Li Mingjin understood everything, and he quickly figured out the reason why the governor's wife was so indifferent, and she didn't show any good looks towards the other ladies, which showed that she did it on purpose, and used another way to not cooperate with the current governor's threat.

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    What could blackmail the governor's wife? One was her husband, and the other was her children.

    Li Mingjin: "If Governor Zhu now is fake, then the real governor may have been silenced, and the only one who can be used to blackmail the governor's wife is her children." 

    Luo Shuyu: "But why does this person keep the governor's wife and her children?"

    Li Mingjin: "There must be some things in the governor's wife's hands, and this person can't kill her yet."

    Luo Shuyu: "Then I guess the governor's wife really doesn't care about her own reputation. Her deeds are famous among the ladies. If she disappears suddenly one day, the fake governor will be suspected. Although The former imperial censor Xiao is old, and he is still in Beijing. He has always been a man who loves his daughter, and will send people to Gucheng to deliver things to the governor's wife every once in a while. If there is something wrong with the governor's wife, someone soon will find out the identity of the fake governor, so the governor's wife must be kept?"

    Li Mingjin nodded: "It's possible, maybe there are some secrets that we haven't figured out here, maybe it's related to the former imperial censor Xiao.” 

    Maybe it was not that the governor's wife had something, but the former imperial censor Xiao held some secrets that could subvert certain things, "It's really like a story with ups and downs, one after another. Yu'er, don't you think our life is such a wonderful life, and after we got married we have to fight wits with people everyday. "

    Luo Shuyu: "Fighting against the heaven and fighting with people is boundless of joy. Your Highness, since we can't change it, we should learn to enjoy it."

    Li Mingjin kicked the quilt, he took Luo Shuyu into his arms. He lowered his head and bit his lips: "It makes sense, then I'll learn to enjoy it now!"

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    Luo Shuyu: "..." That's not what I said!

    After the banquet held by Luo Shuyu and the martial arts competition, there was a lot of talk about the third prince and the third imperial concubine outside, and they successfully raised a  wave of presence in Gucheng.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu had long been familiar with creating hot topics for themselves, as long as they operated properly, their deeds would always appear half-truth and half-false.

    For example, the first martial arts competition in the barracks was described by the storyteller in the teahouse, and in the end, he added a sentence: The soldiers thought that they would fail after participating in the competition. Who would have thought that they participated and were not in the top six, but the soldiers actually still had a consolation prize in the end! The unwillingness suffered by the soldiers that day was made up for, and they felt full of self-confidence. If they are all called for fighting in the competition again next year, they will definitely beat their opponents today.

    Besides, everyone also praised the third prince for being generous enough!

    As for the third imperial concubine, the incident about the governor's wife and daughter was also widely circulated. It was spread by the wives who attended the banquet that day, especially among their sisters, and the backyards of every family had been keen to gossip about it recently.

    On the second day, Governor Zhu had the cheek to bring a load of gifts to the Third Prince's Mansion, and Li Mingjin once again accepted all the gifts.

    Looking at the gift list, Luo Shuyu couldn't help sighing that Governor Zhu was really rich.

    These things were all within their expectations, so there was no need to make a big fuss.

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    What was more important right now was Li Mingjin's physical problems.

    Recently, Lin Yuan often walked around the medical center and the third prince's mansion. Li Mingjin's investigation of him was almost done. Chen Rong also assured them that Lin Yuan was fine and they could inform Lin Yuan about Li Mingjin's condition.

    Today, they declined all the guest posts.

    The two went to Chen Rong's courtyard, and Lin Yuan entered the mansion to check Chen Rong's condition like usual.

    No one knew that he didn't come here today for Chen Rong, but for Li Mingjin, who had been plagued by illness for many years.

    A study room was set up in Chen Rong's yard. Li Mingjin sat at the other end of the table, and Lin Yuan sat opposite him, with his hands resting on the pulse pillow.

    The third prince didn't mention his illness to Lin Yuan, he only asked him to look at his pulse and observe it, first to observe his medical skills.

    Before that, Chen Rong didn't know what kind of illness Li Mingjin had, so he couldn't say anything to Lin Yuan.

    Lin Yuan checked his pulse seriously, and then he observed Li Mingjin's lip color, tongue, and eyeballs. He checked Li Mingjin's pulse three times in total.

    Lin Yuan asked him to lie flat on the couch, then he checked him from the head at the beginning to the whole body.

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    The more he checked, his complexion became more complicated, the more Luo Shuyu looked at it, the more worried he became, his complexion was even more complicated than Lin Yuan's.

    Li Mingjin should be fine. If Lin Yuan was really Jiebaidu, then he could see that Li Mingjin had been poisoned before.

    Lin Yuan put down his pulse-taking hand and took out a pack of needles from his medicine box. He told Li Mingjin in advance that the needles had been cleaned.

    In order to reassure them, Lin Yuan roasted the needles with fire once.

    Lin Yuan: "Your Highness, Caomin will give you two needles to take a look if it's  the same as what caomin guessed."

    Li Mingjin: "Okay."

    Both Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu had seen Lin Yuan pricked all over Chen Rong's body with the needles, so it shouldn't be a problem to prick only two needles in his hands now.

    Lin Yuan's technique was really good, the needle pierced Li Mingjin's vital point.

    After a while, Lin Yuan asked Li Mingjin if he felt any heat, and Li Mingjin pointed to his back waist: "It's a little hot here, and it's very comfortable."

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    Lin Yuan recorded it.

    An hour later, Lin Yuan looked at Li Mingjin, then he wrote down the cause of the disease on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

    After reading it, Li Mingjin's face was very subtle, Luo Shuyu snatched it up before he was about to tear off the paper, and checked it word by word.

    It said the poison Li Mingjin suffered from, the accumulation of toxins in his body, and which parts of his body would be affected. The poison he suffered was too complicated and needed to be taken care of slowly. Among them, there was a very conspicuous line: This illness is currently hindering the fertility.

    Luo Shuyu was at a loss: ? ? ?

    Was the poison in Li Mingjin's body caused infertility?

The author has something to say:

The Third Prince: Wife, before I cure my hidden illness, come and use me who is unadulterated and unhindered!

Luo Shuyu: ...

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