Emperor Tiansheng finally ordered someone to prepare the people and seeds that Li Mingjin wrote on the booklet. To experience the feeling of pampering a wayward son and when he saw Li Mingjin's cheerful appearance, he thought it was worth to prepare these things. After all, it was in the north, spring was warm and flowers were blooming in March and April in the capital, but it was still freezing over there, so more preparations would give you more security.

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    In the blink of an eye, the taste of this year was getting weaker and weaker. More and more people knew that Luo Shuyu would follow Li Mingjin to the north. Even Luo Renshou went to the Third Prince's Mansion to meet Luo Shuyu himself. 


It was rumored outside that they went to the north for an "outing". In recent days, the servants of the Third Prince's Mansion bought this and that everywhere, so he also brought a cart of some miscellaneous things that would be useful for Luo Shuyu.

    Luo Shuyu looked at the list of the things he brought, they weren’t gold, silver and jewellery, but a very practical things and quite useful, so he accepted it. Even the old lady Luo sent a thick robe and a pair of thick-soled deerskin boots for Li Mingjin.

    After accepting the gift, Luo Shuyu's attitude towards Luo Renshou became slightly better.

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    Luo Renshou was a little flattered that he could get Luo Shuyu's smile. In fact, he just followed the wind. If everyone hadn't seen Emperor Tiansheng attitude towards the third prince in recent days, he wouldn’t have been so active in running to the third prince's mansion.

    He also told Luo Shuyu about Shen Mingyun's movements. After the spring, Shen Mingyun would follow the Fourth Prince to the south.

    Shen Mingyun was going to the south with the Fourth Prince?

    Luo Shuyu really didn't expect that Shen Mingyun had just had a miscarriage, and his body might not have recovered yet, so he still thought about changing to another place to accumulate his points in the mall. Thinking about it, his love for the fourth prince didn't seem as strong as he imagined. If there is any problem between these two people, they would probably start to centrifugal. After all, Shen Mingyun couldn’t keep the fourth prince’s first child, and the fourth prince must have some psychological pimples.


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    He just didn't know what Shen Mingyun would do under the guidance of the system after he went to the south. If he gained popularity or made some political achievements like the previous life in the north, didn’t they give them a chance?

    After Luo Renshou left, Luo Shuyu directly informed this matter to Li Mingjin.

    Going to the south was not easy, Li Mingjin thought about it for a while and then told Luo Shuyu his analysis: "We have our people by the fourth brother’s side, and also, the trip to the south is not easy. The strong dragon can’t repress the snake. The place where he will go to handle the case is Concubine Lin's natal house. It’s not a day or two for the Lin family to run rampant in the local area. The local government and businessmen colluded, and the fourth brother might be assassinated on the way, so it’s still a question whether they can get to Dong'an County smoothly."


[强龙不压地头蛇 qiáng lóng bù yā dì tóu shé: lit. strong dragon can’t repress a snake (idiom); fig. a local gangster who is above the law]

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In the book, it was only mentioned about Shen Mingyun going to the north, so he didn't know much about the uprising caused by the famine in the south. In the previous life, this matter must be suppressed by the Lin family in Dong'an, and didn’t get disclosed in front of Emperor Tiansheng. If his rebirth caused the fourth prince to go to Dong'an County, it showed that his rebirth was of great significance.

    "It might be difficult for the fourth prince if he goes alone, but he will bring Shen Mingyun with him. You also know that he is a bit unusual. With him, it can be estimated that many dangers can be resolved." Luo Shuyu was most afraid that they would discover new things because of various dangerous events. The system could always provide Shen Mingyun with useful information on a regular basis to help him and the Fourth Prince go higher and higher.

    "Don't worry, our people will report the situation regularly." In fact, Li Mingjin sometimes found it strange that his wife paid less attention to the crown prince and the first prince who were powerful now, but the fourth younger brother who had a little influence became the person who made him nervous, was this Shen Mingyun really that powerful?

    Luo Shuyu also knew that it was useless to be overly concerned. He and Li Mingjin were about to go to the north, and the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun would also go to the south soon. The two parties developed independently, and it depended on who could seize the opportunity better in the end.

    If the Fourth Prince succeeded in this trip and he could suppress the First Prince's faction, he could give a sigh of relief for Emperor Tiansheng and gain Emperor Tiansheng's trust, but if he failed, it would definitely be of great benefit for him and Li Mingjin.


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    Unknowingly, the time gradually coincided with the day of departure.

    The night before departure, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were about to fall asleep when someone who claimed to be the concubine Xian’s people came to see Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin.

    They got a letter and a token belonging to General Zhenbei.

    The person who came was the eunuch next to Concubine Xian. Luo Shuyu had seen him before . Li Mingjin asked him, "What does Concubine Xian mean?" 


He and General Zhenbei hadn’t met formally yet, and now that Concubine Xian sent this, he must represent General Zhenbei’s meaning. For a while, Li Mingjin didn't understand why their family, who never stood in line, would give him this token before he left.

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