The fifteen days of medical treatment were still somewhat effective, at least the time for Li Mingjin to regain consciousness had been shortened.

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    After the treatments, Li Mingjin's spirit had improved, and when looking at people, his eyes were no longer so gloomy.

    Luo Shuyu also saw that he began to undergo a huge change from from the inside to the outside.

    However, Lin Yuan said that the effect in the early stage was obvious, but it might become very slow in the later stage, which required them to get over it slowly.

    During the treatment, Li Mingjin was a little upset because Lin Yuan reminded him to reduce the sexual intercourse and not be too unrestrained.

    Luo Shuyu found it funny when he saw his depressed face, and then he had no choice but to think of a method to make him happy, in any case opened  a new world.

    As the treatment process progressed, Li Mingjin's spirit became better day by day, and he became even more imposing.

    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu's life in the north was also getting better and better, and they were getting used to the life in the north more and more.

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    During the spring plowing, Li Mingjin took Luo Shuyu to the fields to see how  people were farming. The non-elite soldiers among the thousands of soldiers he brought, including the dudes who had just been trained, he threw all of them to open up wasteland and farm. All the seeds that Luo Shuyu brought could be used, and the several agricultural officials who had been idle for a while also had work to do.

    In terms of employing people, Li Mingjin was not stingy at all.

    The seeds were growing in full swing, and Governor Zhu over there had also been thoroughly investigated by Li Mingjin. There were a lot of things involved in it, and it was complicated. He still had trouble to make a decision for a while, when he thought again and again, it was not the time to deal with Governor Zhu, because now he needed to balance Gucheng, but he had already sent someone to stare at him, and he would be arrested as soon as he made a move.

    Another month passed, and summer came.

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin received letters from Emperor Tiansheng.

    In the past few months when they were in the north, Luo Shuyu urged Li Mingjin to write letters to Emperor Tiansheng. The general content was written about the people in the north.  As for how to balance the forces of all parties, Li Mingjin never asked Emperor Tiansheng at all.

    Even though Li Mingjin didn't ask Emperor Tiansheng, he might be able to know what Li Mingjin did through the memorials of other officials. If Li Mingjin didn't ask, Emperor Tiansheng might feel that he handled it in a low-key manner, but if he asked, Emperor Tiansheng might feel that he deliberately learned the balancing method of emperor. At this age, Emperor Tiansheng was the easiest to feel suspicious.

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    Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were not in the capital at the moment, and Concubine Mei was not favored, so they tried not to touch Emperor Tiansheng's reverse scale.

    When Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin got a super sweet watermelon, the Eldest Prince's Mansion in the capital was also bustling with activity.

    The eldest imperial concubine, who was pregnant for ten months, was finally going to give birth.

    The eldest prince stood outside the delivery room, he was so anxious, he already had two daughters, and he hoped that the eldest imperial concubine would give birth to a son for him.

    The eldest imperial concubine was considered lucky, and it was not bad if this baby could be saved until now. The eldest prince was always watching over her since he knew that she was pregnant. He was very nervous now, and the only one who could be more nervous than him was the crown prince.

    If the eldest imperial concubine could give birth to the emperor's grandson first, the crown prince's situation woul be extremely embarrassing.

    The eldest prince was not threatening, then the crown prince was not under pressure. But the eldest prince had always been eyeing the position of crown prince, his position was in jeopardy, and because of Emperor Tiansheng's wavering heart, he obviously had a crown prince, but he still doted other princes very much, so how could the crown prince was not in a hurry.

    After waiting for a day, the eldest imperial concubine finally gave birth to the child in her womb.

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    The eldest prince was the first to rush to the midwife, and the midwife congratulated him: "Congratulations to the eldest prince for having a daughter."

    Daughter... Daughter... Daughter...why not a son? !

    The eldest prince took a deep breath, and the expression of joy on his face gradually became rigid. He turned around and left the main courtyard without even looking at the newborn daughter and the eldest imperial concubine!

    How could it be possible! How could it be possible! The fortune teller said that he would definitely have a son this year!

    The crown prince and crown princess who knew that the eldest imperial concubine had given birth to a daughter  became much more relaxed. The crown princess who hadn't smiled for more than half a year, now there was a smile on her face.

    The crown prince sarcastically said: "Hahaha, Is it not a son? A few days ago he was so smug, now I'm afraid he is going to cry to death.

    The crown prince raised his eyebrows and said: "Yes, I will congratulate my eldest brother when I see him tomorrow, but now I can't wait to give him a congratulatory gift."

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    The crown princess said: "Your Highness, why are you so anxious, wait until the full moon banquet, this concubine will definitely express this tone for Your Highness."

    The husband and wife were extremely harmonious today. Since the eldest imperial concubine couldn't give birth to a royal grandson, they didn't have to worry.

    As for the eldest prince, they were afraid that he would go crazy.

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were calm when they learned that the eldest imperial concubine gave birth to a daughter.

    Luo Shuyu had known for a long time that the eldest imperial concubine must give birth to a daughter. As for Li Mingjin, he didn't care what other people gave birth to. Now he didn't even have the ability to make Luo Shuyu pregnant, others still could have a daughter, how happy.

    Those people who were living in the blessing didn't know the blessing.

    Luo Shuyu asked Li Mingjin if he wanted to give the eldest prince a gift, but Li Mingjin refused: "No need to give it, so as not to let the eldest brother keep thinking about us again, just pretend not to know. From his point of view, that little niece is out of his sight, and the child is just a tool for him to fight for power. "

    Luo Shuyu sighed: “That’s true, it’s not necessary.” But the child was really pitiful.

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