felt sorry for Li Mingjin after listening to these pasts. He had seen many articles written by Li Mingjin in his study, and every idea  had his own unique insights, and it was more in line with the actual situation of their Daxia Kingdom. 


    It was not unreasonable that he was more liked by the master than the first prince and the crown prince when he was a child. 


    Luo Shuyu held his finger and said: "I understand, the expert I met before also told me one thing, there is a doctor called 'Jiebaidu' in this world, if you can find him, there should be a cure for your disease." There is no antidote, only someone can cure it. 


    "I'll send someone to look for it, and I've made you worry again." Li Mingjin felt a little guilty towards Luo Shuyu. 


    Luo Shuyu shook his head: "As long as His Highness doesn't hide it from me, nothing will be a problem." 


    The two had just talked for a while when Qingwang came in and told them that Mr. Chen asked to see him. 


    Chen Rong? 


    It was the staff member that Li Mingjin invited. What was he doing in the main courtyard at this time? 


    The two looked at each other, Li Mingjin still decided to meet, Luo Shuyu helped him up and met him in the side hall. 


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    Luo Shuyu was still a little curious about Chen Rong. 


    Li Mingjin's walking was not a big problem. Last time, the sprained foot was just right. This time, the injury was on the head and body. The medicine was used, and the wounds were painful, but if he could endure it for a while, if he didn't twist and move, he wouldn't feel so uncomfortable. 


    Chen Rong first saluted: "I have seen His Royal Highness and the third imperial concubine." 


    Li Mingjin returned to his usual expressionless expression: "No salute, sit down, sir, what's the matter?." 


    Chen Rong: "I heard that Your Highness was injured, so I came over to have a look. Is there something I can help?." 


    When Li Mingjin saw him, he thought of the 'Jiebaidu' doctor Luo Shuyu just mentioned.


    Chen Rong had been in the mansion for more than a year, raising birds and painting every day. He lived better than his master, but his body was  not very healthy. 


    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin thought of it together, and they asked Chen Rong: "I need master's help. You traveled abroad a few years ago, do you know a doctor named 'Jiebaidu'?" 


    Chen Rong was not from the capital, but he was very popular. Despite being in bad health, many friends had been made. 


    "Jie Baidu?" Chen Rong guessed something at once, but he didn't ask the reason, and said, "When I traveled in Liang Kingdom in previous years, I seem to have heard of this name." 


    Li Mingjin said, "We want to find him." 


    Chen Rong: "Then I will send a letter to a friend in Liang Guo, asking about the whereabouts of this person." 


    Li Mingjin: "In addition, there is no need to let the fourth person know about this matter." What he meant was not to let another aide Liang Jianxue Knew. 

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    Luo Shuyu asked Li Mingjin's attitude towards another aide. Maybe that Mr. Liang was stuffed in by someone else? 


    After all, not everyone believed that Li Mingjin was really sick. Others were careful to make the Wannian Ship, so why were they not. 


    Chen Rong came just in time for dinner, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu kept him for dinner, and he was a little flattered. 


    He had spent some time in the Third Prince's Mansion, but he had never had a meal with the Third Prince. He quietly observed the way the young couple got along. 


    The two people revealed their intimacy unconsciously, and they should have  good relationship, otherwise Li Mingjin wouldn't have mentioned "Jie Baidu" to Luo Shuyu in front of him. 


    After dinner, Chen Rong went back to his yard. 


    Luo Shuyu took out the quqin he had just taken out yesterday and played it to relieve Li Mingjin's boredom. If he hadn't been injured in his abdomen, he would have been able to play a tune. 


    He was in the same bed tonight. As soon as Luo Shuyu lay down, Li  Mingjin's hand drilled on him. 


    Luo Shuyu held his restless hand: "Your Highness!" 


    Li Mingjin said seriously, "I'll touch it." 


    Luo Shuyu: "No!" You are still injured! 


    Li Mingjin: "Okay." 

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    While Li Mingjin was recovering from his injury, Shen Mingyun lived up to the expectations and was carried into the Fourth Prince's Mansion. In his opinion, whether a concubine was not a wife was not important, and freedom was more important. 


    After leaving Luofu, you could no longer be bound by Luo Renshou's benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, and you didn't have to prevent Luo Shumo from suddenly turning into a satyr and pressing him on the bed. 


    He entered the Fourth Prince's Mansion with great joy. He didn't care about the so-called main and concubine rooms. He could still get a divorce after getting married in modern times. If he and the Fourth Prince didn't get along well, it wasn't that he couldn't leave. 


    Now, the fourth prince was the person he liked, and the two also communicate with each other, and they agreed that they would be one person for the rest of their life. 


    Only a few days after these words were finished, Zhou Guo's delegation brought Princess Zhou Guo to the capital ahead of schedule. 


    At the same time, the system issued a new task to Shen Mingyun: please give the third prince Li Mingjin a chance to know Princess Zhou, and let him marry Princess Zhou as his equal wife.     


Shen Mingyun asked the system: "Why does the mission involve the third prince again?" 


The system said: "Back to the host, the priority level of the mission is 

five stars, please complete it as soon as possible." 


"..." Why is it useless?     




The author has something to say: 

The Third prince: wife,the distance between heaven and earth can be learned, I know your depth, you know my depth! We are a match made in heaven!

Luo Shuyu:  … 

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