Luo Shuyu was a little surprised by his reaction at this time, shouldn't it? 

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    He knew very well how much Li Mingjin in his previous life was looking forward to the birth of his child, and stayed by his side almost whenever he was free . 

    But in this life, when he mentioned this issue to Li Mingjin, why did he have a different attitude? 

    Did he really not like children? Just to get along with him? 

    For a moment, Luo Shuyu didn't know whether to be happy or sad. 

    However, he also thought too much. 

    If he really intended to fight, it  was really not suitable to have children now. 

    If this was the case, it was still in line with his current plan, but it was a bit beyond his expectation. 

    Li Mingjin didn't want the child to come too early, the two of them thought together tacitly. 

    it was not that he didn't like it, he just hoped it would be later. 

    Maybe he had other plans. He believed that Li Mingjin wouldn't dislike children. After all, he spent several nights in his last life just to give the child a nice name. 

    Luo Shuyu felt that he might be thinking too much. He had to think twice before doing anything recently, which was a bit habitual. He couldn't think about Li Mingjin in this way. This was the person he should rely on. 

    Luo Shuyu emphasized again: "Your Highness, do you mean that you don't want it for the time being?" 

    Li Mingjin didn't answer clearly, but asked him: "Then do you want it?" 

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    Luo Shuyu said with reason: "I have seen a book, the book says, having a child too early may not be good for your health, if your Highness wants it later, I have no objection." 

    Li Mingjin seemed relieved: "Then let's wait later." 

    Not only did Li Mingjin relax a bit, but Luo Shuyu also relaxed a lot. The two of them simply reached a tacit agreement to have a child later. 

    Both parties had secrets that they were not willing to reveal for the time being. 

    Since they didn't want to say it, they didn't ask each other. The two maintained such a tacit understanding until the end of the cuju trip on the ice. 

    On the return journey, the sky was relatively gloomy, and it was estimated that it would snow again. 

    The carriage shared by Emperor Tiansheng and Concubine Lin was at the front, the carriages of the princes were in the middle, and the carriages of other officials were behind. 

    In winter, Li Mingjin no longer rode a horse just to look handsome in front of his wife, he just sat in the carriage with Luo Shuyu. 

    Halfway through the journey, it really started snowing and a strong wind blew up. 

    The team in the front stopped, and Li Mingjin sent someone to check what was going on. 

    The guard came back after a while and reported that the road ahead had sunk due to the snow, and Emperor Tiansheng's carriage had sunk into a pit. At this moment, the carriage must be changed and the wheels of the leading carriage should be pulled out before moving forward. 

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin had the foresight. There was a brazier in the car, and Luo Shuyu had a hand stove in his hand. The two of them were not cold. As for whether the other people behind were cold or warm, it was unknown. 

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin chatted about road issues while sitting boredly. 

    He remembered that Shen Mingyun often mentioned a sentence in the book, which was also the infrastructure suggestion that Shen Mingyun provided to the fourth prince through the system in the later period. Now that he thought about it, it really mader sense. 

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    Luo Shuyu leaned against Li Mingjin's arms, and found a comfortable position: "Your Highness, the expert I knew before said something that I found useful." 

    Li Mingjin was curious about what good advice Luo Shuyu had: "What is it?” 

    Luo Shuyu said: "If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. I didn't say it. It's all the experience summed up by the predecessors." 

    He didn't dare to take the credit from others like Shen Mingyun. 

    A person could do as much as he could, and Luo Shuyu didn't take credit for it. 

    After thinking about it for a while, Li Mingjin really felt that it made sense. He thought relatively long-term, and had already considered the lifeblood of the entire country. 

    If the roads were fixed, a lot of things indeed  could be done. 

    For example, if you ship a product one day earlier or one day later, the price may be different. 

    The roads extend in all directions, and countries from all over the world come to court, so they were not afraid that their Daxia Kingdom wouldn't stand in the center, rich, land and people, and the annexation of the surrounding small countries was just around the corner. 

    Li Mingjin couldn't help nodding: "The words are rough and the rationale is not rough. I will give my father a suggestion when I go back tomorrow. In the spring, I can provide some work for the refugees so that they can earn money for the return journey." 

    Luo Shuyu said in surprise: "Is there any refugees?" he hadn't heard Li Mingjin mentioned it before. 

