Chapter 72 

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    The incident of the fake emperor's grandson caused a lot of uproar. The common people in the capital didn't know about it, but the upper class knew what they should know.

    The crown prince lost the trust of Emperor Tiansheng, and he couldn't see Emperor Tiansheng for more than half a month. The queen also begged Emperor Tiansheng, but Emperor Tiansheng had accumulated dissatisfaction with her for many years, so he ignored her. Hearing this news, the other concubines began to try to climb the dragon bed, hoping to gain the favor of Emperor Tiansheng.

    It was a pity that Emperor Tiansheng had already seen all the beauties in the world, and he didn't have much interest in these concubines. It was better to watch Concubine Mei plant the vegetables in Changle Palace, on the contrary, it could make him relaxed. He also helped Concubine Mei sow the seeds for a few days, picked vegetables a few times, and unexpectedly his spirit improved a little, even the imperial doctor praised him for his healthier body.

    For this reason, Emperor Tiansheng was even more diligent to go to the Changle Palace where Concubine Mei lived. He personally set up fences, started carpentry, and helped Concubine Mei water the vegetables. In less than a month, he got sunburnt. However, the number of visits to the imperial doctor had been reduced several times compared to the previous month. According to the imperial doctor's examination, his body was healthier.

    It turned out that there were other benefits of farming, so Emperor Tiansheng fell in love with rural life for a while.

    When the concubines in the harem heard this news, they pulled out the precious flowers in their yards one by one, and they all learned the skill of farming from the concubine Mei of Changle Palace. The only ones who knew how to farm in the palace were the people in Changle Palace. They couldn't learn the essence, but they could still make superficial appearances. As long as they could attract Emperor Tiansheng's attention, everyone was lover's heart was not in the cup.

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[醉翁之意不在酒 zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔwine: lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol; having an ulterior motive; to have other things in mind; with an ax to grind; accomplishing something besides what one set out to do]

    The east palace  deceived Emperor Tiansheng with the fake emperor's grandson. No one would believe that it had nothing to do with the Yan family.

    During this period of time, everyone also knew the decline of the crown prince, the crown prince lost his power and the East Palace had become low-key, while the power of the fourth prince had sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and the scenery was infinite for a while.

    It was true that the crown prince had done something stupid. The eldest grandson of the emperor could only add icing on the cake on his way to the throne. He was already a crown prince, and it would be fine even without the emperor's grandson for the time being. The Yan family would definitely protect him until he ascended the throne. If nothing happened, he was basically still stable, but unfortunately, there were more and more speculations about him from the outside world. Not only that, the matter of whether he was really the biological child of Emperor Tiansheng was also quietly brought up.

    All these years, everyone had kept silent about this matter, but now it was used to make a fuss. The crown prince is really roasted on the fire, what was more, Emperor Tiansheng seemed to be ignorant of the rumors. No matter what or how the crown prince or the queen requested to see him, he didn't pay any attention to them. He acted as if he didn't know this matter and continue to enjoy the life of returning to the field.

    The turmoil and undercurrents in the capital were still there, and the peaceful life in the north was also continuing.

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    This was Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu's third year in the north, and it was also the eighteenth year of Tiansheng.

    This was the third summer they had spent here.

    Luo Shuyu stood in the yard and stared at the fish swimming in the pond, wondering how long it would be before they died in their last life. The year they died was the Lantern Festival in the twentieth year of Tiansheng, and it was still about a year and a half away. In other words, there was not much time left for them.

    In the previous life, he never thought that he would stay in the north for nearly three years. Li Mingjin and him had accumulated something over the years. Now the crown prince was pressed by the fourth prince step by step, and the fourth prince had Shen Mingyun's help. According to the evil nature of the system, the fourth prince would still defeat the crown prince. In the end, they would confront Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince. The most important thing was the system behind Shen Mingyun. That thing had some magical powers, so it should be watching them all the time.

    Fortunately, there were still a few years to gasp for breath, Luo Shuyu felt that even if he was reborn again, he wouldn't regret choosing Li Mingjin.

    In the following a year and half, there would be more important matters for them to do.

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    As he was thinking about it, he heard someone calling him.

    "Why are you here? I have been looking for you for a long time."

    It was Li Mingjin.

    Luo Shuyu smiled and said: "What's the matter? I came to feed the fish. Qingwang, let someone catch some fishes, we are going to eat fish at night."

    Qingwang retreated.

    Li Mingjin: "The weather is so hot, what should I do if you get heat stroke later?"

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    Luo Shuyu said indifferently, "Am I so delicate? If it's too hot I can sit in the gazebo for a while, what are you so nervous about?"

    Li Mingjin put his arms around his shoulders: "Yu'er, don't underestimate your position in my heart, I can't wait to carry you in my arms everyday."

    Luo Shuyu was amused by him: "You still want to carry me in your arms everyday, what are you thinking?" Actually he knew that Li Mingjin was right, he really treated him differently.

    It was indeed a bit hot in the summer afternoon, Luo Shuyu followed Li Mingjin back to their room, and drank a bowl of mung bean soup with ice. It was cold, and the irritability in his heart disappeared.

    Li Mingjin also drank a bowl. He wanted to drink two bowls, but Luo Shuyu didn't allow it. Drinking too much ice would hurt his stomach.

    After calming down, Luo Shuyu turned around and discussed with Li Mingjin about when they should return to capital.

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