The September 9th Double Ninth Festival had long passed, and those who appreciate autumn chrysanthemum began to change their appointments to enjoy winter plums in the winter snow season.

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    When he woke up, Luo Shuyu pushed open the window, the cold air hit him, he drilled into the room desperately, and he poked his head out.


    The outside was already covered in silver, the ground was covered with layers of white snow, and ice sticks hang from the branches, shining with crystal light.


    At a glance, it was the best view in winter.




    This year's snow came very early, earlier than in the previous years. It was only mid-October, and it was estimated that the winter would last for a long time.


    Luo Shuyu turned to Li Mingjin who was drinking hot tea and said, "His Royal Highness, come and see, it's snowing."


    Seeing that he was wearing less clothes, stood at the window to blow air, Li Mingjin took a white fur coat and put it on him: " Don't freeze."


    Stayed in the house for six or seven days, Li Mingjin was completely fine, the wounds were almost healed, but there were still ugly scars left.


    When he was young, he didn't leave many scars before, so Luo Shuyu didn't find it much before. Now when he was wiping his body, he could only see the shallow scars when he looked closely, but it was not obvious if he didn't look carefully.


    It took nearly seven days for Luo Shuyu to find out all the medicines that Li Mingjin had taken before. As for whether he threw it away or hid it, Li Mingjin didn't know. Didn't dare to reformulate new medicines behind Luo Shuyu's back.


    As soon as the man said a word, it was hard to chase after the horse, and if he said that he stopped taking it, he wouldn't take it again.


    The most important thing was that he was afraid that Luo Shuyu would cry in front of him. When he cried, he could do nothing. It was not a headache, but a heartache, the kind of pain that broke into pieces.

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    "It's not cold even when it's snowing." Luo Shuyu also reached out to touch the small ice strips by the window, it was cool, "His Royal Highness, what do you think of when it's  snowing?"


    Li Mingjin wrapped Luo Shuyu in a fur coat and held him in his arms by the way. , the two heads next to each other.


    "Snowball fight? I liked to play this with the little eunuch the most when I was young." Li Mingjin recalled his short childhood.


    Luo Shuyu recalled the last happy time of the two of them in their last life, and removed those unpleasant memories, and every other little thing was engraved in his mind. He remembered that at that time he was pregnant, and his stomach was very uncomfortable. He couldn't sleep well every night, and his temper became extremely bad.


    At that time, he knew that Li Mingjin was a little different to him. When he woke up in the winter, he saw a note on the dressing table with the words "Yu'er, open the window."



    Luo Shuyu walked with a big belly, when he got to the window, he saw an ugly snowman with a carrot sticking on his head. It was gloomy for many days, but he finally laughed and was in a good mood. He ate an extra dumpling in the morning.


    In the last life, Li Mingjin was accommodating himself, so it was better to let him accommodate Li Mingjin in this life.


    Luo Shuyu's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Li Mingjin: "His Royal Highness, let's have snowball fight!"


    Li Mingjin was confused by his eyes and couldn't help kissing him: "Okay, let's have snowball fight." 


They were all young people, who didn't have playful heart, calm and steady, it was all for others to see. They didn't seem to care about this, and they could play like a child whatever they wanted. Even if they were known by The Tiansheng Emperor, it was not a big problem. 


    At the moment when he threw the small snowball, Luo Shuyu realized the joy of playing in the snow. He had never played so happily as he was now.

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    A snowball hit Li Mingjin's brim lightly, and Li Mingjin was stunned for a moment: "You really hit me!"


    Luo Shuyu smiled happily: "Otherwise, it's snowball fight after all, Your Highness, be bold, this snowball fight was fun." It's just a little cold.


    Li Mingjin was really bold, and immediately formed a snowball and smashed it at Luo Shuyu's feet. He was reluctant to smash his own wife.


    Then he turned around and smashed towards the roof. Ansan, who was squatting on top to watch the excitement, was suddenly slapped by the oncoming snowball.


