The two went to the study room, and one person occupied a table, Luo Shuyu seriously thought about what to bring to the north. He heard that there was a shortage of everything in the north, not even tea leaves.

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    As for Li Mingjin, he just stared at Luo Shuyu who was thinking about somthing while sitting on the chair, and wrote down repeated words on the paper.

    When Luo Shuyu walked over with three pages of paper, he saw the words written by Li Mingjin on the paper, all of which were his name!

    Luo Shuyu was a little helpless: "Your Highness, be more serious."

    Li Mingjin: "This is the only one I want to bring, he is my treasure, the treasure that passes on through the generations."

    Luo Shuyu: "You are not serious, I will let the housekeeper to prepare it."

    Li Mingjin said resolutely: "I'm being serious."

    Luo Shuyu: "I asked you to write the things you want to bring, all you wrote was my name, and you still wasted the paper."

    Li Mingjin: "I didn't waste it, our Yu'er is really a priceless treasure."

    Luo Shuyu: "Did Your Highness put honey on you mouth today? It's so sweet."

    Li Mingjin pecked his lips: "Would you like to try it?"

    Luo Shuyu pushed him away, and pressed his own papers on his face: "I don’t care about you, well, you think about it yourself!"

    After finished speaking, Luo Shuyu left the study room and went to the main courtyard. He asked housekeeper Sun to come over and prepare the things they needed for their long journey. Not only did they need to bring a lot of things, but also some servants, which was equivalent to move the whole family, even though there were only two of them in this family.

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    At the beginning, Luo Shuyu also prepared some clothes, dried meat, wine and other things for Li Mingjin to go to the north. He didn't expect Emperor Tiansheng to be so easy to talk, and he directly agreed with him to go to the north.

    They were still different from Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince going to the north in the book.

    The time the two going to the north was a bit earlier, and they might have to stay in the north longer than Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince did. Shen Mingyun had encounter with Jiebaidu but it didn't mean that he was as lucky as Shen Mingyun, but he still had to find someone for Li Mingjin on a down-to-earth basis.

    "Jiebaidu", in addition to his love of tasting herbs and making antidote for poison, he also had another hobby, which was to collect good wine.

    So he needed to prepare some special wine.

    With a goal in mind, Luo Shuyu immediately asked the housekeeper to go to the capital to find a variety of good wines with different tastes, no need to bring too many, but they must be high quality.

    Li Mingjin carefully read his list and asked him why he wanted so many kinds of good wines. Shouldn’t he bring more wines? There were so many types but small quantity, it was not enough to drink. The generals drank wit the bowl, how could these small jars be enough for them.


    Luo Shuyu reminded him: "Your Highness, don't ever think about these wines of mine, it’s useful."

    Li Mingjin dispersed his thinking: "Do you want to go to the north to sell wine?"

    Luo Shuyu: "What is Your Highness thinking, of course not, wait until the day they will play a role, you will know, and you are not allowed to drink them, got it?."

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    Li Mingjin: "Allright, all these wines are not enough to quench my thirst."

    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness, drink less alcohol. I heard people say that men who drink too much alcohol will become potbellied when they are in their thirties, which is ugly.

    Li Mingjin: "You despise me when I'm old?"

    Luo Shuyu: "Yes, middle-aged handsome men are the one I like. Does Your Highness want to become ugly?

At that time, Your Highness may not even be able to bend over."

    Li Mingjin imagined the character Luo Shuyu described and he was a little frightened: "It's a bit ugly, it looks like Xian Wang next door, He goes out with his big stomach all day long, watching him I always feel uncomfortable, so I'd better listen to you and drink less in the future.”


[贤王 xián wáng: sage kings]

    Luo Shuyu said in his heart that His Highness was quite easy to talk to: “Not bad”


The wine was a must-have thing and maybe he should prepare more, Luo Shuyu thought of Concubine Mei, "By the way, Your Highness, the climate in the north is dry, it’s not easy to grow rice and what we eat is wheat. Should we ask Concubine Mother some useful seeds? If they can be planted in the spring, it can also solve the problem of food and clothing for the people in the winter. "

    Li Mingjin thought a lot: "It may not be so comprehensive to ask the concubine mother, or I will ask father to bring some people who know farming, there must be father’s people who will go to the north with us, so just ask him directly."

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Luo Shuyu recalled the details about this paragraph in the book. Because Shen Mingyun had the system, he knew in advance that the north might lack food due to the war, so he asked the fourth prince to bring many drought resistant seeds when he went to the north. Not only solved the problem of the army's rations, but also saved many people when the blizzard hit the next day, which directly raised the prestige of the fourth prince among the people. All the soldiers who fought with him in the army looked at him with admiration and became loyal to him.

    But now, the trajectory of history had changed. It was Li Mingjin who went to the north, and the fourth prince would go to the south. He knew what might happen in the future in advance, and it was better to predict in advance than to be confused.

    Luo Shuyu nodded: "That's fine, Your Highness is really smart, let's write a list to give to father."

    Li Mingjin completely believed him and he didn't ask anymore questions, he was really considerate, Luo Shuyu was really touched and felt warm all over his body.

    Li Mingjin couldn't help nodding, his wife's brain was good, the most important thing was that he was praised by his wife, and he was in a good mood: "That's very good, let's go back to the palace again later, father must have a lot of good things, as long as we think of it, we will write it down in the list."


Luo Shuyu asked him: "Sure, are you being proud since you are favored? "

    Li Mingjin suddenly planned for himself in a very methodical way: "Let's take advantage of my father's love for me, let's ask for more benefits."


Luo Shuyu smiled: "Your Highness's words are too reasonable."

    In the next two days, Luo Shuyu tried hard to recall the details in the book, and wrote down all the names of the seeds that needed to be used, and Li Mingjin also obtained a lot of good things through other means, for food and drink, they were all pulled up to the mansion, and the whole capital was full of rumors that letting the third prince go to the north was a big failure in Emperor Tiansheng’s decision-making, and some officials even asked Emperor Tiansheng to take back his order!


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    The third prince didn't go to the front line to boost morale for the soldiers, he looked like he was going to go for on an outing!

    The matter quickly reached Emperor Tiansheng's ears. When he called Li Mingjin into the palace to find out about what happened, Li Mingjin entered the palace with the booklet he asked housekeeper Sun to copy.

    He handed the booklet to Emperor Tiansheng: "Father, can you prepare everything in this booklet for your son?"

    Emperor Tiansheng opened a thick stack of booklet: "...Why do you need people and seeds? "

    Li Mingjin once again said confidently: "

The son has to send people to plant the land so we can have more delicious food. What if there is nothing to eat and the son and his wife will starve to death. "


Emperor Tiansheng thought with a headache, Li Mingjin was not going to go to war or go for an outing, he was planning to live a small life with his wife without his parents!

    The author has something to say:

The Third Prince: Wife, can you see if the condoms I bought are enough to use on the road!

Luo Shuyu: ...

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