Luo Shuyu: "What's the matter?" He also had his own business in Gucheng. Gucheng had opened two Huimin Schools, which were managed by him. He absorbed the informations in the book, summed them up, and let the deans of the two schools compete with each other, who was better to treat and recruit the students, who would give the students the best education in the shortest time, and whose students would have the most value.

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     The effect was perfect, Luo Shuyu felt that he hadn't wasted his thoughts in vain.

     At the same time, he also opened a "Yushantang" to offer shelter for the orphans.
[育 yù: to have children; to raise or bring up; to educate - 善 shàn: good (virtuous); benevolent - 堂 táng: large room for a specific purpose]

     There were so many things to do, so he didn't have time to pay attention to the things in the capital, and he thought it wasn't a big deal, otherwise, Chen Rong wouldn't have mentioned it to him when they were chatting.

     Chen Rong said in a low voice: "I just got the news that there may be something wrong with one of the two imperial grandchildrens, the one in the East Palace."

     Luo Shuyu raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong? What could go wrong, wasn't it born smoothly? Father even had given the name for the child. "

     The book didn't describe too much about Shen Mingyun and the crown prince's children. Most of the writing was boring content about the fourth prince who was jealous of his own child. So what was going on now? However, what he knew was that the crown prince didn't have a son in the previous life.

     His initial guess was, it was possible because of his rebirth that  everything changed, but now since Chen Rong said so, could there be a fake emperor's grandson in the East Palace?

     Chen Rong smiled and said: "Why can't there be fakes? Have you ever heard of exchanging civet cat for crown prince?"

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[狸猫换太子 : exchange civet cat for crown prince; to substitute someone's valuable item with another item]

     Luo Shuyu: "Impossible, how could the child born to the crown princess be replaced, the crown prince will be the first to not spare her. "

     Chen Rong: "I mean that there are similarities in the same way, but I don't mean that someone deliberately replaced the child."

     Luo Shuyu had some guesses: "Then what do you mean?"

     Chen Rong: "Maybe what I said next is not right."

     Luo Shuyu: "It's just you and me here, so it's better for you to talk straight." The servants were all a certain distance away from them, and the two of them spoke lightly, so others couldn't hear them.

     Chen Rong: "That day, the Crown Princess actually gave birth to the grandson of the emperor, and immediately sent someone to the palace to spread the news. However, the child died less than a quarter of an hour after birth, and the East Palace had no choice but to send someone immediately to find a newborn child and bring it into the east palace, so their child was born at the same time as the fourth imperial concubine. "

     Luo Shuyu was very surprised now, he did know something, but he didn't expect that there was a secret behind it, so the crown prince really didn't have the luck to have a son? And now because of the Fourth Prince, he was forced to do this?

     Luo Shuyu: "Isn't this confusing the royal lineage?"

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     Chen Rong: "Yes, our people in the Crown Prince's palace heard someone say that the reason why the Crown Princess doesn't let outsiders see the child is because the child is already one and a half months old, and it will show flaws when people see him."

     Luo Shuyu: "It's so hidden, no one else found out?"

     Chen Rong: "Our people deliberately revealed the news to the fourth prince, and something will be happening soon."

     Luo Shuyu immediately thought of something: "Probably there will be no more peace and security in the capital again."

     "Why is there no peace and security?"

     Li Mingjin's voice broke in suddenly, and Luo Shuyu asked him to wash his feet with water before putting on his shoes and socks.

     On the way back to the mansion, Luo Shuyu relayed the news Chen Rong told him to Li Mingjin.

     Li Mingjin hung his feet in the carriage: "I know, if this matter is really exposed, then the crown prince's life experience will definitely be brought to the table."

     Luo Shuyu handed him a dry handkerchief to wipe off the water on his feet: "Do you think father knows about this?"

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     Li Mingjin: "The fourth brother knows about it, so it's impossible for father not to know about it."

     After thinking about it, Luo Shuyu realized that the current fourth prince relied on the forces behind Shen Mingyun and Emperor Tiansheng, and he would definitely communicate with Emperor Tiansheng.

     Luo Shuyu asked Li Mingjin: "Aren't you surprised?"

     Li Mingjin smiled: "I'm not surprised. I have long suspected that the crown prince was not father's son. He will not let the fourth brother have the eldest grandson of the emperor. The only way is that he must have a son before the fourth brother. If you have done something like this before, you will only be more proficient and premeditated if you do it again, otherwise you won't do it so direct and efficient. "

     Luo Shuyu: "Indeed." The reaction was too quick.

     The two chatted and arrived at the destination. Luo Shuyu got out of the carriage and found that this was not the gate of their mansion, but a place he had never been to.

     Luo Shuyu looked at the private house in front of him: "Where is this?"

     Li Mingjin smiled mysteriously: "I'll take you to see a freshly baked treasure."

     After a while, Luo Shuyu saw the treasure that Li Mingjin said, the newly produced hand cannon.

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     They were one step closer to that position.

     Two days later.

     Sure enough, something big happened in the capital.

     The crown princess confused the royal family's blood and was confined in the East Palace. All those involved in this matter would be punished and killed. Emperor Tiansheng even lost his temper at The Right Prime Minister, and ordered him to reflect on himself at the mansion, and he wouldn't have to go to court in the next few days!

     After losing his temper, Emperor Tiansheng went to Concubine Mei's Changle Palace. He squatted aside to watch her grow vegetables, and murmured: "I'm now hoping that Mingjin and Shuyu will give me a grandson."

     Concubine Mei sneered, and chopped off the roots of the weeds with a hoe.

     Emperor Tiansheng changed his words: "It doesn't matter if it's a daughter or a ger."

The author has something to say: The Third prince: wife, today you are the weak and small emperor of a country, and I'm the prime minister with all the power. You can only continue to enjoy the glory and wealth if you please me. Today, you invite me, the prime minister to enter the palace to "serve the bed", and you are wearing tulle... …

Luo Shuyu: The weak emperor fell ill from the cold because of wearing too little clothes that night. Since then, he has been ill and passed away not long after.

The Third Prince: ...

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