Chapter 44 Cuju on Ice

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    The plum viewing banquet hosted by the first prince was not as grand and eye-catching as the hundreds of chrysanthemum banquets held by the crown prince. 


    Plum blossoms were not expensive, and the word "elegance" was the word for plum blossoms in winter. 


    The people invited by the first prince's imperial concubine today were even more different from the crown princess' chrysanthemum banquet. They were all the wives of the men who had frequent contacts on weekdays with the first prince. There were only a few of them who still maintained a neutral attitude and ddn't stand in line. The purpose was very clear, mainly because in order to consolidate and develop the supporters of the first prince. 


    Naturally, the Crown Princess didn't attend today's plum appreciation banquet. She and the first prince's imperial concubine didn't go toe-to-toe with each other not for one or two days. If not for palace banquet, they would almost never meet, and they would almost never go to private banquets. 


    Probably because the crown princess didn't like Luo Shuyu very much, she refused more decisively today, and she didn't come. 


    Without the Crown Princess, Luo Shuyu became the focus of everyone, especially after it was rumored that he had a very powerful "slavery technique". 


    Luo Shuyu was relatively low-key in his past life, and he didn't attend many such gatherings. Most of the time, he only went for important things before decided  to go out, and he rarely showed his talents. 


    At the plum-appreciating banquet at this time, because the word "elegance" was at the top of the list, naturally, the fun of writing poetry was indispensable. Luo Shuyu composed a poem on the theme of "plum". 


    He didn't know if he was blessed with the title of the third prince's imperial concubine. Everyone was praising him, and he almost swelled up. Fortunately, he was very determined and hadn't been fascinated by the seemingly genuine praise, but it was also very headache. He always felt too eye-catching to be surrounded. 


    During the second half of the plum banquet, Luo Shuyu gave all the opportunities to show up to other ladies. It was not good for him to stay in the First Prince's Mansion for too long, so as not to disturb the interest of others! 


    Before leaving, the first prince's imperial concubine, Bi Ruoyao asked him quietly, "Shuyu, do you know the concubine who the fourth brother took recently?" 


    Wasn't the fourth prince's concubine Shen Mingyun, how could he not know. 


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    On the bright side, the fourth prince followed the first prince, and the first prince would think that Shen Mingyun had taken refuge in the fourth prince's mansion, and the third prince and the Luo family would stand in the first prince's team. 


    Luo Shuyu knew what she wanted to say, so he avoided the slightest and said: "I heard from my father that the fourth prince fell in love with cousin Shen at first sight , and he entered the mansion because he admired him. The family didn't interfere." 


    Bi Ruoyao smiled softly: "I have no other intentions, I just heard that your cousin has a talent for business." 


    Luo Shuyu said: "It's all small business that can't be seen, the first prince's imperial concubine don't need to care too much."


    Bi Ruoyao knew Shen Mingyun, now that he had entered the fourth prince's mansion, she naturally felt that she could use him for herself. She greeted Luo Shuyu mainly because she wanted to win over the third prince and test his meaning. 


    Luo Shuyu wisely weakened Shen Mingyun's ability. When he said this, the first prince's imperial concubine would consider it more. Whether to listen to or not, it was up to her to judge. 


    Bi Ruoyao couldn't get more evaluation of Shen Mingyun from Luo Shuyu, so she stopped keeping him. 


    Just after Luo Shuyu left, she was unwilling and say to the people around her: "This Luo Shuyu is simply toasting and not eating and drinking. I entertained him today deliciously, but he didn't even eat the oil and salt. It's really a family with the third prince." 


The maid: "Master, don't worry, the third prince hasn't stood in line for so many years, which is also a good thing for us, and the third prince's imperial concubine dare not jump out, you can coax him to come up with another blueprint or help His Highness." 


    Bi Ruoyao pulled out the bead hairpin on her head and said, "Also, won't there be cuju on ice in a few days? Everyone will go and let the fourth brother bring Shen Mingyun, and when the time comes to see what Luo Shuyu's face is like, I don't believe that we can't pull him onto our family's boat." 

[cuju: ancient Chinese football (soccer)]


    The maid: "But, will this be counterproductive?" 


Bi Ruoyao: "It doesn't matter, what does it have to do with us when the fourth prince takes Shen Mingyun out? Cuju on ice is also held in the name of the father emperor." 


