Chapter 63 Foreign Enemy Invasion!

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    Shen Mingyun thought to himself that he was neither a detective nor a policeman, how could he transmigrate into a book and help investigate the case.

    It was true that he wanted to help the fourth prince before, and he also had this goal, but occasionally he would find that there was still a generation gap between the two of them, not one generation or two generations, but a generation gap of a thousand years. Just like now, when he took care of Xiao Ming a little more, the fourth prince couldn't understand, and even lost his temper with him.

    When Xiao Ming was taken in, Li Mingchun clearly promised nicely, but now that Xiao Ming was fine, he suddenly became angry and wanted to drive him away.

    However now that he also came out, he was also a man and he wanted to save face, wouldn't it be very cheap to go back now?

    If he didn't go back and couldn't complete the task, he really didn't have too many points right now, and he couldn't exchange for many good items. He wasted several months before because he was pregnant, and he didn't complete a single task. It was really a waste of time.

    Of course, Shen Mingyun didn't go far away from Li Mingchun. There were two reasons why he ran away, the first was to annoy him, and the other was to save face.

    Also because of face, he couldn't go back for the time being.

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    But Li Mingchun was not stupid. Shen Mingyun was good-looking, with white skin and tender flesh, and his personality was too carefree. Even if he was angry, he still sent someone to protect him. He just wanted to wait for him to suffer a little bit, and then went back to apologize to him.

    But things were often not that simple.

    Not long after Shen Mingyun left his sight, he was kidnapped!

    Li Mingchun had no choice but to look for Shen Mingyun while looking for the clues for the case.

    Not long after, he received a threatening letter from the kidnapper, mainly asking him not to participate in the investigation of the case, otherwise the kidnapper would kill his little lover.

    Li Mingchun really couldn't do without Shen Mingyun's help now. They encountered a lot of troubles on the way to Dong'an County, and every time they relied on Shen Mingyun's golden mouth and jade words to save the day. He could always guess the location of the enemy's ambush in advance, so that they could turn peril into safety.
[化险为夷huà xiǎn wéi yí: to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster]

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    As the last resort, for the sake of Shen Mingyun, Li Mingchun had no choice but to go to the place agreed with the kidnapper alone to rescue them.

    When Shen Mingyun, who was tied up, saw Li Mingchun who came alone to rescue him, he was so frightened that he cried like " raindrops on a pear blossom"
[梨花带雨 lí huā dài yǔ : like raindrops on a pear blossom (idiom) fig. tear-stained face of a beauty]

    Li Mingchun hugged Shen Mingyun in his arms and comforted him hastily, then frowned and asked him: "Where's Xiao Ming?"

    Shen Mingyun shook his head and told yhe process of him being tied up: "He and I got separated on the street, I went to find him , and then I was suddenly tied up, I don't know where he went."

    Li Mingchun thought to himself, it was really good, to avoid that guy from occupying Shen Mingyun everyday, and he didn't know if he was truly amnesia or fake amnesia.

    Without Xiao Ming's hindrance, Shen Mingyun and Li Mingchun was full of affection for several days.

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    Shen Mingyun returned to Li Mingchun's side after a few days of trembling with fear, and started his assist work smoothly.

    Not to mention, with the help of system tools, he and Li Mingchun really got to the truth of the case.

    Of course, the time was relatively long. In the blink of an eye, it was almost time to change from spring clothes to summer clothes in the south.

    After all, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were too far away, and it was inconvenient to transmit the information. For the time being, they didn't know the specific situation of Li Mingchun and Shen Mingyun. However, like originally they expected,
the Fourth Prince's investigation was not smooth. The local officials were perfunctory. The superficial works had been done well, the account books given to him and the imperial envoy were all fake accounts, all of which had been redone. The accounts were clean, and there was no flaw in the parts that could be used as evidence.

    For a while, the fourth prince's investigation got stuck.

    Both Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin hadn't received a reply about the news yet.

    Two months passed before they knew it, and the temperature in the north rose in May. Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin finally changed their thick winter clothes, they could wear the thinner ones, and it became more convenient to move.

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    During these two months, Li Mingjin had to take a medicinal bath every three days, and the water temperature shouldn't be too low.

    Lin Yuan formulated a set of detoxification plan for Li Mingjin: taking medicinal bath, taking medicine, and acupuncture.

    Every time after finishing taking  medicinal bath, Lin Yuan would give him a whole body massage, massaged him according to the tendons and muscles map, every time he would massaged Li Mingjin hovered between life and death.
[死去活来 sǐ qù huó lái: to hover between life and death (idiom); to suffer terribly; within an inch of one's life]

    Li Mingjin asked him if he knew kung fu, and Lin Yuan said he knew a little bit, otherwise ordinary doctor wouldn't have such great hands.

    After getting along for a period of time, Li Mingjin and Lin Yuan could have a good chat, and they would occasionally compete in kung fu.

    On the fifteenth day of treatment, Li Mingjin fell ill once, but this time everyone was mentally prepared. At first Li Mingjin was not tied up, but he still became very irritable. He didn't even know Luo Shuyu. In the end, it was the hidden guards who teamed up to tie him up so that he wouldn't hurt himself by bumping his head.

    Luo Shuyu was very distressed, but he had no choice. If you wanted to survive in the royal family, this was one of the survival methods. There might be thousands of different ways to survive, but the one he met was Concubine Mei, who was the princess of the Western Regions. She had no choice, and no one could help her.

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