Luo Renshou's newly-married wife, Tian Fang also came together with Old lady Luo. The background of this Tian Fang was not simple, but her whole family was on the side of the Fourth Prince, and now Luo Renshou was definitely on the side of the Fourth Prince. So their marriage could be regarded as a political marriage. Of course, this new wife looked beautiful and fresh, which fit Luo Renshou's aesthetics. Now she was very spoiled, and she was a treasure in the palm of his hand.

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    Suddenly, a lady asked Shen Mingyun: "Fourth imperial concubine, you have given birth to grandson for the emperor. The third imperial concubine got married earlier than you, does he have a child now?"

    When Shen Mingyun heard someone mentioning Luo Shuyu who he had almost forgotten, Shen Mingyun lost a little smile on his face: "You mean my cousin? It seems that there is no child yet."

    The other lady asked again: "After all, it can't be that the northern land is too cold, which affects the fertility, right? The third imperial concubine has been married to the third prince for three years, and there is still no good news in the past three years. Could it be that there is something wrong with his health? "

    Someone said: "How can you talk about the third prince and his imperial concubine like this, it's not good for you to do so."

     Shen Mingyun said very generously: "It's okay, let's chat casually."

     The new wife of the Luo family who was sitting next to the old lady Luo couldn't help curling her lips. Did the fourth imperial concubine have something dirty in his head? The first young master of the first wife of the Luo family, still his own brother, was it really alright to let anyone mock him in front of himself like this. The good reputation that the fourth prince had accumulated outside would be ruined by the four imperial concubine.

    What was so special about him?

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    What Shen Mingyun said in the banquet quickly reached Emperor Tiansheng's ears. Fortunately, he gave birth to the eldest grandson of the emperor, and he was still in confinement. So the next day Shen Mingyun received an order from Emperor Tiansheng, he ordered Shen Mingyun to reflect on his mistakes behind the closed door in the residence of the fourth prince, and to copy the scriptures for the soldiers and common people in the north. The ladies who broke their mouths that day were also punished.

    Emperor Tiansheng's feelings for Li Mingjin and his wife were different!

    Because of this matter, the fourth prince had been laughed at for a long time. If it wasn't for the fact that Shen Mingyun gave birth to a fat boy for him, Li Mingchun really wanted to lock him up and beat him up. The good reputation he had accumulated for so many years was almost ruined by him.

    Of course, Shen Mingyun didn't feel that he had done something wrong, but instead he said to the fourth prince: "Expressing opinion should be free, let those women speak if they want to, it's nothing serious, and they didn't insult him, they were just discussing something on its own merits."

    When the fourth prince heard what he said, he was almost dizzy with anger: "You are the imperial concubine of the prince of a country. No matter whether our relationship with the third brother is good or not, we have to protect the face of the royal family and not make people laugh at our royal family."

    Shen Mingyun said again: "Can't we be more realistic? Our relationship with them is so-so, and they are in the north, and they don't know the situation here. It's just some gossip. How important is face?"

     The fourth prince said angrily: "Even if it's only idle gossip, you shouldn't let this kind of gossip spread out from our prince's mansion!"

     Shen Mingyun yelled back: "Li Mingchun, I worked so hard to give birth to a son for you, and now you are arguing with me over such a trivial matter?"

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    The fourth prince: "You should know what we're planning. I'm just reasoning with you. The royal family's face is a big matter, not a trivial matter."

    Shen Mingyun: "Then you shouldn't yell at me and scold me!"

    The fourth prince decided not to reason with Shen Mingyun anymore. He had been with Shen Mingyun for a long time now, and he knew he was a typical person who failed to grasp the big picture and ignorant commoner. Compared with Luo Shuyu from the third brother's family, there was really a big difference, there was no pattern at all.
[不识大体 bù shí dà tǐ: to fail to grasp the big picture, to fail to see the larger issue]

    They had lived together for several years, and he almost died of anger several times in the past.

    Forget it, he could only bear with it, now he still needed the uniqueness of Shen Mingyun, at least he could come up with something different to maintain his father-son relationship with his father, at least he still had a face in front of his father now, and his father also supported him.

    The fourth prince was not stupid, he also sent people to inquire about the newborn children of the crown prince, and he also had some spies in the crown prince's east palace.

    After the Crown Princess gave birth to a child, the outsiders hardly saw this newborn child. The outsiders only knew that the Crown Princess valued this child because she had lost a child before, so now she loved this child very much. No one doubted this matter.

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    The Fourth Prince didn't have a strong foundation but he still could survive in peace and stability. His most powerful point was his stronger insight than others.

    He checked this matter, and he believed that there must be something shady about that child, otherwise the East Palace wouldn't conceal this matter like this.

    What exactly was going on?

    There must be a hidden meaning in it, and he must investigate it carefully.


    During the spring plowing time, Li Mingjin took Luo Shuyu to watch the people planting the land, and behind them were rows of soldiers.

    The soldiers and generals were waiting for the third prince's order.

    Li Mingjin looked at it for a while and said, "Yu'er, I'm going down to learn how to farm, you wait for me at the side."

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    It was really inconvenient for Luo Shuyu to go down, so he listened to Li Mingjin's arrangement and Chen Rong also waited at the side with him.

    When the common people saw the third prince and the third imperial concubine with the appearance of a fairy, they were all stunned and almost delayed doing farm work.

    Li Mingjin asked the general at the side: "What are you still doing in a daze, work hard, this year's harvest depends on how hard you work."

     The seeds that Luo Shuyu sent people to retrieve last year were tested and found to be able to produce high yields. They started planting these seeds this year, and they must be able to increase the yields again this year.

    Li Mingjin was the first to go to the field. In fact, it was still a bit cold in the field, but he didn't feel it because he was used to stay in the north these years. But Luo Shuyu, who was standing above, was a little worried.

    Chen Rong saw his worry, and said with a smile: "The third imperial concubine doesn't have to be like this. His Highness has led the soldiers and generals to work together for the past two years. Everyone is already familiar with him, and the common people also like him very much."

    Luo Shuyu: "I understand."

    Chen Rong: "Have you heard about the capital?"

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