Everyone had fun, and this was also another occasion for monarchs and ministers to communicate. 

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    The maid: "Master, have you forgotten? Princess Zhou may also participate, and His Majesty hasn't yet determined who to point her to." 


    Bi Ruoyao: "Oh, this is interesting, his Highness told me that Princess Zhou intends to have The third prince, he also said that he is good both civil and military." 


The maid: "Yes, it's a pity that His Royal Highness the third prince only sees the third prince's imperial concubine." 


    Bi Ruoyao: "This Luo Shuyu is indeed not simple, let's see who the princess of the Zhou Kingdom will be on the day of Cuju." 


    When Luo Shuyu just returned to the mansion, Li Mingjin came back. 


    The two of them changed from their snow-stained clothes one after the other. 


    Luo Shuyu sat on the couch, holding the hand furnace that Qingwang handed to him, and said to Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, will you be able to play Cuju on ice in three days?" 


    Li Mingjin took off his leather boots and returned to Luo Shuyu: "Of course, today Lin Haiming teamed up with me to practice and cooperated." 


    After changing to dry clothes, Li Mingjin sat opposite Luo Shuyu and drank the hot tea he poured. 


    Luo Shuyu was worried about his body: "Is the injury on the body okay?" 


    Li Mingjin raised his hands: "Look, it's already healed, it's not in the way." 


    Luo Shuyu was still a little worried: "At that time, you have to fight against people, and the ice is still so slippery. I'm afraid you will get hurt." 


    Since their marriage, Li Mingjin had always been injured, and Luo Shuyu really had to worry. 

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    Li Mingjin reassured him: "You have to believe that my martial arts are not that bad." 


    "I believe in you, but I don't believe in others." Luo Shuyu took advantage of the opportunity to mention today's plum banquet, "Today, the first prince's imperial concubine is still testing my attitude." 


    Li Mingjin asked, "How do you get back to her?" 


    Luo Shuyu said, "Of course I follow His Highness, but she mainly mentioned Shen Mingyun. She must have known that the blueprint last time was provided by Shen Mingyun, to test whether Shen Mingyun and I are in the same group."


 Li Mingjin: "It's really troublesome, Shen Mingyun entered the fourth brother's house, although the father emperor didn't say anything, but the others are not sure." 


    Luo Shuyu: "I think so too, I guess the fourth prince will take him to see Cuju. " 


    It was written in the book that Shen Mingyun went to visit cuju on ice competition of the royal family in the winter, and he went with The Fourth Prince at that time. 


    Originally, he had no chance to go when Liu Shi was not there. However, he went to the Fourth Prince's Mansion. The Fourth Prince currently had no concubine, so it was not a big problem to bring someone. 


    This time it was only a royal entertainment program, not a place to receive foreign guests. The Emperor Tiansheng would also bring a few concubines to watch it. 


    Li Mingjin asked Luo Shuyu carefully: "Then do you like to watch Cuju?" 


Luo Shuyu saw the eagerness and uncertainty in his eyes, and smiled slightly: "I like it." 


Cuju, he would also follow, but he didn't see anything during the whole process. He always felt that he was out of place. In the next few years in the past life, he didn't see Li Mingjin participate in the Cuju competition. 


    Probably because of a different mood, Luo Shuyu now was looking forward to see Li Mingjin's high-spirited and wanton appearance on the ice rink. 

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    It would take a long time to go back and forth, and it was almost evening after returning from the First Prince’s Mansion today. 


    In the winter, the sky was getting dark soon, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin sat in the room for a while and then turned on the light. 


    For dinner, there was Li Mingjin's favorite meat, and Luo Shuyu's favorite clear soup. 


    After dinner, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu played chess together on the couch, and then turned into Gobang. 


    Li Mingjin would also play tricks with Luo Shuyu. 


    Li Mingjin: "Wait, I'm not going to take this step." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness is shameless, and you will regret it." 


    Li Mingjin: "No." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Then put the pieces in your hand back." 


    Li Mingjin: "Don't, let me think again, it must be this step." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Okay, let you go." 


    Li Mingjin: "Why you eat it again!" 


    Luo Shuyu: "...Your Highness is probably not suitable for playing chess."

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