    Li Mingjin: "Well, you mentioned the refugees to me last time, so I wrote it down and passed a note to the emperor. The refugees who should have gone to the city are now concentrated in the suburbs and the shed was built in advance, there was no big disturbance , so many people didn't know that there are refugees nearby, and it didn't cause panic."

    Luo Shuyu did mention it casually before, but Li Mingjin actually remembered it. He was still thinking that if the refugees really got to the city, he would give porridge in the name of the Third Prince's Mansion. Now that the matter had been resolved, he didn't need to worry about it anymore. His Highness actually had a benevolent heart.

    Luo Shuyu still said a few more words: "The most important thing in winter is to keep warm. Clothes and food are very important. Your Highness must let the refugees mobilize themselves, otherwise they may cause trouble." 

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    Li Mingjin: "Don't worry, there are special people watching. Father specially sent Lin Haiming's army to watch over those refugees, they dare not make mistakes." 

    Luo Shuyu sighed: "It's all caused by disasters." 

    Li Mingjin: "yes, I don't know how to solve this disaster, I'm afraid that next year will be more similar things." 

    Luo Shuyu closed his eyes and tried hard to recall the contents of the book. Shen Mingyun didn't have the insecticide that he exchanged in the system, and there was another more suitable method, that was, herding chickens and ducks , these were the natural enemies of locusts, and it was said that they could effectively solve the problem of locusts. 

    He told Li Mingjin this method: "It's better to herd more chickens and ducks. I heard that these are the natural enemies of locusts. They can effectively deal with disasters, and they can also fatten chickens and ducks so that they can lay eggs."

    Li Mingjin knew that Luo Shuyu had never been in contact with animal husbandry and farming, but every little thing he mentioned could withstand scrutiny. Li Mingjin would be amazed by a random word. His thoughts were more real than any official, and he always felt enlightened: "I will discuss this matter with my father. I am afraid that Yu'er will make great achievements in the future." 

    "I don't make great achievements. I just read one more book than others." A book that knew one's own destiny, used the life of the whole family was exchanged, and it was natural to give back to the family. 

    Li Mingjin put his hands around his waist: "Yu'er is humble." 

    Luo Shuyu clasped his fingers tightly with his warm hands: "I'm not humble, it's all thanks to His Highness." 

    Li Mingjin: "My credit is yours." 

    While the two were flattering each other in the carriage, the guard knocked lightly on the door: "Your Highness, a letter for you is suddenly stuffed beside the carriage."

The letter was handed in, and Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu opened the letter together.

    Li Mingjin frowned and said, "It's sunny and surrounded by so many people, how could this letter appear here?" 

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    Ever since Luo Shuyu knew about Shen Mingyun's props, he was no stranger to it: "It must have been that someone took advantage of the chaos to put the letter here just now." 

    Who would send a letter to Li Mingjin at this time? 

    After opening it, they found that the content was quite interesting. 

    The more Li Mingjin looked at it, the more he wanted to tear up the letter, the content inside was really unbearable. 

    Luo Shuyu read it word by word with great interest, and then he threw the letter into the brazier and burned it bit by bit. 

    Li Mingjin stared at Luo Shuyu's face, afraid that he would turn his back on him in the next moment: "Yu'er, don't be angry, someone must be making fun of me, I'm innocent!" 

    From another point of view, this letter was a love letter, and it was still a very blatant and straightforward confession. 

    Luo Shuyu asked him with a smile: "Your Highness, why do you always think I'm going to be angry? When did I really get angry with you?" 

    "When I slept on the couch..." He answered very honestly. 

    Luo Shuyu covered his mouth: "Your Highness is stupid, how could I believe such an obviously provocative letter, and I can probably guess who sent it." 

    Li Mingjin: "Isn't that Princess Zhou?" 

    Luo Shuyu shook his head : "Your Highness is a little anxious, so he only see one but not the other. Such an obvious trap is for us to jump, to make me separate from you, and to divide us." 

    Li Mingjin's voice was slightly cold: "Who did this kind of dirty thing?" 

    "Naturally, someone who wants to make a profit but has no brains." Luo Shuyu already had an idea, and it was too impatient, and Shen Mingyun's brains were still not enough. 

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