After the officials of the Ministry of Justice left after eating and drinking, they all praised Luo Shuyu.

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    "The third imperial concubine is different from what I imagined."

    "I think he and the third prince are actually very affectionate, and have you noticed that the dishes on the table were very delicate, and there was my favorite capers."

    "There was also my favorite sweet and sour fish."

    "There was my favorite braised lion's head."

    "The third imperial concubine is really good. No wonder the pointed chin of His Highness became much rounder after he got married, and I feel that he is not as cold as before, and he even discussed with me how to celebrate his wife’s birthday.”


“He also asked me.”

    “It seems in the future we can’t look at the surface only.”

    “It makes sense.”

    First, Li Mingjin’s colleagues, the officials of Ministry of Justice came to the mansion to pay New Year's greetings, and then Lin Haiming came with a wave of generals. Luo Shuyu suddenly found that Li Mingjin's popularity was quite good. This time Luo Shuyu learned a lesson from his previous life and prepared a lamb for them in advance, they ate roasted whole lamb while drinking.

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    Drinking in a big bowl, eating meat in big mouthfuls, happy like a fairy.

    Lin Haiming kept calling him sister-in-law and insisted on toasting him. Luo Shuyu also drank two glasses with him. In the end, Li Mingjin stared at him, so Lin Haiming didn't dare to continue making trouble.

    Luo Shuyu wanted to maintain the dignity of the imperial concubine, and left a space for them after they were full. Fearing that they wouldn't have enough to drink, so he asked someone to bring some good wine from the wine cellar for preparation, ordered the chef to make some hangover soup for them, and prepared a few rooms in advance.

    Compared with the officials of the Ministry of Justice, the military generals were much more interesting. With Lin Haiming in the middle to mediate, the atmosphere was very good all night.

    The roasted mutton was also very delicious. Luo Shuyu was afraid that they wouldn’t have enough to eat, so he asked the back kitchen to add more appetizers, trying to make the guests feel at home.

    These generals would go to the north with Li Mingjin in a few days, so naturally they had to greet them well.

    However, there were also some generals who didn’t come, and those people were basically related to the crown prince or the first prince, and those generals were placed inside by the two of them.

    But no matter what they did, as long as most people stood on Li Mingjin's side, they were not afraid that they wouldn’t be convinced. According to Ansan, Li Mingjin's martial arts were also ranked in the top three among the generals, the literary was the first and martial art was the second. Learning to communicate with them was the first step to success.

    When it came to New Year's greetings, Luo Shuyu would not forget to pay New Year's greeting to Luo Mansion.

    Originally, he was supposed to go back to his natal family on the second day of the new year, but he belonged to the third prince after all, they hadn’t finished to pay New Year's greetings to the people in the palace, so the others could only stay behind.

    Luo Renshou looked left and right, and finally on the seventh day of the New Year, he finally met Luo Shuyu.

    On the same day, Shen Mingyun also sent someone to send a carload of gifts back to Luo Mansion. Everyone knew about his miscarriage. When Luo Renshou greeted Luo Shuyu, he didn't mention Shen Mingyun at all.

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    Li Mingjin had to go to the palace beforehand, while Luo Shuyu had lunch at the Luo Mansion, accompanied by the old lady, Luo Renshou and others.

    After lunch, the old lady went back to her courtyard first.

    Luo Shuyu and Luo Renshou were drinking tea in the living room, and he talked about Shen Mingyun generously: "Father, Cousin Shen has no other relatives, and his body was injured on the night of New Year's Eve, and he doesn't know how to take care of himself. It's better to send someone to look after him, after all he belongs to the fourth prince."

    He put the words on the bright side, Luo Renshou naturally didn’t dare to mention that he got close to the fourth prince because of Shen Mingyun.

    The fourth prince had become more promising recently than before, but Shen Mingyun was too disappointing, he couldn't even keep a child!

    At the beginning, Luo Renshou was indeed angry at the fact that Shen Mingyun being quietly carried into the fourth prince's mansion. Later, the fourth prince had a drink with him and did his ideological work, so Luo Renshou began to waver again. He had always been neutral, now he didn’t dare to get close to any prince casually.

    His son married the third prince, and his nephew entered the fourth prince's mansion. No matter how you looked at it, he was a winner in life. Only he knew that he was forced to disagree with both sides.

    But recently the fourth prince got close to him, and treated him so well, he almost regarded him as a serious father-in-law. On the other hand, the third prince, when he saw him, he (LMJ) raised his eyebrows. He didn't have the slightest sense of pride in being regarded as a father-in-law. With the comparison, he felt that the fourth prince was really good. Were you still angry about Shen Mingyun entering the fourth prince's mansion? Impossible.

    Luo Renshou said with great regret: "Ming Yun is also true. Wouldn't it be good to stay at home and take care of his unborn child? It's not easy to conceive a child, hey."


"Maybe the fate hasn't arrived yet." Luo Shuyu dealt with it casually.

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    Luo Renshou suddenly said softly: "I heard that General Zhenbei returned to the capital on the second day of the New Year, and the Third prince is about to go to the north."

    Luo Shuyu said sadly: "Yes, he is going to go to the north." Really heartfelt.

    Luo Renshou acted as a loving father: "Your Majesty will definitely keep General Zhenbei in the capital. It will take some time for His Highness the Third prince to go. What should you do?"

    Luo Shuyu pretended to be strong and said: "He went to the north, I'm in the Third Prince’s mansion, it's not a big deal."

    Luo Renshou was secretly happy, Li Mingjin was not in the capital, Luo Shuyu would have to rely on him in the future.

    Before it snowed, Luo Shuyu left Luo Mansion. Sitting in the carriage, remembering that Li Mingjin would leave the capital, and he felt extremely reluctant in his heart.

    At the same time, Li Mingjin was sitting and playing wuziqi with Emperor Tiansheng.


[五子棋 wǔ zǐ qí: five-in-a-row (game similar to tic-tac-toe); Japanese: gomoku; gobang]

    In the middle of the game, Li Mingjin, who was obsessed with chess pieces, suddenly said: "Father, you were not conscientious. The son has just been married for four months and he will go to the north."

    Emperor Tiansheng laughed angrily at him: "So? What do you want?"

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Maybe During this period of time, Emperor Tiansheng got some feeling of being a father from Li Mingjin, and he showed tolerance to Li Mingjin's complaints, and wanted to pamper him more.

    Li Mingjin said confidently: "I want to take Shuyu to the north together."

    Emperor Tiansheng: "..."



    The author has something to say:


The Third Prince: Wife, in the wilderness, guess what I thought of?

Luo Shuyu: A ghost story?

Third Prince: No, it's you and me on the grass.

Luo Shuyu: ...

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