Naturally, the college entrance examination mentioned by Shen Mingyun flashed through Luo Shuyu's mind. It was the method in his era to select talented people to enter different schools. If they did well in the exam, they would go to a school with qualified teacher to teach them, and if they didn't do well in the exam, they would go to a mediocre school.

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    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness, I think we have this kind of method because the common people have no way to receive education. If everyone is literate and has a skill, there is no need to study hard for ten years just to get a champion. "

    Li Mingjin nodded: "You are right, education in our country is a problem."

    The whole family raised one person just to let him read books, go through the imperial examinations, and stand out among his peers. There were too few ways out, so people's thinking would become pedantic and rigid, and the country wouldn't make progress. They wanted to change this tradition that had been passed down for thousands of years. It was very difficult to change it, but it still needes to be changed.

    However, these were the problems that they would focus on after they truly controlled the lifeline of the country. Now, there was still an important problem in front of Luo Shuyu.

    It seemed something would happen in Chunwei?

    Luo Shuyu suddenly remembered that his second brother would also participate in chunwei this year. In the previous life, there was a major incident in the year when he took the preliminary round of imperial examinations. At that time, Luo Renshou ran around because his second brother was framed for buying the answers, and he also came to ask him if he could help. Luo Shuyu didn't have a good relationship with Li Mingjin at that time. He disapproved of Luo Shuhan's cheating in buying answers, and he didn't intend to help him, so he refused to help.

    But later, Shen Mingyun didn't know what he did to make Luo Shuhan get out of this scandal, and his final grades seemed to be pretty good, so he was sent out of the capital to be an official.

    At that time, Shen Mingyun didn't take part in the imperial examination, but his name could be heard everywhere. He published a set of "Ten Years of Imperial Examination Papers", which was printed in large quantities, and many candidates bought it for review. It was very popular at that time.

    More or less, it was the previous years' questions and the answers of the previous champions were printed and distributed together. The candidates paid a lot of money to buy this set of questions.

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    As for the leaking of the exam questions and someone even sold the answers, Luo Shuyu remembered that the crown prince was involved in this matter, but the crown prince was safe and sound under the care of the Right Prime Minister Yan.

    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness, do you know who is the chief examiner for this year's imperial examination?"

    Li Mingjin was obviously not too concerned about the imperial examination: "It's either the Right Prime Minister or the Left Prime Minister. After all, it's always the two of them who must compete every year."

    Luo Shuyu asked tentatively : "Your Highness, what will happen if something happens in the imperial examination this year?"

    Li Mingjin wondered if his wife was going to use his magical power again, so he began to listen attentively: "What will happen to the imperial examination?"

    Luo Shuyu: "Well, maybe someone will leak the questions, and someone will buy the answers."

    Li Mingjin: "Actually, it may really happen."

    Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness, you really believe that something will happen in this imperial examination?"

    Li Mingjin chuckled, but his mind turned quickly: "There are many disadvantages of the imperial examination. If there is someone whose hands and eyes wants to go to the highest place, and if that person wants to enlist their own people in the court, the imperial examination is the best way. You are right, this year must be the best time, one is that because father becomes sick more and more this year, and the other is the appearance of the fourth prince. The Yan family may take this opportunity to insert their people. The Yan family will always be the Yan family, and the Li family will always be the Li family. "

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    Luo Shuyu: "What do you mean, the crown prince may not know about this?"

    Li Mingjin: "It's also possible that the crown prince will also want to break away from the control of the Yan family."

    Luo Shuyu: "This is really complicated. "

    Li Mingjin: "I will let people investigate this matter. If it's used well, it can also weaken the spirit of the Crown Prince and the Yan family."

    Luo Shuyu: "Will the credit be given to the fourth prince?"

    Li Mingjin: "Yes."

    It was also interesting to watch other people fight slowly.

    Under the bright sunshine, the husband and wife smiled treacherously.

    Going out today was still rewarding.

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    At the beginning of March of the same year, Chunwei began.

    Immediately afterwards, the news from the capital city spread to Gucheng one after another.

    Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and quietly added more firewood to the capital, and roasted the crown prince and the Yan family on the fire.

    As expected, Luo Shuhan of the Luo family really bought the answer, but this time Shen Mingyun didn't help him, Luo Renshou was so angry that he aged ten years overnight.

    Actually he wanted to find Luo Shuyu, but unfortunately Luo Shuyu was in the north. No matter how much the third prince made contributions, they were far away from the capital, let alone, it was impossible for them to help them.

    Luo Shuhan was imprisoned, and there were more than 20 people were imprisoned at the same time as him. Emperor Tiansheng, who was furious, said that he would personally interrogate this group of daring candidates.

    In the end, all the evidence that was found pointed to the crown prince, but the crown prince was also smart person, so he went directly to the queen, asked her help to solve this matter. In the end, the Yan family pulled someone out to serve as forced labor. However, after this incident, the Yan family also had some complaints against the crown prince.

    The crown prince was too ignorant.

    At the end of March, the Crown Princess and Shen Mingyun who were pregnant at the same time, they were about to give birth.

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    Luo Shuyu just had dinner, so he dragged Li Mingjin to eat some snacks. He felt a little bit stuffed, and Li Mingjin kept looking at his stomach.

    "Yu'er, are you really not pregnant?"

    Luo Shuyu sucked in his slightly protruding belly, and said affirmatively, "No." It's really just because I'm full.

     Li Mingjin: "That must be because I didn't work hard enough."

     When he could be a father?

The author has something to say: The Third Prince: Wife, today you are the prince's fulang, and I'm the prince who abuse you physically and mentally. I don't care about you, but you have always been with me! Today, you will say one more word to the concierge, I'm so overbearing, I'm very angry, and I immediately pull you into the room!

Luo Shuyu: After entering the room, the fulang accidentally drink the poisonous wine that you use to scare him, and he immediately bleed from the seven orifices and die because of the poison.

The Third Prince: ...

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