As an imperial concubine of a country, he naturally had to ask a few questions when he encountered a guest, Luo Shuyu didn't want to miss the conversation between Shen Mingyun and Princess Zhou, and said, "Princess Jiayang, are you all right?" 

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    Jiayang, who blushed was too rosy, the princess looked at Luo Shuyu. In his eyes, Luo Shuyu was a young man with red lips and white teeth. Compared with other Daxia gers he had come into contact with, this third prince's imperial concubine was very elegant in dress and had a cold voice. He was different, and he was also different from Shen Mingyun who just helped him to show the "correct" Gongfang. 


    A snow lotus in the Tianshan Mountains was like an unworldly one, and a wild chrysanthemum blooming under the scorching sun. 


    Princess Jiayang took a deep breath: "I'm fine." 


    Standing with Princess Jiayang, Luo Shuyu realized that she was half a head taller than himself, and he was too thin to show her figure. As a woman, her figure was too mediocre and had no curvature at all. 


    Luo Shuyu said to her: "It's cold outside, the princess should go back to the shed as soon as possible, to be warmer." 


    Shen Mingyun, who had always been the protagonist, was not happy . He felt that he was completely ignored: "Wait a minute." 


    Luo Shuyu seemed only to see him just now, frowning unhappily, interjecting was the most impolite behavior. 


    Princess Jiayang thought that the two of them didn't know each other, so she spoke out to help Shen Mingyun: "Just now, this gongzi did me a favor, and the third prince's imperial concubine please don't blame him." Princess Jiayang was very clear about this. 


    According to Shen Mingyun's dress, it could be seen that he was a ger, the ger's and the woman's Gongfang were separated, and the chance of the two meeting was not high. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't mean to care about Shen Mingyun at all. He was thinking of something else. He guessed whether Shen Mingyun received the task of helping Princess Jiayang, so he appeared here. 


    What kind of task made a person blush? 


    Shen Mingyun molested a woman as a ger? Not too possible. 

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    Although Shen Mingyun was not in a tune, he was always a "gentleman" outside. This word was also what Luo Shuyu saw in the book. After all, how to tolerant to women, it was also a matter of his face. 


    Shen Mingyun waved his hand very vigorously: "Princess Jiayang, don't be polite, it's not your fault that you went to the wrong Gongfang, just don't find it wrong next time, I'll go back to the shed with you, it's freezing outside. " 


    No need to guess, this was Shen Mingyun's task, to guide Princess Jiayang to find the correct Gongfang, it was better not to say this to Princess Jiayang. 


    Luo Shuyu was speechless at Shen Mingyun's vulgarity, and he bluntly told the story of a woman entering the wrong Gongfang, which was simply amazing. The other party was still a princess of a country. He didn't know how many people would laugh at her in the future. He hoped Shen Mingyun wouldn't be too loud to publicize this matter, which was not very good for the woman's reputation. 


    At this time, Luo Shuyu didn't really want to talk to Shen Mingyun: "Then Princess Jiayang, be careful on the road, the ground is full of snow and slippery." 


    Princess Jiayang said politely: "Thank you for your concern." 


    Shen Mingyun didn't want to confront Luo Shuyu, and strongly demanded to go with Princess Jiayang, the latter didn't express his unwillingness to go with him since the other party had helped him. 


    Luo Shuyu didn't stop Shen Mingyun from leaving, and looked at the backs of them leaving thoughtfully. 


    When he returned to the shed, Luo Shuyu asked Li Mingjin in a low voice: "Your Highness, what kind of woman do you think will be open-minded? Gongfang is so obvious, as long as she is not blind, she should be able to tell the difference." 


    Li Mingjin immediately expressed his loyalty, completely misinterpreting his meaning: "Even if women are flat, I don't like them!" 


    Luo Shuyu reluctantly explained: "Your Highness, be serious." 


    Li Mingjin returned to normal: "Yu'er means Princess Zhou?"   

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    Luo Shuyu narrowed his eyes: "You just said that you don't like flat-chested women, how do you know that I talked about Princess Jiayang?." 


    It was really hard to get rid of it even after jumping into the Yellow River. Li Mingjin thought to himself that it was really hard to guess what this gongzi was thinking. He just told him to be serious, but when he was serious, he began to question him again. 


