Li Mingjin threw the pieces in his hand back on the chessboard, pushed aside the small table, and pressed himself against Luo Shuyu: "Since it's not suitable for playing chess, it's definitely suitable for doing something else." He lowered his head and bit Luo Shuyu's lips. 

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    Luo Shuyu put his hands behind his back. Since he got used to Li Mingjin, he could accept these things very well most of the time, and even enjoyed it. He thought that he may really like Li Mingjin more and more and could accept all of his everything. 


    The small couch was not very comfortable, and the clothes were not completely undone. After a round of trying, Li Mingjin carried Luo Shuyu back to the bed, and then started a new round of tumbling. 


    It wasn't until late at night that he let go Luo Shuyu. He thought wearily: Isn't it tiring to practice Cuju? Why are you so energetic at night? His Highness must be lazy! 


    three days later. 


    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu went to the place for cuju. 


    They came late, only a little earlier than The Emperor Tiansheng, which was in line with the style of the third prince. 


    Even if The Emperor Tiansheng knew, he wouldn't say anything. The third son was so casual in front of him, just get used to it. 


    All of his sons were quite well-behaved in front of him, and Li Mingjin's jumping off made him realized the feeling of being a father, not a courtier, but a father and son. Therefore, in these years, Li Mingjin had a bad reputation, but he still lived very well, thanks to the little "father-son relationship" that The Emperor Tiansheng only had. 


    It was sunny today, but the temperature was still low. 


    The carriages were parked all over the place. 


    Li Mingjin put a hat from fox fur on Luo Shuyu and wrapped him in a mink fur coat. After getting off the carriage, he was supported by Li Mingjin and walked forward to prevent his feet from slipping. The two listened to the sound of their feet stepping on the snow. The sound entered the sheltered shed.


    Luo Shuyu pushed the brim of his hat: "Your Highness, I feel like a snowball now, can I take off my hat?" 


    Li Mingjin said with a stern face: "No, you coughed a little yesterday, so you can't get sick." 

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Luo Shuyu gently pinched him: "Who is the culprit? Who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night and doesn't let me sleep?." 


    Li Mingjin knew that he was wrong, so he pretended to be pinched and said, "I was wrong. Well, next time I will make you go to bed earlier, it hurts." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Come on, I didn't pinch you." 


    Li Mingjin: "..." wife always made him uncomfortable. 


    The two came late, and when they took their seats, they were greeted by everyone's attention. 


    Luo Shuyu's fur coat was not the most gorgeous, but it was the most elegant and beautiful in the audience, and the brightest was the red coat of the crown princess. 


    Luo Shuyu glanced around and saw Shen Mingyun sat beside the fourth prince Li Mingchun. He was also wearing a fur coat of the same color as the crown princess, and the two clashed. 


    Today's Shen Mingyun was not the same as in Luofu. Luo Shuyu could see the joy on his face and he was very interested in Cuju on ice, as if he was the one who would play soon, the fourth prince would say two or more sentences. The two were talking and laughing, and they seemed to be quite affectionate, but he was sitting behind Li Mingchun, instead of the Imperial concubine's position beside him, and everyone knew at a glance what his identity. 


    All the dignitaries were present, and Shen Mingyun was really nothing. 


    After Luo Shuyu finished paying attention to Shen Mingyun, he felt a line of sight falling on him. He turned his head and saw a dignified woman sitting not far away. The other party looked beautiful and looked at Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin. 


    Luo Shuyu asked Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, is that Princess Zhou?" 


    He had seen most of the ladies present, but not the woman in the dark fur coat, and he could guess who she was. 


    Judging rationally, this woman still had a bit of heroic spirit. Although her appearance was exquisite, he always felt that something was wrong. Her temperament was not like the small jade of the woman raised in the boudoir of Daxia Kingdom. 

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    Li Mingjin nodded cautiously: "Well, I swear I have absolutely no thoughts about her!" 


    Luo Shuyu wondered where he was going, was he such a petty person? 


    Luo Shuyu said: "I believe in Your Highness." 


    Li Mingjin was satisfied: "I'll show you the goal later." 


    Luo Shuyu: "Okay." When he turned his head again, Princess Zhou had already turned his attention to other places. 


    He had a doubt now, why he never heard that Princess Zhou went to Daxia to marry in his last life? 


