Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu didn't care.

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    Watching them went up and showed their courtesies made the royal battle really interesting.

    No matter how fierce the two were fighting now, they were still making wedding dresses for others in the end.

    Still a little concerned about what they mentioned about the rumors ten years ago.

    There were still many programs at the Palace Banquet on New Year's Eve, and Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were dazzled when watching them.

    All in all, this New Year's Eve banquet went smoothly, ignoring a little bit of other small things.

    Fireworks were a must, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin came out of the palace after watching the fireworks.

    Tonight was New Year's Eve, and there was no curfew in the capital. When passing by the main street, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin felt the excitement outside.

    Luo Shuyu poked his head out: "It turns out that people don't necessarily have New Year's Eve dinner during the New Year."

    Li Mingjin said: "Some people start eating New Year's Eve dinner in the afternoon, and they can go shopping with their family at night."

    Luo Shuyu: " It's so lively, Your Highness, look there is a juggling stall over there."

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    Li Mingjin: "If you want to go and have a look, we can also take a stroll."

    Luo Shuyu's beautiful eyes were shining: "Really?"

    Li Mingjin asked the coachman to park the carriage in the the roadside and then he took Luo Shuyu out of the carriage.

    The two of them didn't lack anything, so they just walked around and had a look.

    The main street was very lively, and the two sides of the river were also very lively, with gongs and drums, and people's voices.

    Luo Shuyu was very curious: "What's in the front?"

    Li Mingjin explained for him, in the past he didn't like to stay in the mansion and he would often come out, so he naturally knew the tricks to play outside: "There will be a performance at this time of the year, and we can follow along to take a look."

    "Your Highness, let's stop crowding and take a look from the side." Luo Shuyu was worried that there would be accidents due to crowds.

    One must be cautious in everything nowadays, let alone a crowded place, naturally they couldn’t take it lightly, this was Luo Shuyu's conclusion drawn from the book.

    Shen Mingyun once hung out with the fourth prince after attending a palace banquet. He excitedly dragged the fourth prince into the crowd. Unexpectedly, they had offended too many people, and some people followed after they came out of the palace. If it wasn't for the guards that the fourth prince brought were capable enough, and there was a master beside him, the corpses of these two people might had been completely chilled.

    And it wasn't just one time, but several times, Shen Mingyun insisted on leading the fourth prince into the crowd, the assassins figured out the pattern, as long as the two of them squeezed into the crowd, they would start attacking without any hesitation.

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    With these lessons, Luo Shuyu didn't want himself and Li Mingjin to follow Shen Mingyun's old path, learning from others was also a kind of lesson.

    The two spent some money to choose a restaurant with a higher location. Although it was a bit far away and the view was not as clear as the scene, they still saw it anyway.

    The performance was still good, and it was said that there was also a dance performance by Liang Xian’er, the number one huakui in the capital.

    At this time of year, many people gathered here. After the performance, Liang Xian'er would leave in a painted boat.

    Luo Shuyu was eating the dried fruit that Li Mingjin fed, when suddenly there were noisy and chaotic screams from the river.

    Li Mingjin immediately sent someone down to ask about the situation.

    After a while, the movement on the other side of the river subsided, and the officers and soldiers came in time to stop the noise.

    Ansan came back after inquiring, with a gossip look on his face.

    Li Mingjin asked him: "What happened?"

    An San said truthfully: "The fourth prince and Shen Liangshi encountered something over there, and Shen Liangshi seemed to have miscarriage."

    Luo Shuyu stopped chewing the dried fruit: "Can you tell me again who had miscarriage?"

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    Ansan described it in more detail this time: "It was Shen Liangshi from the Fourth Prince's mansion. Somebody suddenly started fighting with the Fourth Prince for some reason. During the fight, Shen Liangshi fell to the ground and was carried to the nearest medical center. I heard the doctor inside said that the child couldn't be kept and he had miscarriage. I also saw the fourth prince looking at him and wiping the tears in the corner of his eyes. "


It was over now!

    Shen Mingyun completely killed the fourth prince's first child, and the speed was surprisingly fast.

    Before the palace banquet, he even mentioned to the fourth prince that Shen Mingyun would stay in the mansion for two months, but after only a few days, he couldn't bear the loneliness and ran out to roam around.

    Li Mingjin couldn't help but sympathize with Li Mingchun: "The fourth younger brother could almost become a father. How much he expected it before, but now he is so disappointed."


"Your Highness is right, Shen Liangshi is too ignorant. They are about to have a baby."

    Li Mingjin said: "It's really a pity."

    Luo Shuyu nodded: "If this child would suffer in this world, it's better to be reincarnated."

    After listening to the gossip, the two also felt that the singing and dancing below were meaningless, so they went back home.

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    After washing away the cold, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu sat on the warm couch to wait the new year.

    Luo Shuyu knocked on the melon seeds and asked Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, I heard the first prince mentioned the rumor about the crown prince ten years ago tonight. Do you know what it is?

    " Rumors?"

    Luo Shuyu's eyes were full of curiosity: "Well, I see that the crown princ’s face changed tonight."

    Li Mingjin said seriously: "I'll tell you if I get it tonight."

    Luo Shuyu's ears warmed up: "Your Highness!"

    Li Mingjin kissed him and his voice softened a little: "Okay, let me say it, this matter has to start before the queen entered the palace..."


The author has something to say

The Third prince: Wife, you see, I make this thing too deep or not?

Luo Shuyu: ...

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