    Li Mingjin tried his best to say straightly: "I heard Lin Haiming mention it just now, that guy likes that kind of woman with a back in front of her chest. I really didn't stare at others!" 


    Luo Shuyu smiled: "I believe you." 


    Li Mingjin: "Then why are you asking this?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "I see that she is quite abnormal, she is not so thin that she has no flesh at all. She had a little oolong just now and her face was rosy, indicating that she is in good health, but it's strange, Is he alright?" 


    Li Mingjin stared at Luo Shuyu's chest: "I also think why is gongzi like this." 


    Luo Shuyu noticed that his eyes had changed, and said coldly, "Your Highness, outside." 


    Li Mingjin swallowed, looked away, and said with a sullen face. "Yu'er, can you let me eat at night?" 


    Luo Shuyu bit his lip and stared at him with a slightly hot face: "Your Highness!" 


    Li Mingjin sat up straight and coughed lightly, "This Cuju is really boring, it's better to sleep in the house." 


    Luo Shuyu knew that his sleep was wrong: "If you say it again, I will ignore you." 

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    Li Mingjin felt regretful: "Well, let's continue with the question we just said." 


    "Do you still remember my question?" Luo Shuyu glanced at him, and it all went a thousand miles away. 


    Li Mingjin just wanted to tease his serious wife, and he was in a good mood when he saw his blushing face. 


    But when the wife was angry, he had to coax him: "I have a good memory, remember, remember." 


    Luo Shuyu asked him: "Then tell me, what is the reason?" 


    Li Mingjin thought for a while, and said, "It's not sick , that's another reason." 


    Luo Shuyu added: "Are all women in Zhou Guo very tall? I'm taller among the gers, she's half a head taller than me, maybe even taller, It's almost as tall as you." 


    Thinking that in the book, Luo Shuyu didn't even see Princess Zhou appearing, whether because of what Shen Mingyun did in his previous life, he directly squeezed out Princess Jiaming's appearance, she had no chance to appear in front of others, maybe she died on the way. 


    Li Mingjin's mind flashed: "What do you mean?" 


    Luo Shuyu looked at him: "Yeah." 


The two approached again after talking, and Li Mingjin lowered his voice: "you suspect that he may be a ger or a man." 


    If he hadn't entered the man's gongfang habitually, he wouldn't have gone wrong, and when Shen Mingyun found out, Princess Jiayang wouldn't be flushed red because of being caught. 

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    Luo Shuyu: "This is just my guess." 


    Li Mingjin stared at him thinking, very cute, and wanted to kiss him, who said that a serious man was the most handsome, and his wife was also very handsome, and wanted to  do shameful thing with him. 


    Whether it was outside, Li Mingjin still tried his best to suppress his desires, and turned to think about Luo Shuyu's speculation, which must be carefully considered. 


    Li Mingjin: "I sent people to watch at night. Zhou Guo sent a man who pretended to be a woman to come and have a marriage. When the father emperor knew about it, he would definitely use it to raise the troops. Now I see that the country is prosperous and the people were strong, but the harvest hasn't been very good in the past two years. Or there is some ulterior secret here." 


    Luo Shuyu nodded: "Do you want to check it quietly?" 


    Seeing the eunuch coming over, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin stopped chatting, and there was no need to say anything else, they both knew very well.


    No matter how rich the country was and the people were strong, it couldn’t stand the consumption of infighting and war, let alone natural disasters, which were problems that need to be solved urgently. 


    The game on the ice rink continued. 


    The Emperor Tiansheng was very happy to see it, and everyone was also happy. 


    The Cuju on ice competition was originally an opportunity for those with high military values ​​to show off. Li Mingjin's team rushed to the end and pushed the crown Prince's team to the second place. After all, Li Mingjin didn't compete with him for the throne, so he quickly accepted that he lost. In reality, his force was indeed inferior to that of the third brother. 


    The Emperor Tiansheng gave Li Mingjin's team a bunch of things, and The Emperor Tiansheng also gave Li Mingjin a very thick fur coat. 


    Li Mingjin was extremely satisfied, the things that The Emperor Tiansheng gave were not bad, and a thick fur coat could be used as a quilt in winter.

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