After returning home, Luo Shuyu rushed Li Mingjin to change his clothes covered with stinky tofu smell, otherwise he would definitely sleep on the small couch tonight.

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    Li Mingjin was not a foodie, and he didn't go out to eat snacks everyday. He just had a natural curiosity about food, maybe it was just a self-compensation for the missing childhood. He didn't eat it before because he didn't meet someone who would pamper him, love him, and someone he could trust, and now he could rest assured.

    Li Mingjin not only liked to try something new, but also preferred strange food, such as this stinky tofu, or the fried durian before.

    Luo Shuyu would rather have him eat roasted sweet potatoes and roasted pig's trotters, at least the ingredients could be seen, but this stinky tofu, he didn't know what it was made of, it was really made him worry.

    Luo Shuyu didn't tell Li Mingjin about him entering the palace to meet Emperor Tiansheng, but when he thought that Li Mingjin was very reluctant to give up on him, and even begged in front of Emperor Tiansheng in person, he didn't care about him who ate the snacks indiscriminately, and he pretended to be angry for a while and then he didn’t mind.

    He only hoped that Concubine Mei could let Emperor Tiansheng make a decision as soon as possible, so that he could pack his luggage for going to the north in advance.

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    In fact, when he came out of Emperor Tiansheng's palace today, he knew that Emperor Tiansheng was shaken, and he didn't reject him directly, it was a good thing when he thought about it.

    As for the reason why Emperor Tiansheng rejected Li Mingjin's request directly in the first place, it must be because Li Mingjin didn't speak well. Luo Shuyu could imagine the tone he used to make a request to Emperor Tiansheng. However, with Li Mingjin’s character, he would definitely play the emotional card.


According to the subtle "father-son" affection that Emperor Tiansheng had for Li Mingjin, he guessed that Emperor Tiansheng would also like someone to take care of Li Mingjin, let alone he mentioned taizu and his wife, and if he disagreed, it would be unreasonable. When Concubine Mei also went to see Emperor Tiansheng, this matter became a "family" discussion, and the family affection that Emperor Tiansheng wanted recently was fulfilled.

    Although it was Luo Shuyu's impromptu plan, it could also be called a step-by-step plan.

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    His purpose to go to the north was only to take care of Li Mingjin, not to disturb the morale of the army, and he did not do anything to cause cholera to the common people.

    There was one more thing that Emperor Tiansheng must consider, and that was Li Mingjin's condition. What should he do if he got sick?

    Luo Shuyu wanted to go to the north, and he also wanted to find "Jie Baidu". When reading a book, there was only text descriptions, unlike reading a picture book with rich pictures and texts, and he could see the characteristics of the characters. He only remembered that in the book this "Jie Baidu" was an old man who was a bit sloppy. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary villager. No one would know that he had medical skills unless he said it.

    This person devoted his whole life to taste all kinds of herbs and find the antidote of all kinds of poisons. He didn’t really care about other aspects and his mind was relatively simple, otherwise he wouldn't be deceived by Shen Mingyun's ordinary pills.


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    When Li Mingjin was still troubled by the matter of Luo Shuyu who couldn’t  go to the north with him, Concubine Mei, who hadn't left Changle Palace for a long time went to see Emperor Tiansheng.

    For a while, rumors spread throughout the harem that Concubine Mei went to meet Emperor Tiansheng and wanted to regain favor, but after they inquired about the reason why Concubine Mei begged to meet Emperor Shengtian, they were speechless, unable to understand Concubine Mei's intentions. It was the first time they saw someone who drove her daughter-in-law to that bitter cold place, she was simply a model of a wicked mother-in-law.

    It was not a day or two for the women in the harem trying to figure out this matter when they had nothing to do.

    Some people said that Concubine Mei was not only cold-blooded and ruthless to her son, but also to her daughter-in-law; some people said that Concubine Mei was planning some kind of conspiracy. Her daughter-in-law must go to the north with the third prince because she was thinking to let her daughter in law to give birth to a grandson as soon as possible.

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She never fought or grabbed for something, but in fact she was the one with the biggest ambition and the deepest scheming in the palace; some people said that Concubine Mei started to fight for favor for the third prince.

    The harem was also a place of right and wrong, and there were different opinions.

    On the contrary, Concubine Mei just shook her head when she learned about it from the palace maid, and then continued to grow Chinese cabbage and eggplant in her Changle Palace, and sent part of the vegetables to the Third Prince's mansion.

    Everyone in the palace knew that Concubine Mei was looking for Emperor Tiansheng, so Li Mingjin naturally knew about it too.

    Only one day later, Emperor Tiansheng summoned the couple into the palace.

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