Li Mingjin took a deep breath: "I know, I won't go into a bull's horn next time."

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[钻牛角尖 zuān niú jiǎo jiān: to go into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs]

    Luo Shuyu smiled and said: "Your Highness, this is human nature. Believe me, we will have our children." At least he now knew that when Li Mingjin said he didn't want a child before because of his health. In fact, combined with his attitude towards himself and his child in the previous life, how could he not want to have a child with him?

    Li Mingjin kissed luo Shuyu's forehead: "You still comfort me, don't go out today, the wind will make your condition worse, just stay indoors."

    Luo Shuyu coughed lightly: "I know."

    It was true when he was sick, he must focus on his body. Only with a healthy body he could do more things.

     During Luo Shuyu's illness, Li Mingjin didn't go out very much, he stayed with Luo Shuyu at their yard everyday, he watched him attentively and made sure that Luo Shuyu would take the medicine when the time came. 

    Luo Shuyu wanted to drive him out to drink with Lin Haiming, he felt that Li Mingjin was really annoying, the medicine was really hard to drink, okay?

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    Five days later, Lin Yuan came for a follow-up visit and announced that Luo Shuyu was cured. Li Mingjin stopped staring at Luo Shuyu and devoted himself to the construction of Gucheng again.

    In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the year.

    Winter in the north came quickly, and the mansion, like other officials' homes, stockpiled vegetables and fruits that should be used in winter early.

    After the other side of the capital settled down, Li Mingjin wrote several letters to Emperor Tiansheng under Luo Shuyu's urging, to show that he cared about his old man's situation and told him not to work too hard. However, sometimes Li Mingjin really didn't know what to write. He and Emperor Tiansheng really didn't get along that well, Luo Shuyu was sick again, so he wrote a little perfunctorily, learning Luo Shuyu's habit of writing short messages.

    On this day, Emperor Tiansheng was reviewing the memorial in his palace, and the old eunuch brought him a letter written by Li Mingjin with a smile on his face.

    "Your Majesty, the Third Highness has sent a letter, do you want to read it now?"

    Emperor Tiansheng was bored after sitting and reviewing the memorial all afternoon. When he heard the letter, he stretched his waist and said, "Bring it."

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    The thing that made him happy recently was receiving the letter from the third child. Although it was only written about the family's matters, chicken feather and garlic skin, Emperor Tiansheng really liked it. Compared with reading memorials and quarreling with the women in the harem, reading the third child's letters was much more interesting.

[鸡毛蒜皮 jī máo suàn pí: chicken feather, garlic skin (idiom); trivial matter; kitchen trash]

    Li Mingjin's letter had become the most anticipated thing for Emperor Tiansheng recently, and it was also the only thing that could make him happy.

    However, Emperor Tiansheng read today's letter again and again, but he still couldn't find any flowers.

    Seeing that Emperor Tiansheng put down the letter after looking at it for a while, the old eunuch asked, "Your Majesty, why didn't you read it?"

     Emperor Tiansheng spread out the letter with only a few lines, and asked doubtfully, "Didn't he miss a few pages, why is there only one sheet now?"

    The old eunuch saw that the letter was really short.

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    Emperor Tiansheng couldn't help guessing: "Recently, the Guiyan Kingdom in the north hasn't committed any crimes again, so he doesn't need to fight. Could it be that he is quarreling with his wife?"

     The old eunuch covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the Third Highness and the Third Imperial Concubine are in a good relationship. It may be a small fight between husband and wife."

    Emperor Tiansheng put the letter on the table: "Tsk, his mood has affected me."

    The old eunuch was also a smart person, so he picked out what Emperor Tiansheng wanted to hear and said, "Your Majesty, the Third Highness has your favor, and this is acting like a spoiled child to you."

     Emperor Tiansheng looked at the letter and smiled: "That's right, he dares to display petty temper in front of me, grind the ink for me, I'm going to write a letter to tell him properly. "

    The old eunuch immediately responded: "Yes, this old slave will grind the ink for Your Majesty."

    Li Mingjin still didn't know that because of his first time laziness, could make Emperor Tiansheng feel sorry for him. Along with Emperor Tiansheng's letter, there were loads of winter clothes, melons and fruits, all of which were transported from the capital. The weather was cold, and all the food was well preserved.

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    In winter, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin also ate vegetables from the capital.

    When Chen Rong heard that there was something delicious, he came over to eat and drink, and Dr. Lin also cheekily followed. Later Li Mingjin also brought the Wei family brothers and Lin Haiming over. When there were too many people, the food was easy to get cold, so they let the servants prepare the hot pot, and they could boil the meat and vegetables to eat.

     Eating hot pot and drinking were really refreshing. Luo Shuyu accompanied Li Mingjin the whole time, and even had a few drinks with a few people.

    After coming to the north, he didn't care so much about some details. Only by knowing the people around Li Mingjin, he could help him more.

    There were people who wanted to draw Li Mingjin to the opposite side of the Wei family before, however they didn't play their cards according to the routine, and unexpectedly Li Mingjin and the Wei family brothers still got along well. With the support of the Wei family, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu carried out their plan in the north. The Governor, as their biggest obstacle, had also been escorted back to the capital, and they were still waiting for what would happen next. After all, he was the henchman of the first prince, and he was taken out to express their loyalty to Emperor Tiansheng.

[按套路出牌的人: playing card according to the routine (idiom) behave in conventional manner or according to implicit social customs, and the next move can easily be guessed.]

    It was just that Governor Zhu really didn't expect the first prince to lose so quickly, and it was too late to regret.

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