It was rare for Luo Shuyu to show a crack expression like this, he never expected that the infertility would occupy the main concern of the poison Li Mingjin was suffering from.

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    Fortunately, they were not in a hurry to have a child for the time being, and they had never thought that there was anything wrong with their frequent couple activity and still couldn't get pregnant. They only thought that the protective measures they took were in place, but it turned out not to be the case.

    Although Luo Shuyu said that it was true that the two had agreed not to have children for the time being, he didn't expect that the poison in Li Mingjin's body would affect his infertility. It was probably because the two had a child in the previous life and he had the first impression was the strongest idea, so he didn't feel the seriousness of the poison.

    After a long while, Luo Shuyu asked: "His Highness can't have children?"

    Lin Yuan nodded: "Yes, this poison will affect His Highness' fertility, and the poison has accumulated in his body for many years, the poison in His Highness' body needs to be completely removed..."

    Luo Shuyu understood, no wonder Li Mingjin said before that he didn't want children for the time being, it turned out that he already knew that he had some obstacles in this regard.

    However, fortunately, Luo Shuyu knew that they would have children from his previous life, so he still focused on the poison: "Doctor Lin, what kind of poison does His Highness have? For now, let's get rid of the poison for His Highness first, we are not in a hurry about the children."

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    Lin Yuan explained to them: "I understand, Your Highness, this poison comes from the Western Regions. It has a very famous name called 'Happy Like a Fairy'. When people first take this poison, they will have a feeling of ecstasy. After eating too much, they will become addicted. They must take it every other month, otherwise they will have a splitting headache and a violent temper. The more you eat it, the more difficult it will be for people to quit. If you don’t eat it, your temperament will change drastically, you will not recognize others when you get sick, and  your tendency to violence will become more and more serious, and in the later stage, you will even have self-harm behavior. "

    After listening to him, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu looked at each other. Luo Shuyu nodded, and Li Mingjin decided to tell Lin Yuan the truth.

    Li Mingjin: "I'm really addicted to  'happy like a fairy', and it has been for more than ten years. It's said that my cruelty is caused by it. I also know that this poison will affect my physical condition. I heard that there is no antidote for this poison."

    Luo Shuyu also added: "Doctor Lin, I hope you can help His Highness remove this poison from his body, so that His Highness will no longer suffer from this poison."

    Lin Yuan was not stupid, and he also knew that Li Mingjin's mother was the Western Regions Princess, if she wanted to get this kind of poison, it was actually very simple, but he didn't dare to guess that the poison was given by Li Mingjin himself or his mother, the princess of the Western Regions. If so, it would be really unbelievable.

    If Li Mingjin didn't mention how he got this poison, Lin Yuan wouldn't ask.

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    Lin Yuan said: "I dare not say that I can completely remove this poison from Your Highness' body, but at least I can reduce the number of times Your Highness gets sick, but the premise is that Your Highness will not take this poison anymore, and follow my arrangement to take medicine, acupuncture and other treatment plans. Because this is a long course of treatment, so the process will be quite a torture."

    Lin Yuan didn't finish his sentence, but it made Li Mingjin feel very comfortable, at least this disease could be cured.

    At present, there were not many doctors who were suitable for his status. He ran thousands of miles to the north, and finally met Lin Yuan. He would follow the treatments well, and it would also make Luo Shuyu less worried.

    Luo Shuyu asked Lin Yuan: "Doctor Lin, how long will this treatment take?"

    Lin Yuan said: "It may take three to five years to completely remove the poison on His Highness' body. It depends on His Highness' cooperation and his physical condition. If it's just to restore His Highness' fertility first, it may be earlier, one to two years."

    Luo Shuyu: "... Alright." In fact, there was no need to focus on the matter of fertility, he was not worried at all, "I hope Doctor Lin can reduce the number of times His Highness gets sick first, and temporarily postpone the rest. When he got sick last time, he had self-harm behavior, can this be resolved as soon as possible."

    Lin Yuan's brain turned quickly: "Caomin will do everything possible to treat His Highness. In the next few days, first caomin will think about a complete diagnosis and treatment plan. If possible, Caomin hopes that His Highness can take it internally and externally. It may be more painful at first. I hope Your Highness, don't be bothered."

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    Li Mingjin: "Okay, but only a few of us who can know about this treatment."

    Luo Shuyu gave a suggestion: "How about this, Doctor Lin will enter the mansion to take care of Mr. Chen, he will come to Mr. Chen's courtyard first and later he goes to the courtyard next door to treat His Highness."

    Li Mingjin nodded: "Okay."

    Lin Yuan had no objection to their husband and wife's arrangement, in the first place, he went to the mansion to treat Chen Rong's illness, but now since he had the privilege of entering the mansion, he could come over more frequently, it was killing two birds with one stone.

    After finalizing the future arrangements, Lin Yuan left the Third Prince's Mansion to make preparations, while Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu returned to their yard.

    Although Lin Yuan didn't guarantee to completely cure Li Mingjin's illness, Luo Shuyu didn't feel hesitate or worried. In fact, he was confident.

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    If this was the case, Li Mingjin's return to a normal life was just around the corner.

    When Luo Shuyu thought about it, he felt that there were a few beams of gentle light in his world.

    Li Mingjin saw that the weather was not bad, so he asked Luo Shuyu, "Do you want to go out for a walk?"

    After coming to the north for nearly a month, the two of them hadn't gone out together yet. They were too busy, and the main thing was that they didn't understand the environment here.

    After finally being free, Li Mingjin just started to get to know Gucheng, and he dared to take Luo Shuyu out only after making sure the surrounding environment was safe. He needed to install his eyeliner around the surroundings first.

    Luo Shuyu was the most important person in his life, and he couldn't let something happened to him. Of course, he would also become his own weakness, but so what, only with weakness he could have the motivation to move forward, and only then he could have a reason to fight desperately with others.

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