When Li Mingjin had a normal state of mind about why Luo Shuyu still hadn't pregnant. The crown princess and Shen Mingyun, who had received so much attention in the capital, gave birth to the eldest grandson of the emperor at the same time of the same year, the same month, and the same day, so this time it was very lively, two grandsons at the same time!

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    Everyone readily praised Emperor Tiansheng for his good fortune.

    Emperor Tiansheng was really happy this time. He had been looking forward to it for so many years. This time, two grandsons came, and he was so happy that his minor illness and small pains flew away. He immediately rewarded the Crown Princess and Shen Mingyun with many treasures, and even sent a word that he would personally name the two little grandsons.

    Both of them were imperial concubines. Although the crown princess was s a level higher than Shen Mingyun, Emperor Tiansheng was happy, and the rewards for the two were similar.

    However, unlike the elation of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, the Crown Prince's Mansion was not as happy as everyone imagined.

    The eldest grandson of the emperor had just been born. Although the child was of the same age as the child from the fourth prince's family, their status were more noble, and they should be happier. However, there was no excitement on the faces of the crown prince and crown princess. They became silent, couldn't even laugh. The most confusing thing was that the crown prince didn't even hug his own son.

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    Now, everyone was waiting for the full moon wine a month later, and it would be even more lively.

    Should they go to the East Palace to have the full moon wine or go to the Fourth Prince's mansion to have the full moon wine?

    If it was an ordinary family, it was just a gathering of the family, but if it was a royal family, it became a gathering of different factions. Later it would become clear at a glance who supported the crown prince and who supported the fourth prince.

    Today situation was very clear.

    When the power of the first prince was still there, no one knew who would win the world in the end.

    Now, the crown prince was definitely in the limelight, and the fourth prince was just a rising power, so there was nothing to worry about among the princelings. However, it still couldn't make people relax their vigilance. After all, there was still Emperor Tiansheng's support behind the fourth prince, it meant that Emperor Tiansheng and the Yan family were clearly opposite to each other.

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    The crown prince was just a pawn held by the Yan family, while the fourth prince was a knife that Emperor Tiansheng just used.

    Whether it was the Yan family or Emperor Tiansheng, it depended on the full moon wine this time.

    As for the third prince, who was thought by everyone to go to the north to eat soil, he was completely forgotten by those who were caught up in the power struggles.

    The only people who still could think of him was Emperor Tiansheng who had a "father-son relationship" in his heart, and the Old General Wei who grew flowers and raised birds at home everyday.

    They weren't in the north, so they didn't know the current development of Gucheng. They only knew that more and more new gadgets had flowed into the capital in recent years, and the money had been swindled.

    If someone went to Gucheng to take a look, they would probably find that Li Mingjin had built Gucheng became secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water. The soldiers were elite soldiers, and even the common people were also soldiers. , If there was an enemy coming, the things in their hands were also weapon, and the folk customs were very valiant.

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[固若金汤 gù ruò jīn tāng: secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom); well fortified; invulnerable to attack]

    The local people had received the favor of the third prince and the third imperial concubine, and they loved them more than when the old General Wei was still there.

    The Old General Wei protected Gucheng so that the common people could live in peace, but the third prince did more than that. In addition to keep the common people safe, he also made their quality of life steadily improved. In the past two years, he not only solved their food and clothing problem, but also reduced the taxes, so their families had surplus food every year.

    That Guiyan Kingdom was beaten back and couldn't even get past the border mirror, and suffered a huge loss.

    Li Mingjin not only built Gucheng became secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water, but also tricked the Guiyan Kingdom to make the internal fighting between their royal brothers became more severe. Last winter, they didn't send troops to attack Daxia. On the contrary, their tribes fought among themselves, causing a lot of internal friction and cutting off most of their strength.

    Now was the stage for Gucheng to recover. Li Mingjin could take this gasping for breath period and use this free time to develop and strengthen his own power.

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    Only he and his dark guards knew about the matter of raising private soldiers, not even Chen Rong.

    The fewer people who knew about this matter, the better. It was also a kind of protection for them. Even the elite soldiers trained by them in secret didn't know who their master was. Of course, this was all self-protection in the early stage, and when they had confidence in the future, they could naturally show their identity.

    A month was a short time.

    The two newborn children of the crown prince and the fourth prince were completely reduced to be the pawns in the struggle between the two factions, and of course it was possible for them to be the sacrificial victims.

    Today is the full moon wine for the two children, and Shen Mingyun was complacent about it. He hugged the child who looked seven points like the fourth prince to show off to the people who came to see him who was still in confinement, the old lady of the Luo family also came.

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