    What about the Zhou Kingdom's prince who hooked up with Shen Mingyun? 


    Looking at the love between Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince, it didn't seem like they knew another man. 


    However, he (SMY) had always been this heartless and ignorant, and his joys and sorrows were all written on his face. 


    The Emperor Tiansheng arrived on time with a group of concubines. Because the queen had a cold, the one who sat with The Emperor Tiansheng today was Concubine Lin Gui, and the others were next to them. 


    The teams were all free combinations, with a total of eight teams competing for the top spot today. 


    Among the eight teams, four adult princes each lead a team, and each round of competition was two quarters of an hour. 


    Daxia's requirements for men were both civil and military, even if they were civil officials, their force value was not low. 


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    In the first round, there were two teams, one of which was led by the crown prince. Not surprisingly, the team with the crown prince won. 


    The team that appeared in the second round was led by the Fourth Prince, but this time, the Fourth Prince's team lost. He humbly and politely encouraged the other team to win! 


    Luo Shuyu felt that the fourth prince would be able to capture people's hearts, and the officials who won his team smiled at the fourth prince. 


    Only Shen Mingyun looked regretful when he saw the fourth prince coming back, and then gave the fourth prince a call, pointing out where he made mistakes, etc. He didn't see that the fourth prince intended to let the opponent win the game, the more he listened to Shen Mingyun, his face darkened as he spoke. 


    Li Mingchun wondered if Shen Mingyun didn't know much about to save his face. 


    The third round was the military commander team, which was even more interesting. Compared with the delicate team, the military commander team played extremely well. You scored a goal, and we immediately hit back. The scores alternated up and down, which made people very worried. In the end, it was decided that the Tigers Down the Mountain Team won. 


    In the fourth round, the team led by Li Mingjin faced another team of generals. He played with his friend Lin Haiming. 


    Luo Shuyu was a little nervous sitting in the stands, so he stood up holding the hand stove and watched Li Mingjin's game nervously. 


    When his actions were seen by Concubine Lin Gui, she joked with The Emperor Tiansheng: "The third prince's imperial concubine is a little worried about the third prince." 


    The Emperor Tiansheng was a little different to Li Mingjin, and replied with a smile: "The young couple is newly married, and they are intimate, affectionate and caring." 


    Now who didn't know that the third child was a strict husband, and the feeling was good, the third prince's imperial concubine was sincere towards the third child, worrying about him was not a big  deal, and he seemed affectionate and caring. 


    Concubine Lin wanted to give eye drop, but it didn't work, so she had to laugh with him, thinking that the first prince's imperial concubine was not as good as the third new daughter-in-law. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't know that one of his actions had become the object of comparison. 


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    Li Mingjin saw Luo Shuyu, who stood up to watch his game, played a heroic role in this match, made three goals in a row! 


    After winning, he directly waved at Luo Shuyu and made a victory gesture, successfully amusing The Emperor Tiansheng. 


    After Li Mingjin returned to his seat after the competition, Luo Shuyu immediately asked Li Mingjin to put on his fur coat so that he wouldn't freeze. 


    Li Mingjin proudly asked Luo Shuyu: "Am I very good?." 


    Luo Shuyu didn't hesitate to praise him: "His Royal Highness is the best in the game, I counted the five goals you scored, it's really good. In exchange the other team can't make a goal." 


    Li Mingjin was praised by Luo Shuyu and he was very comfortable and full of joy. 


    Next was the second round of competition. The crown prince's team would face the first prince's team, which was very interesting. 


    Before the game started, Luo Shuyu drank a little too much tea because he was nervous, afraid that Li Mingjin would be injured, so he took the opportunity to visit Gongfang. 

[Gongfang: 恭房, toilet]


    Li Mingjin's eyes brightened and wanted to accompany him, but Luo Shuyu refused righteously and sternly. It was just Gongfang. Do you want to do anything else? 


    Luo Shuyu went to Gongfang, and unexpectedly met Shen Mingyun, who just came out, and the tall and heroic Princess Zhou. 


    He found that at this time, Princess Zhou's face was flushed, and there was still a bit of embarrassment on her face. 



The author has something to say: 

The third Prince: Wife, I want to have an exciting ice cart exercise with you! 

Luo Shuyu: ...

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