In this life, Shen Mingyun was completely like two people from what he knew in the previous life. It was probably because he had also grown up, and had a different view on people and things. When facing Shen Mingyun, he no longer felt that he was strong and irresistible, but went deeper. The more you got to know him, the more you discovered how superficial and unbearable this person. 

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    "Take care of him later." Li Mingjin seemed to have guessed what Luo Shuyu was thinking, that his cousin Shen was really evil. 


    He wanted to kill him, but his wife said that this person should not move casually, maybe there was an expert protecting him secretly, it was not good to startle the snake. 


    Luo Shuyu also made a very hurtful suggestion: "Your Highness, why don't we treat this person in the same way?" 


    Li Mingjin felt that his wife was really suit him everywhere, including these small plots: "Okay, everything Listen to you." 


    This letter was actually very simple, it was a love letter to Li Mingjin in the name of Princess Jiayang, the content was straightforward and unsightly. That was why Luo Shuyu could tell at a glance that it was Shen Mingyun's bad idea. He probably didn't know that today's love letters were quite reserved. Only people in Shen Mingyun's era would talk about "love" and "like" every day. 


    Emperor Tiansheng's carriage drove back again, without encountering any obstacles along the way. Considering the snowy weather, Emperor Tiansheng asked them to return to their respective homes, so that they no longer had to follow his carriage to the palace. Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu also returned home smoothly. 


    After arriving home, it was inevitable to freshen up first. 


    Most of the lunch was meat. Luo Shuyu wanted to eat some noodle soup at night, and Li Mingjin didn't have any objections. The sliced ​​noodles with chili oil were also quite delicious. 


    At night, Li Mingjin inevitably had a toss with Luo Shuyu. He said during the day that he would eat Luo Shuyu at night. 


    Luo Shuyu really thought he was joking, he was ashamed and speechless when being pressed and eaten, but he still enjoyed it afterwards, it was all the boudoir fun between husband and wife. 


    The next day, the sky cleared. 


    Li Mingjin went to court early in the morning, Luo Shuyu stretched himself after getting up, and went to Li Mingjin's study after breakfast. 


    Now, the two of them shared a study room, and Li Mingjin wouldn't avoid him when dealing with official business, and occasionally asked for his opinion when he couldn't figure it out. 


    Although Li Mingjin seemed to have nothing to do in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the official still took him seriously and would often investigate some old cases for him. 


    When Li Mingjin was away, Luo Shuyu would not touch his case file. 

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    He sat now in a chair covered with animal skins, thinking. 


    Shen Mingyun's love letter yesterday really touched his back, and he actually made him and Li Mingjin's idea. Anyone who destroyed the relationship between other people's husband and wife would go to hell. 


    It was conceivable that what Shen Mingyun wanted to do now was to destroy his relationship with Li Mingjin, so as to achieve the purpose of the system. 


    He wondered if Shen Mingyun knew the purpose of the system issuing these tasks? 


    It was very likely that the existence of him and Li Mingjin had caused huge obstacles to the fourth prince's ascension to the throne. 


    Their obstacle had already been created, and now Shen Mingyun hadn't gained the trust of the Fourth Prince. 


    And how should he and Li Mingjin get rid of them? 


    At this time, Luo Shuyu told himself to fight steadily and not to advance rashly. 


    He asked Qingwang for ink, turned his left wrist, and copied the letter he had read in the book written by Prince Zhou to Shen Mingyun. 


    He dried the ink on the letter, folded it and stuffed it into an envelope. 


    Then let Anjiu send the letter to Shen Mingyun, even if Shen Mingyun guessed that he did it, so what, this handwriting had nothing to do with him or Li Mingjin. 


    He believed in Li Mingjin's loyalty to their feelings, so would Li Mingchun believe that Shen Mingyun was loyal to him? 


    Sow discord, who wouldn't? It was just to see who's move was higher. 


    That night, Li Mingchun waited for Shen Mingyun to return to bed after taking a bath. 


    It took Shen Mingyun more than half an hour to take a bath back and forth. Li Mingchun was a little bored waiting, so he erected the pillow. As soon as he moved the pillow, he found a letter under it, signed by a flirtatious pink chrysanthemum. 

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    Li Mingchun was not only deep-minded, but also suspicious. 


