I'm The Vicious Cannon Fodder In The Book Chapter 68 Part 2

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7-9 minutes

 Li Mingjin: "Naturally, they made a great contribution for rescuing father. The fourth brother blocked the sword for father, and father will definitely satisfy his request for the sake of blocking the sword for him. Moreover, my fourth brother understands people's hearts the mosta. At this time, he would rather establish his infatuated image than ask father for other rewards. "

    Luo Shuyu suddenly smiled and said: "However this reward is already the best, now Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince are bound more tightly, which is a huge threat to us, but if we can use it well, it can help us."

    Li Mingjin: "Oh? Yu'er think of something again?"

     Luo Shuyu: "Well, Your Highness forget, no matter how the fourth prince will be favored by father in the future, he will not be able to surpass the East Palace (the crown prince's palace). After all, he is the one who is the rightful heir. So, can we just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?"

[坐山观虎斗 zuò shān guān hǔ dòu: sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight (idiom) watch in safety whilst others fight then reap the rewards when both sides are exhausted ]

    Li Mingjin: "That's right, in the future those who originally supported the eldest brother may turn their attention to the fourth brother, and the fourth brother will definitely make good use of the crown prince's life experience issue. "

    Luo Shuyu: "Indeed, the life experience of the crown prince is his handle, but does the fourth prince know about it?"

    Li Mingjin shook his head: "He shouldn't know for the time being. Well, if he knows, since the crown prince didn't mention this matter when he was fighting with the first prince before, it means that he knows but still hasn't taken advantage of this matter for the time being. "

    Luo Shuyu picked up the milk tea and took a sip: "Because of the Yan family?"

    Li Mingjin said: "Yes, after this time, there is no possibility for the Lin family to come back, and the Yan family will definitely be the main one in the future. The capital may be quiet for a while, and things are not as simple as we imagined."

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    Luo Shuyu: "But the identity of the crown prince, could it be His Majesty not feel anxious?"

    Li Mingjin: "No one can prove that the crown prince is not the biological son of the emperor."

    Luo Shuyu: "This Prime Minister Yan is hiding the sky with one hand."

[一手遮天yī shǒu zhē tiānlit. to hide the sky with one hand (idiom) to hide the truth from the masses]

    Li Mingjin: "Not necessarily, isn't there still The left prime minister?"

    Luo Shuyu: "The left prime minister?" He basically didn't hear much about The left prime minister, but since he could hold the position of prime minister, he must not an ordinary person, "Who is he related to?"

    Li Mingjin shook his head: The left prime minister has nothing to do with anyone, their family has been clean and honest officials for generations, they never take any sides, and only support those in power. "

    Luo Shuyu: " If so, wouldn't he support the crown prince more?"

    Li Mingjin said again: The one on the right supports the crown prince. If the Lin family didn't fight against the Yan family these years, the Yan family would have become even more arrogant. "

     Luo Shuyu: "But how can the left prime minister fight against them? Father's health has indeed deteriorated in recent years."

    Li Mingjin: "Before there was the Lin family, he could ignore the Yan family, but now, he doesn't want anyone to confuse the royal lineage, and he will definitely take care of this matter. The position of the crown prince is still unstable."

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    Luo Shuyu "Then his only choice now is the fourth prince who is now favored by the emperor."

   Because of Li Mingjin's temper, the left prime minister probably had left him out.

    Li Mingjin: "That's right." 

    When  Luo Shuyu drinking milk tea again, he reminded, "Yu'er, don't drink so much tea at night, you won't be able to sleep later."

    Luo Shuyu: "Then what should I drink?" 

    Li Mingjin:" Drink milk is fine, I'll have someone warm the milk for you, and then add some sugar."

    Luo Shuyu: "Alright, let's drink together."

    The two continued to play chess and chat.

    The servant changed Luo Shuyu's tea to hot milk. Luo Shuyu took a sip and felt that it was a little fishy, ​​so he pushed it to Li Mingjin: "What are we talking about?" 

    Li Mingjin had to drink it for him: "We are talking about the left prime minister, he may choose to support the fourth brother. "

    Luo Shuyu: "Indeed, the fourth prince has been very eye-catching recently."

    While they were sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

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    If this was the case, then Shen Mingyun would definitely become brighter, and he would definitely stand opposite the crown prince in the future.

    Li Mingjin told Luo Shuyu: "Now we are going to use the hand of the left prime minister..."

    Luo Shuyu understood that the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun were indeed a threat to them. If the Yan family behind the crown prince didn't collapse, it would be very difficult for them to return to the capital, and they would have to go back sooner or later.

    However, considering the seriousness of the situation and the fact that the Lin family fell so quickly, Luo Shuyu reminded Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, do you still remember the map I drew for you before?"

    Li Mingjin said, "Remember, I put it away."

     Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness can consider sending someone to find out the mine, we can't fall behind."

    Since Shen Mingyun had become the fourth imperial concubine according to the rhythm in the book, they still had many things to do after this, so why not developed themselves well before everyone noticed them.

    Li Mingjin suddenly held his hand, and said affectionately: "Yu'er, what will I do without you?"

    Luo Shuyu gave him a firm look: "You won't be without me."

    Then Li Mingjin asked someone to remove the chessboard. They were going to start the night life where 'you are in me and I'm in you'.

    Luo Shuyu: "..." He was very moved!

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    Luo Shuyu was so tired after spending the whole night together that he slept until almost noon.

    When he got up, he found that his throat was a little dry, and he retched a little when he rinsed his mouth.

    Qingwang was anxious and immediately ran to find Dr. Lin, and then he was frightened by Li Mingjin who had just sent General Wei away.

    Li Mingjin: "What are you running for?"

    Qingwang replied: "Your Highness, I'm about to send someone to find Dr. Lin, the master retched and felt uncomfortable as soon as he got up." 

    When Li Mingjin heard this, he became anxious: "Retching and feeling uncomfortable? Dr. Lin is at Mr. Chen's side, go there and call for someone." 

    Thinking about it, Li Mingjin rushed into the room. If he had symptoms of retching, wouldn't this be a sign of pregnancy?

    Was he going to be a father?

The author has something to say: The Third Prince: Wife, I got a super strong treasure today!

Luo Shuyu: I don't listen.

The Third Prince: ...

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