The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin's clothes were getting thinner and thinner. Compared with the capital, the north was relatively dry.

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    Li Mingjin's treatment was still going on, but the medicinal bath was not as frequent as in the first two months. Lin Yuan said that the herbal medicine had little effect on him, and what could be removed now was the poison that had been accumulated deeply in his body for a long time,and this one had to be dealt with slowly.

    Now Luo Shuyu was worried that Li Mingjin would get sick next time, and it was probably coming soon.

    On the other hand, Li Mingjin seemed to be fine. He could eat and drink as usual everyday, occasionally he teased Luo Shuyu who was getting more and more nervous.

    This year, because of the people and seeds brought by Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu from the capital, the farming progress in the north was like wildfire.

[如火如荼 rú huǒ rú tú: like wildfire (idiom); unstoppable]

    Not only did they get the seeds, Li Mingjin also sent people to exchange cattle and sheep with the nomadic group, each of them was a good thing for the country and the people.

    Everyone was busy for a better day.

    In addition, Luo Shuyu also set up a school in the name of Li Mingjin to teach people how to read and write, but it was the most basic education only. There was only one school at present, but there were quite a few people who came to sign up to study.

    Luo Shuyu absorbed some knowledge about modern education from the book, and he used the content about training class as reference. Common people's home didn't have much money, so it was already very good to send their children to learn to count number, know a few words and learn their own name. He considered that this school was not opened for people who wanted to be the top scorer in the palace examination.

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    However, the primary arithmetic classes and primary literacy classes were held every three months. With this knowledge, it wouldn't be difficult to find a job in the future, and the brave ones could at least go all over the place with others.

    Luo Shuyu's plan was to see the response from the first phase, and then whether to open two primary classes and two advanced classes in the second phase.

    For the time being, he would pay for the daily expenses of the school. The fees received from the students were used in the school later, and the teacher’s monthly salary was also paid by the school. This school was different from the school for palace examination. The teacher must treat everyone equally in the class, and the school wouldn't care about their lives in private, but it couldn't affect the normal teaching of the school.

    But there were some cases where the master embezzled money from common people who didn't know how the school charged a fee, and they paid the silver money to the master, but didn't get the admission slip, so in the end they went to the gentleman in charge of the school.

    It was also the first time for this gentleman to run such a school, so he immediately found Luo Shuyu and asked him for an idea.

    What idea could Luo Shuyu have, he directly kicked this master out of their "Huimin School" in order to warn against following bad examples? He determined to run this school to offend those masters (because this school wasn't for the palace examination). He had clear regulations, and these masters were all literate, and signed a contract with them.

[惠民 Huì mín : to benefit the people]

[以儆效尤 yǐ jǐng xiào yóu: in order to warn against following bad examples (idiom); as a warning to others]

    Did they want to attack the third imperial concubine? Did they know the backing behind him?

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    No matter how knowledgeable the master who swallowed other people's money was, the money was not swallowed successfully, but it was found out that his conduct was bad.

    This school had won the hearts of the common people. Luo Shuyu had won the favor of the common people for Li Mingjin. Many people who waited and watched but didn't sign up, now they regretted it. Everyday they heard from the wives nextdoor that their children had books to read, and they would be able to have proficiency in a particular field in the future. After graduation, the school would recommend outstanding students to work in the shop. Even if they wanted to find another skill, they would be able to master it quickly. Maybe they would also be favored by the third prince, and maybe they would be able to follow the third prince in the future!

[一技之长 yī jì zhī cháng: proficiency in a particular field (idiom); skill in a specialized area]

    When they thought about it, how wonderful it was!

    Now they regretted it, although they still spent money to send their children to study, but the school was cheaper than sending shuxiu to a master.

[束脩 shù xiū: payment for private tutor]

    They heard that if the students could study well, not only they would be recommended for a job, but the top three in the final exam would get rewards!

    Luo Shuyu saw that the school was opened, and the response was good, so he asked people to keep an eye on the school so that there would be no mistakes. His goal was not only to open one school, but also to open it in the whole of Daxia in the future, and now this school was just a small experiment.

    Only when the common people knew basic education, the country would be strong and prosperous. This was the conclusion he read from the book. Similarly, he gradually passed these ideas to Li Mingjin in the same way. , Summing up the experience of thousands of years, there would be no big mistakes, tried it first and changed it if it didn't work, they still had time.

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    For them, the north was an experimental field, and there would always be a result.

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were busy doing experiments. Whether for the soldiers or common people, they got good results. It was Luo Shuyu who found that Li Mingjin, who ran out everyday, his skin became darker than before they came to Gucheng. Of course, he became more masculine.

    September of the same year, it was the time for autumn harvest.

    The people of Gucheng would have a good year this year!

    However, something that needed to be worried about every year also happened.

    Although Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu had been here for less than a year, they lived a very comfortable life everyday. However, they also knew how to be prepared for danger in the peace time, and always remembered to be vigilant.

    Just two days after the autumn harvest, a fire beacon suddenly ignited outside the city!

    This meant that there were foreign enemies invading!

    The foreign enemies who had lived peacefully with them for more than half a year were coming to rob their food and invade their city!

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    Suddenly confronted with the same problem that General Wei once faced, the warlike blood in Li Mingjin's body suddenly be boiling hot.

    After waiting for so long, these fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered finally arrived at the door.

    Li Mingjin no longer had to hide.

    After a few months, he was no longer just a newcomer, an ignorant young man who didn't know anything about Gucheng.

    Come on, come on, his whip couldn't wait to taste the blood of the enemy.

The author has something to say: 

The Third Prince: Wife, today you are a little prince from a foreign country who has been captured. If you refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, I decide to have a fight with you and let you see how good I am!

[敬酒不吃吃罚酒 jìng jiǔ bù chī chī fá jiǔ: to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit; fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more]

Luo Shuyu: ...

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