Emperor Tiansheng rolled his eyes at Li Mingjin: "Nonsense! is it so easy to take care the north side? You think about it."

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    Li Mingjin: "But I don't feel relieved to leave him here alone."

    Emperor Tiansheng dropped a son: "Why do you need to worry?, isn't there still me here? is it possible that someone will eat your wife? After all, he is your imperial concubine, who dares to bully him? Besides, your wife is not a submissive person who doesn't know how to resist, he is very smart.”


    Li Mingjin insisted: "But no matter how smart he is, I still want to take him to the north."

    Emperor Tiansheng also insisted on his decision: "No, it's freezing, if something happens on the way, do you not feel distressed?"

    Li Mingjin believed in himself: "With me here, how can something happen to him." If he was here there was not enough time to protect him.

    Emperor Tiansheng: "If I say no, I won't do it. Although you are not allowed to go to the front to fight, but you can't take him there. There is no need to discuss it."


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Li Mingjin was so angry with Emperor Tiansheng that he didn't want to talk, he thought about whether he should secretly take Luo Shuyu away.

    Emperor Tiansheng reminded him: "Don't give me such a thing like secretly taking people away, you are the prince of a country and you are not allowed to make fun of this."

Li Mingjin had no choice but to play chess with him, Emperor Tiansheng was also very helpless, there were many considerations in rejecting Li Mingjin's request.

    The first was the climate in the north; the second was that Li Mingjin was still too young, and this decision was still too capricious. When he took Luo Shuyu there, he was afraid that he would be criticized.

    After dinner with Emperor Tiansheng, Li Mingjin didn't get the expected answer, so he left the palace dejectedly.

    On the way back home, Ansan asked Li Mingjin secretly: "Your Highness, is there nothing you can do?"

    Li Mingjin said distraughtly: "Why don't you give me an idea."

    Ansan immediately admitted his mistake: "This subordinate is a little stupid, can't figure it out, why don't you secretly take the third imperial concubine to the north?"

    The Third Prince entered the palace today to beg His Majesty, It was estimated that he had done a long time of psychological construction, but His Majesty just disagreed, and the only way he could think of was to take people away secretly.

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    Li Mingjin got on his horse and said, "Go home first, and then think of other ways."

    Luo Shuyu didn't know anything about Li Mingjin running to the palace to ask Emperor Tiansheng for the order to take him to the north.

    The sky was gloomy, and it was about to snow. After Luo Shuyu returned to the Third Prince’s mansion, he waited for a long time, but Li Mingjin didn’t come back.

    He didn't know where he went, he was so mysterious.

    It was rare that there was no banquet today, and they didn’t need to go to the palace to accompany the people in the palace to have dinner, so Luo Shuyu asked the kitchen to make the dinner lighter.

    In recent days, there had been a lot of fish and meat, and Li Mingjin's stomach needed to be well adjusted.

    Just after giving orders to the kitchen, the people who served Li Mingjin came back and reported that Emperor Tiansheng had him stayed to eat in the palace, so he wouldn’t come back for dinner, and he would return to the mansion later.

    Only then did Luo Shuyu know that he had gone to the palace.

    What did he need to let him go into the palace? Emperor Tiansheng secretly sent someone to tell him to go in? What was it?

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    After having dinner alone, Luo Shuyu wore a fur coat and waited for Li Mingjin to come back.

    The sky gradually darkened, and the mansion began to light the lamps.

    After a while, it began to snow.

    Luo Shuyu sent someone to take Li Mingjin's fur clothes and wait at the gate of the mansion, as long as he couldn't see anyone, he would be particularly worried.

    Probably because the shadow of his previous life was too heavy, he was afraid of losing Li Mingjin again, so he couldn't help worrying.

    Fortunately, he went to the palace. Emperor Tiansheng had a completely different attitude towards Li Mingjin recently. Although it was easy to push Li Mingjin to the forefront, he was not afraid of being attacked by other brothers. He would go to the north soon, and other brothers could only go to the north if they wanted to attack him.


    Li Mingjin had no handle except him.

    If this was the case, then when he was in the north, he who stayed in the capital could’t hold him back, otherwise Li Mingjin would still worry about whether he was doing well and whether he would be bullied.

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    However, Li Mingjin hadn't set off yet, and he was starting to worry. If Li Mingjin had to stay for a year or two, he was afraid that he might can’t help it but secretly went to the north to find someone.

    After his rebirth, he just wanted to live an ordinary life with the person he loved, without fighting, why was it so difficult?

    He didn't want Li Mingjin to go to the north, didn't want to be separated from him, and didn't want to hear nothing from him for ten days and a half months.

    He wanted to see Li Mingjin who was intact, he wanted to see Li Mingjin who was happy, angry, and sad, and he wanted to have him by his side every night.

    Luo Shuyu lay on the small table and fiddled with the chess pieces, the more he thought about it, the more sad he became, and angrily threw the chess pieces back into the chess jar.

    Why was there no way to satisfy rival demands?


[两全其美       liǎng quán qí měi: to satisfy rival demands (idiom); to get the best of both worlds; to have it both ways; to have one's cake and eat it too]

    No, he couldn't just sit and wait, tomorrow he would go to the palace and ask Emperor Tiansheng to let him follow Li Mingjin to the north, wherever Li Mingjin was, he would be there!

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