Emperor Tiansheng was warming himself at the fire: "Sit down, why are you here by yourself today, where is Mingjin?"

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    Luo Shuyu finished the salute respectfully, and replied: "Father, Shuyu came here alone today, I don't want His Highness to know."

"Oh?" The third son of his family only came yesterday, why did his wife come here today? "What's the matter with you?"

Luo Shuyu didn't sit down, but knelt down directly: "Shuyu came here today to ask Father about something."

    Emperor Tiansheng personally stepped forward to help Luo Shuyu up: "Why do you have to do such a big ceremony, the third child will cause trouble for me if you’re cold, sit down for me."


Luo Shuyu thanked him.

    Emperor Tiansheng ordered someone to pour hot tea for him: "This tea is very fragrant, I just got it a few days ago, you can take some back later, the third child likes this taste."

Luo Shuyu: "Yes."

    "By the way, why did you enter the palace so early in the morning?" Emperor Tiansheng wondered if he did this for the Luo family. According to the past, when the Crown Princess and the First imperial Concubine begged him alone, it was mostly for their natal family.


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    Luo Shuyu pursed his lips, his eyes were a little red, he felt a little wronged, but his eyes were firm: "To tell the truth to father, Shuyu lost his mother since he was a child. I thought that after marrying His Highness, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with His Highness because of my character. I would only live a life as ordinary as water.”

“But after getting along with His Highness, I found that His Highness is different from what the outside world said about him. After getting along for a long time, I liked His Highness and wanted to manage our small family together with His Highness. Hearing that His Highness was about to go to the north,  I thought it was nothing, this was an errand given to him by father, His Highness must do it well, and I thought that I would wait at home obediently for him to return in triumph.”

“However, when the day for His Highness to depart is getting closer, the more uncomfortable I’m, I don’t know if he will do well after he go to the north? will he be short of food and clothing? I don’t know if he is cold or hot. The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel. After thinking about it for many days, today I summoned up the courage to ask father for a favor, please allow me to accompany His Highness to go to the north!”

    When Emperor Tiansheng heard Li Mingjin wanted to bring Luo Shuyu to go to the north with him yesterday, his words were short and it sounded like a willful nonsense, so he refused without hesitation.

    On the other hand, Luo Shuyu's request today was sincere, and every sentence was from the heart. Compared with Li Mingjin's concise and straightforward words, Luo Shuyu's language skills were very contagious, and Emperor Tiansheng was moved by what he said.

    Yesterday he was not at all willing to let Luo Shuyu go to the north with Li Mingjin, but today he was almost persuaded.

    Emperor Tiansheng sold Li Mingjin without hesitation: "The two of you are one after the other, did the two of you come to an agreement?"

    Luo Shuyu understood everything, and said in surprise, "His Highness entered the palace yesterday..."

    Emperor Tiansheng: "That's right, the two of you, aren't you embarrassing me? Didn't you ask for trouble when you want to follow him to the north to suffer from the cold? Wouldn't it be nice to be comfortable in the capital? everything that should be here is here."


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[应有尽有 yīng yǒu jìn yǒu: everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand; to have all one needs]

Luo Shuyu: "But, Shuyu is worried that His Highness is not doing well in the north, if he can be together with His Highness, it’s okay to suffer a little bit. Father, Taizu was also accompanied by his wife when he went out to fight. I also want to be close to His Highness and become his backing and help him take care of trivial matters. "

[太祖   tài zǔ: Great Ancestor (posthumous title, e.g. for the founder of a dynasty)]

    "Taizu, I really remember when you said that." Emperor Tiansheng asked him again, "Are you really not afraid of hardship?"

    Luo Shuyu said sincerely: "Don't dare to lie to father, compared with the soldiers outside, Shuyu really doesn’'t have a hard life, but Shuyu is not afraid of hardship.”


Emperor Tiansheng smiled: "Let me think about this matter again. I really don't know what the two of you think. Others want to live a comfortable life, but you are all rushing to live a hard life."

    Luo Shuyu achieved his goal and thanked Emperor Tiansheng: "Thank you, father."

    However, he really couldn’t guess that the reason Li Mingjin entered the palace yesterday in order to take him to the north, no wonder he didn't say anything, probably because he was rejected by Emperor Tiansheng.

    Before leaving the palace, Luo Shuyu went to sit with Concubine Mei for a while, and he mentioned to her that he wanted to go to the north with Li Mingjin.

    Concubine Mei: "You want to go too?"

    Luo Shuyu: "Yes, mother concubine, I have never left the capital, the same is true for His Highness, I want to take care of him closely, instead of staying in the capital and waiting for his reply every day. "

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    Concubine Mei looked at him firmly, and said decisively: "Go, I will speak for you in front of His Majesty."

    Luo Shuyu was quite surprised, he didn’t expect Concubine Mei to be so forthright, he smiled and said: "Thank you, mother concubine.

    After leaving the palace, he saw Li Mingjin who was waiting for him at the gate.

    Luo Shuyu was in a good mood, and went to hold his hand: "Your Highness."


As soon as he stepped forward, he smelled a strange smell: "What's the smell on you?"

    Li Mingjin took two steps back, lowered his head and sniffed his sleeve : "Do I smell bad?"

    Luo Shuyu nodded and pinched his nose: "It stinks, what did you do?"

    Li Mingjin looked left and right: "... I just ate something."

    Luo Shuyu squinted at him: "Did Your Highness eat the food from the stall again?"

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Li Mingjin pursed his lips and didn’t answer.

Luo Shuyu glared at Ansan who was dressed as an ordinary guard, "If he doesn't say it, you say it."

Without hesitation Ansan said: "His Highness ate thirty pieces of stinky tofu!" The salary must be kept!

    Luo Shuyu glared at the two of them: "Your Highness will eat vegetarian tonight, and Ansan will withhold half a month's salary."

    Li Mingjin: "..." Ansan was a traitor!



    The author has something to say:

The Third Prince: Wife, isn’t it particularly delicious?

Luo Shuyu: ...

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