According to the rumors, the current Queen had a relationship with someone before entering the palace.

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    She had a childhood sweetheart, who was her distant cousin who came to Beijing to rush for the exam. Because his family was not rich, Prime Minister Feng, who was still in the Imperial Academy at the time, liked his intelligence and wisdom, so he let him stay at his mansion.

    The Feng Mansion back then was as beautiful as it was now, and the current Queen Dowager, that was, the Queen back then, was his own sister.

    At that time, Feng Hanlin had already paved the way for himself.

    He had a younger sister who was the queen, so his daughter Feng Shi would also be betrothed to the royal family, this was the bargaining chip for their Feng family.

    But who would have known that the daughter of the Feng family, who hadn’t out of the boudoir, would make eye contact with the distant relatives who lived in Feng's mansion, and they fell in love with each other.

    Feng Shi was a lady of the big family. She was raised according to the standards of a royal wife since she was a child. She was proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She was a talented woman.

    When she was still young, she had no human experience. When she met someone with similar interests by chance, she often made appointments to write poems and paintings together. Over time, feelings developed.

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    Once the fire of affection was ignited, it was like moths to the flame. No matter what, Feng Shi and his childhood sweetheart had made a private decision for life.

    It was said that Feng Shi later directly mentioned to Feng Hanlin that she wanted to marry her cousin, and that cousin also expressed that he would propose marriage to Feng's family and marry her.

    However, Feng Hanlin was furious when he learned of this, not only rejected the other party's request without hesitation, but also drove the cousin out of the Feng mansion. He had already arranged for his daughter's next home, how could he give a poor boy a chance, he didn't deserve it!

    After the two were forced to separate, Feng Shi didn't eat or drink for several days. Later, with her mother's persuasion, she realized that she would never have the right to freely choose the person she liked in her life.

    This matter happened in Feng's mansion, but it seemed to be a matter of speculation from the outside.

    The opponents of the Feng family wanted to find the distant cousin who had an affair with Feng Shi back then, but no one could find this person, so it was not known whether this matter was true or not.

    Some people also tried to bribe the servants of the Feng family, but the mouths of the servants of the Feng family were like clamshells, and they couldn't be pried open.

    Over time, this incident became a rumor.

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    It was also because of this that the Feng family soon married the crown prince who hadn’t yet proclaimed himself as an emperor, who was now Emperor Tiansheng.

    The above was just one of the two versions.

    There was another version that was more exciting than this one.

    Some people said that when Feng Shi had a marriage contract with the young Emperor Tiansheng, she was with her distant cousin and was discovered by Feng Hanlin, later Feng Hanlin kicked out the cousin who seduced her daughter. Half a month after the incident, Feng Shi married into the East Palace, and within two months of marriage, it was discovered that Feng Shi was nearly three months pregnant. The child was born in less than nine months.

    And this second rumor pointed to the crown prince's life experience.

    After listening to Li Mingjin telling him these two completely different rumors, Luo Shuyu was a little surprised, and then whispered: "So that's it, this rumor means that the crown prince is not the emperor’s child?"


Li Mingjin was amused by his cautious appearance: " My dear Yu’er, don't be so nervous, our main courtyard is protected so that not even a mosquito can fly in, and everything we say will not be heard."

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Luo Shuyu said: "It's not that I just heard about the palace’s secret, I'm a little surprised "

    Li Mingjin: "It's just a rumor, father had rectified it before, and now no one dares to spread it. If the crown prince is not father's own flesh and blood, then how could he become the crown prince."

    This rumor pointed Luo Shuyu in a clear direction. Some things that couldn’t be explained in the previous life now had the answers.

    He asked Li Mingjin back, and slowly put forward his thoughts: "Your Highness, have you ever thought about it, what if this rumor is true?"


The reason why the crown prince could become the crown prince was because he had a powerful maternal grandfather and was born of the queen, occupying the title of the heir.

He thought that the crown prince fell so quickly in his previous life because Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince teamed up to bring down the prime minister first.

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    There were quite a lot of resentmens and grievances written in the book about Shen Mingyun, the Fourth Prince and the Feng Mansion. First, the first son of the prime minister was injured by a general who supported the Fourth Prince. One leg was rotten, and it would be difficult for him to return to normal in the future, in the end he became a lame man. Afterwards, Shen Mingyun had a conflict with the Prime Minister. The restaurant he opened competed with the restaurant with the Feng family's background. The Feng family used their power to oppress Shen Mingyun, making Shen Mingyun unable to open his restaurant. Then Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince retaliated.

    But thinking about it now, with the ability of the fourth prince at that time and these small conflicts that could be resolved with money on the surface, it was not enough to make a big tree with intertwined roots that had stood in the court for many years fell down, and Emperor Tiansheng must have contributed to this. Perhaps the real mastermind behind the scenes was Emperor Tiansheng who had been aggrieved for many years.


    The mantis was attacking the cicada, and the oriole was behind.

    According to Luo Shuyu's knowledge of the crown prince in his previous life, there was no major problem with his conduct, and he was also conscientious in the position of crown prince. If he became the emperor and had the support of the prime minister, there would be basically no major problems in ruling and stabilizing the country.

    But in the end he was abolished.

    Perhaps the crown prince's life experience was the root cause he was deposed and the Feng family was destroyed.

    It was a great crime to confuse the royal blood.

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