    Luo Shuyu said with a smile: "Ansan, as an undercover guard, you are so unprepared that you can't even hide from your highness's snowball, so I will deduct your monthly salary!" 


Ansan covered his heart: "Your Highness, my monthly salary was about to be deducted by the third prince imperial concubine, I beg for mercy."


    Li Mingjin said without principle: "What are you thinking?, in the entire palace, including me, under the control of the third prince imperial concubine."


    Ansan: "..." It's unprecedented for a husband to do something like you. No one do that!


    This morning, Luo Shuyu was in a very good mood.


    He didn't play for a long time outside. Li Mingjin was afraid that Luo Shuyu would catch a cold, so he took him back to the room, and he didn't even let him walk any longer. Luo Shuyu was only worried that his wound would open due to force.


    Li Mingjin: "No, I'm almost healed. With your weight, you can't do anything to me."


    Luo Shuyu put his arms around his neck: "His Royal Highness knows how to brag, I'll take off your clothes later, and I will verify it myself."

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    Li Mingjin grunted and swallowed: "It's not impossible, Yu'er takes it off for me, and I will treat each other with courtesy."


    Luo Shuyu, who didn't want to be "treated with courtesy" in the daytime, gave him white eyes: "His Royal Highness, think about the small couch."


    Li Mingjin pursed his lips: "...It's been several days." The words were full of resentment.


    Luo Shuyu couldn't help laughing.


    Back in the house, the two were intimate on the couch for a long time. If someone hadn't come looking for Li Mingjin, they would almost caught fire.


    It was Liang Jianxue and Chen Rong who came to see him. Liang Jianxue had a family in the capital, so he didn't live in the Third Prince's Mansion. Chen Rong lived in the side courtyard, which was a certain distance from the main courtyard. It was hard to be defensive.


    When he first entered the door, he took a deep breath and coughed for a while.


    Luo Shuyu felt uncomfortable for him when he heard it, and asked people to prepare two more braziers, so didn't freeze this unearthly creature.


    Liang Jianxue stayed away from Chen Rong a little bit, so as not to be sprayed with saliva by his cough, the meaning of disgust and arrogant were obvious. He also had some opinions on Luo Shuyu, who was sitting beside Li Mingjin. He thought that the third prince imperial concubine shouldn't be in the study, the ger and daughter should stay in the back house, but he didn't dare to say more, he listened to the servants in the mansion said that His Highness had a bad temper, even so the third prince Imperial concubine was extremely strict to him.


    Liang Jianxue: "His Royal Highness, the Zhou envoy arrived on the outskirts of the capital yesterday, and will be staying at Honglu Temple today to wait for the Holy Master to receive them. I wonder if Your Highness has any ideas?"


    Li Mingjin ate a chestnut that Luo Shuyu had peeled and said, "What do you want?"


    Liang Jianxue: "I heard that the envoy of the State of Zhou brought their princess to have a kiss this time."

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    Li Mingjin didn't lift his eyelids, crushed a chestnut, and peeled a good chestnut for Luo Shuyu: "So what?"


    Liang Jianxue began to talk about his plan incessantly. He said it and Li Mingjin's face darkened a bit. If it wasn't for his talent, Li Mingjin would directly let Ansan put his head in the snow to calm down.


    Chen Rong also peeled the chestnuts to eat, the chestnuts were fried with sugar.


    Liang Jianxue spoke more and more quietly, and in the end, only his voice became lower and lower and the sound of everyone peeling chestnuts were left in the room, and he felt guilty.


    "His Royal Highness, my suggestion..."


    Li Mingjin said with a sullen face: "Do you have anything else to do?"


    Liang Jianxue was swept away by his eyes, and his heart was empty and flustered: "No, no more."


    "Then without you, you go home first."


    Liang Jianxue: "..."


    Li Mingjin shouted: "Where is Butler Sun? Send someone to take Mr. Liang out of the mansion."


    Liang Jianxue: "..."


    He didn't understand what was wrong with his suggestion!

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