Luo Shuyu's throat was a bit uncomfortable. He was drinking porridge at the moment, and when he just took a second sip of it, he saw Li Mingjin rushing up, followed by Lin Yuan and Qingwang who was out of breath.

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    Luo Shuyu couldn't help laughing and said: "It's not a big problem, why are you so anxious?"

    Li Mingjin wanted to hold his wrist, but when he saw that it was very inconvenient because his hand was still holding a spoon, so he walked over and sat down beside him: "You are sick, how can I not in a hurry? "

    Luo Shuyu felt that there was nothing serious about him, so he said: "I just have a dry cough, it's not a big problem."

    Luo Shuyu was not in a hurry, but Li Mingjin was in a hurry: "Why is it not a big problem, Doctor Lin, quick take a look at him."

    Lin Yuan knew that Li Mingjin was in a hurry, he said, "Your Highness, don't worry, it's fine to wait for the third imperial concubine to finish his porridge first before taking a pulse."

    Li Mingjin thought that there might be a little guy in Luo Shuyu's stomach, and he thought that the little guy should be fed, so he could only stand aside and look at Luo Shuyu.

     Being stared at by them like this, Luo Shuyu felt uncomfortable all over: "Why don't you check my pulse first, and I'll drink the porridge when it's a bit colder."

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    Doctor Lin had the most right to speak, so he said, "Yes."

    Li Mingjin immediately helped Luo Shuyu to sit on the small couch, Luo Shuyu said: "Your Highness, I'm not dizzy or weak, I can walk by myself." Being supported by him like this, it felt like he was dying of illness.

     In Li Mingjin's impression, Luo Shuyu always paid great attention to his body, rarely got sick, and would go to the doctor for minor ailments and pains, so he wouldn't worry too much. But it was different now, as Lin Yuan mentioned that the poison in his body was gradually eliminated, and the impact on his reproductive capability was getting smaller and smaller, he felt that Luo Shuyu would be able to conceive a child soon, and the most important thing was that he had never retched 3ven when he fell I'll before. 

    This time, it must be different!

    Li Mingjin: "Let the doctor take a look first."

    Luo Shuyu: "Alright." He didn't understand why Li Mingjin was so anxious all of a sudden.

    He was really not feeling well today, his throat was a little itchy.

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    Lin Yuan checked Luo Shuyu's pulse, while Li Mingjin was silent and didn't dare to make a sound. Those who knew him well knew that he had a good temper, but his appearance always gave others misperception.

    Luo Shuyu saw how nervous he was, which made him tense up, he thought that he might have some incurable disease.

    After Lin Yuan checked the pulse, he asked a few more questions and reached a conclusion.

    Li Mingjin stared at him, his eyes were full of urgency, and his expression was tense, as if he was waiting for a big news.

    Lin Yuan didn't dare to look at Li Mingjin, he just looked at Luo Shuyu, and said, "The third imperial concubine is fine. It's been cold recently, and his spleen and stomach are suffering from cold. I'll prescribe some medicine for you. Pay attention to stay warm these few days. Try to open the air vents in the room as small as possible."

    Li Mingjin was taken aback: "No other symptoms?"

    Lin Yuan shook his head: "No, Your Highness, don't worry, the third imperial concubine will be fine after drinking the medicine for two days."

    Li Mingjin said again Repeatedly asked: "How about you examine him once again? He vomited."

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    Luo Shuyu finally heard the point of Li Mingjin's concern, so he gave Qingwang a wink to send Lin Yuan out.

     After Dr. Lin left, there was only Li Mingjin, who was a little regretful, and Luo Shuyu, who completely saw through him were left.

     The servant reheated the porridge and brought it in. This time there were two more vegetarian buns, which Luo Shuyu requested. When he saw Li Mingjin, he suddenly had appetite.

    After Luo Shuyu finished his porridge, he asked Li Mingjin who was sitting opposite him: "What's wrong, Your Highness?"

    Li Mingjin shook his head: "It's nothing, you should get well soon."

    Luo Shuyu raised his finger and stroked across his eyebrow: "Look, it's all wrinkled into the creases of an old lady here, and Your Highness still said it's nothing."

    Li Mingjin was stubborn: "It's really nothing, I'm just worried about you."

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    Luo Shuyu leaned forward and said softly: "I believe Your Highness is really worried about me, but this time you seem to be expecting something else?"

    Li Mingjin: "..." His wife's eyes were too sharp.

    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness, let's let nature take its course. If it's time for us to have it then we have it, if it's not then we don't have it. Don't be too nervous. Take good care of your body now, I'm not in a hurry."

    Originally Luo Shuyu didn't want to talk about this matter, but the inability to give birth due to physical reasons had caused pressure on Li Mingjin, and he must get rid of this worry and apprehensions.

    Li Mingjin sighed: "You still comfort me, which ger doesn't want to have a child of his own with his husband after marriage."

    Luo Shuyu affirmed his point of view: "Many gers think like this. Naturally, I also want to have children with Your Highness, but Your Highness, there is no need for you to put too much pressure on yourself. We will definitely have children, but there is no need to rush. Besides, I really don't worry about the fact that we don't have children, really, believe me. Your Highness, you have two tasks now, one is to maintain a healthy body, and the other is to look forward to our future. "

    After Luo Shuyu spoke like this, if Li Mingjin still didn't understand, then he was really blind to Luo Shuyu's good intentions, and his thoughts were wrong.

    The current situation was unclear, and there were still many uncertainties in the future. If their children came at this time, they really might not be able to take care of them. If they didn't have children, it was also a kind of protection for them, at least they wouldn't let their children come to this world to suffer.

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