    He used some tricks to let Shen Mingyun enter the mansion, and he had no good intentions, so he naturally doubted Shen Mingyun's loyalty to him. 


    He sat up straight and quickly opened the letter. 


    The first line of words stabbed his eyes. 


    [I love Yun'er: Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns...] 


    After reading the full page of love letters at a glance, with trembling hands, he stuffed the letter back into the envelope according to the original crease, and laid the pillow flat. 


    The ups and downs of his chest revealed the anger in his heart at this moment! 


    How dare Shen Mingyun, how dare he accepted love letters from other men behind his back 


    How dare he be so skittish! 


Li Mingchun cared his chest, trying to suppress the chill in his eyes, he stared coldly at the door curtain of Shen Mingyun's shower room. 


    Listening to him talking and laughing with the maid no longer felt pleasant, but rather harsh! 


    Who was the man who hooked up with him? 


    What did "chrysanthemum" represent? 


    He only thought of one person related to "chrysanthemum", and that was the crown prince. 


    He remembered how much the crown prince admired Shen Mingyun before he came back from the crown prince's other courtyard last time! 


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    Who did Shen Mingyun stay with during the few days he stayed in the crown prince's other courtyard, was it the crown prince? Or another man? 


    No, there would be no one else except the crown prince, no one could enter the crown prince's other courtyard, only him! 


    Li Mingchun not only thought of the blueprint of the waterwheel before, how did the crown prince get it? Could it be that Shen Mingyun gave it to the crown prince himself? 


    If it was what he imagined, was Shen Mingyun in two boats? 


    When they got acquainted, he knew that Shen Mingyun didn't care about the difference between a man and a ger, and he hung shoulders with others all day long, calling them brothers. In the past, he thought that he was a very interesting person with a real temperament, an out-of-the-box temper, and a different way of thinking from ordinary people, but now, Li Mingchun was stuck in his throat. 


    When Shen Mingyun came out of the bath, he delicately put on very little clothes and sprayed on some perfume. Tonight, he wanted to do that kind of thing with Li Mingchun. The ger's body was different from that of a man, and doing that kind of thing would only bring pleasure. It was not too painful, and it was cool. 


    Shen Mingyun, who had been nourished by the system's props, had delicate skin and was very beautiful. As long as he didn't speak, his demeanor was also very attractive. 


    At this time, Li Mingchun was furious. Seeing that Shen Mingyun was about to seduce him, he suddenly felt a little nauseous. He frowned lightly, covered his stomach and said, "I think I still have some things to deal with. Let's go to the study first. Go to sleep first." 


    He needed to Be calm! 


    Being with Shen Mingyun could indeed satisfy his pleasure, but he couldn't accept that Shen Mingyun flirting with other men after entering his mansion! 


    For his great cause, would he endure it? 


    When the relationship between the Fourth Prince and Shen Mingyun changed due to a letter, Luo Shuyu did not forget Princess Jiayang. 


    Although autumn was over now, things were getting more and more up. 


    Firstly, the Crown Princess was pregnant, and after a few days, it was reported that the First Prince's Concubine was pregnant, and they were scrambling to give birth to the grandson first. 


    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin had a great time watching the play. 


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    The end of the year was approaching, and Luo Shuyu had to start another matter. 


    Of course, in the past two days, someone had also been giving him hints frantically. 


    For example, yesterday, someone deliberately put a raw egg on the table. 


    Luo Shuyu pretended not to know, and said: "Why do you bring the raw eggs, who doesn't want this monthly salary?" 


Li Mingjin asked from the side: "Yu'er, don't raw eggs remind you of anything ?" 


Luo Shuyu said confusedly: "Fried eggs?" 


    Li Mingjin shook his head: "No, think again?" 


    Luo Shuyu: "That's boiled eggs."


    Li Mingjin was a little anxious: "Think about it harder? Raw eggs are not cooked." 


    Luo Shuyu: "That's hatching chickens." 


    Li Mingjin: "It's almost close." 


    Luo Shuyu suddenly said: "Oh, I see, Your Highness wants to discuss with me whether the chicken comes first and then the egg, or the egg and then the chicken.”


    Li Mingjin gave his wife a complicated look, and asked someone to take the eggs to the kitchen to make omelets, and to feed his wife’s brains at noon! 



The author has something to say: Third prince: Wife, let me see where you gave birth~~ 

Luo Shuyu: ... 


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